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Questions tagged [rebuke-tochacha]

Questions about those two sections in the Torah - in בְּחֻקֹּתַי and כִּי תָבוֹא - that foretell misfortune for not obeying the Torah.

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Obligation of rebuke with non halachic converts

In my understanding, the command to rebuke a sinner only applies if we have reason to believe the sinner will listen. As example, an atheist Jew who breaks Shabbat and won’t listen to rebuke there’s ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Shaliach Tzibur (Chazzan) who mumbles the words

What is the correct thing to do if you are in a minyan and the Shaliach Tzibur mumbles all the words together? I am talking about in the middle of davening and not afterwards which I think every Rav ...
Resident Mortal's user avatar
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Messages from Hashem

I have heard from my teachers that when something major happens in the world, this is a message from Hashem. But it is a message for Israel and actually for the religious people in our nation- because ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Has HKBH promised an increase in wealth to one who does Torah?

I was reading the blessings and curses in parshat Ki Savo and came away with the impression that the blessing is on the things that we already have, our lot, rather than being an increase in what we ...
Tom W's user avatar
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Why does God appear to Avraham about Sarah’s laughter?

In Bereshis (Perek 18) why would God appear to Avraham regarding Sarah’s laughter and not appear to Sarah herself? Isn’t one’s relationship with God personal, not necessarily involving one’s spouse? ...
Rachel's user avatar
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Source for Quiet Tochacha Leining

The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (78:4) brings the custom of וְכָל מַה שֶׁקּוֹרֵא בְּקוֹל נָמוּךְ, צָרִיךְ שֶׁיְהֵא עַל כָּל פָּנִים הַקּוֹל נִשְׁמַע לַצִבּוּר - Anyone who reads [the Tochacha] in a low ...
NJM's user avatar
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If someone is about to commit a sin on purpose, should you stop him even if it'll cause embarrassment?

Imagine that someone is about to commit a sin on purpose (Torah or rabbinic); but you don't know that it was done on purpose, so I guess you give him the benefit of the doubt. Is it better to stop ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Connection Between Tochacha and Evaluating People (Arechin) [duplicate]

Immediately after the long Tochacha of Bechukosai (Vayikra 26:14), the Torah continues with Arechin (Vayikra 27)- evalutating people's value in money to be consecrated for the Mishkan/Beis HaMikdash. ...
NJM's user avatar
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Does the Tokhacha (Leviticus 26:14-41; Deuteronomy 28:15-68) apply to the Holocaust?

Does the curse of the Law (Leviticus 26:14-41 and Deuteronomy 28:15-68) apply in some way to the Shoah/Holocaust? Likewise, the prayer of Daniel in Daniel 9:4-19, in which he does not blame the ...
Clifford Durousseau's user avatar
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What is the proper way to reproach a rav?

Unfortunately, there are many shuls where the majority of people talk during the service. Even more unfortunate, is that some of the people who do the most talking are primary synagogue officers with ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can a sinner preach to other people to stop sinning?

Can somebody who has committed a particular sin nonetheless rebuke other people for doing it? Or does he have to first stop doing the sin himself?
Ramban's user avatar
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Why does the Torah mention the idea of illnesses that are NOT in the Torah?

In enumerating the "curses" that would occur if we do not perform mitzvoth, Devarim 28:61 says: "גַּם כָּל־חֳלִי וְכָל־מַכָּה אֲשֶׁר לֹא כָתוּב בְּסֵפֶר הַתּוֹרָה הַזֹּאת יַעְלֵם ה' ...
DanF's user avatar
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Where did the Leviim stand during the Blessings and Curses?

Did the Leviim stand on Mount Gerizim, or between the two mountains--in Shechem--or some of both? (Compare the linked chumash with "The area between the two mountains is enclosed, the Ark is situated ...
SAH's user avatar
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Who pronounced the Curses?

In the blessings and curses in Ki Tavo, who pronounced the curses: the Levi'im, Yeshoshua, or both?
SAH's user avatar
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Studying the Tochacha in Tish'a B'Av

Would one be permitted to study the Tochacha on Tish'a B'Av? It's not about the fast and is not mentioned in the list of things one may learn on Tish'a B'Av as it doesn't pertain to the destruction ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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How to respond to an insincere apology

If someone apologizes to you for wronging you, but you either suspect or believe that their apology is insincere, what should/must/may you do in response? Some subquestions: Is saying you forgive ...
SAH's user avatar
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If the בעל קורא had in mind a specific person while reading the תוכחה (curses) is that considered מקלל חבירו?

The Ohr Zarua writes: האור זרוע (שו"ת ח"א סי' קיד) כתב, ומורי הר"ר יהודה חסיד אמר לי שצריך הש"ץ [הקורא בתורה בפרשת הקללות בפ' בחוקתי ובפ' כי תבוא] להיות אהוב לציבור, שאם לא כן, כשקוראים התוכחה, ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Why are we quiet during the Tochachah?

It is a widespread minhag (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 78:4, though by no means do all communities do this) that during the Tochachah of Bechukosai (Vayikra 26) and Ki Savo (Devarim 28), the reader reads ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Rebuke for what commandments?

A person is obligated to rebuke a person from sinning Rambam Deot 6.7 It is a mitzvah for a person who sees that his fellow Jew has sinned or is following an improper path [to attempt] to correct his ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Differences in Tochacha (rebuke) between Ki Tavo and Behukotai

As I understand, one of the main differences between the rebuke in parshat Bekhukotai and parshat Ki Tavo is that the earlier one is spoken by G-d and the later one is spoken by Moshe, as is the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Should you prompt someone to ask you for mechila before Yom Kippur?

If G0d forbid you have a grudge against someone (and you did not rebuke them [enough] at the time--your fault) must you/should you tell them about it before Yom Kippur so they know to ask you for ...
SAH's user avatar
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Don't teach if they won’t follow...?

Is there not a principle that one should not tell another Jew or group of Jews the Halacha if he or she knows for certain that the Jew or the group of Jews will violate it? If there is such a ...
Sidney76's user avatar
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What was the Lubavitcher Rebbe's approach to rebuke?

Did it differ from when he was giving to others and from when he was telling others to give it? There's always the stories of him being very loving and reaching out to every Jew and emphasizing ahavat ...
Yael's user avatar
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Are there certain people that should not be called for the aliyah having the rebuke?

This coming Shabbat, in Bechukotai the 5th aliyah includes a section known as תוכחה (words of "rebuke" if we do not follow G-d's laws.) Our shul ritual committee discussed who to give the aliyah to, ...
DanF's user avatar
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Rebuking someone for an old wrongdoing

Let's say someone did something wrong in the past--either an aveira or something that was personally harmful. Should you/must you rebuke them for their old mistake ...if you bear a grudge against ...
SAH's user avatar
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Rebuking someone for something that is not an aveira

Many sources suggest we rebuke so as not to bear a grudge (lo titor). But the Midrash and several meforshim (discussed here) suggest that the main purpose of rebuke is to keep one's fellow, and ...
SAH's user avatar
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You shall surely rebuke your fellow

Where in the Torah does it say this? What is the Lashon Haqodesh for this? How do I know when I'm fulfilling this and when I'm just being a jerk?
user13652's user avatar
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Talking trees in Torah

I am working on a drash and the idea of talking inanimate objects came up. I remembered hearing about this concept based in "Torah" that when Moshiach comes the trees and rocks will scold people for ...
user12776's user avatar
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Scaring someone to teach them a lesson

Scaring or startling someone is generally a violation of Onaas Devarim. Is it permitted in order to teach someone a lesson? For example, if someone is crossing a street while texting, can you honk at ...
LN6595's user avatar
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When is one exempt from giving rebuke?

It says that one should rebuke his friend if he sees he's doing something wrong and if he doesn't it's counted as if he did wrong what that person was doing . Are there any exceptions to this?
Sara's user avatar
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How far does one have to go in giving mussar? [duplicate]

If someone has a sibling who is mechalal shabbos and they try to tell them what they're doing is wrong but the sibling refuses to listen does one have to go even further in trying to stop them?
Sara's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to make someone feel uncomfortable because they have inadvertently done something that you consider undesirable?

Background This question was inspired by the comments (now deleted) under another question. My sister in Williamsburg Brooklyn noticed that Orthodox male strangers were glaring at her for unknown ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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The proper manner to rebuke? [closed]

Vayikra 19:17 is telling us about rebuking a fellow (someone near to us), the same verse also teach that one condition in order to do this is that one should have no hatefull thoughts of the heart ...
Levi's user avatar
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For purposes of how a Torah reader reads tochacha, where does it start and end?

Both parshat Bechukotai and parshat Ki Tavo contain "the tochacha", a section of the parsha with curses to befall B'nei Yisrael if they sin really badly. Traditionally, this section is read faster and ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Correcting a Rebbe who is learning during חזרת הש"ץ

Is it better to tell my Rebbe that he can't learn during חזרת הש"ץ or is it better to respect him.
user3814413's user avatar
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Source for statement that we don't know how to rebuke today

I recall hearing that someone, perhaps R' Yisroel Salanter, said that today we do not know how to respectfully give rebuke, and therefore we are all in the category of onus regarding the mitzvah of ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Is it halachically permissible to apologize and rebuke someone simultaneously?

Recently, someone in my shul was angry at me because of something that I did not do properly for him. At the beginning of davening, he yelled at me about the problem, and embarrassed me in front of ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why the hidden mussar?

The first few words of Sefer Devarim are understood to be Moshe Rabbeinu hinting at different mistakes the Jewish people made in the desert, and he is giving them disguised rebuke. Rashi to Devarim 1:...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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How is the land appeased regarding Shemittah?

In Parshas Bechukosai (Vayikra 26:34), the verse states: אָז תִּרְצֶה הָאָרֶץ אֶת שַׁבְּתֹתֶיהָ כֹּל יְמֵי הָשַּׁמָּה וְאַתֶּם בְּאֶרֶץ אֹיְבֵיכֶם אָז תִּשְׁבַּת הָאָרֶץ וְהִרְצָת אֶת שַׁבְּתֹתֶיהָ ...
Ypnypn's user avatar
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Should one reprimand a child if the parent might be embarrassed?

I was at shul on Sunday, not during a service, but during a meeting. A parent and child were sitting in front of me. The small child's legs were far too short to reach the floor, and her feet were ...
Ernest Friedman-Hill's user avatar
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How do we understand Moshe's rebuke

On Devarim 1:1, Rashi comments that the various places listed are in fact veiled references to episodes in which the Jewish people rebelled. Thus Moshe was offering a kind of concealed rebuke. My ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Pointing out someone's deceitful actions or ways

Is there any problem with putting someone in their place? Let's say there is a person who is not truthful in their day to day activity, is a hypocrite, does things to fool people in order to get ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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When not a problem of lifnei iver, still mitzvah to be mafrish (seperate) from issur

Tosfos says in Shabbos Daf 3a that even when there isn't a problem of lifnei iver since the person would be able to get to the prohibited thing in another way, still there is an "issur d'rabbanan" (...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Borders of obligation when witnessing a robbery [closed]

Today I watched while a man walked into a pastry shop, took a large box of cookies and put it into his bag. He then walked out of the store and away, disregarding my stink eye on him. If I were to ...
Yaakov Pinsky's user avatar
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Singular and plural language in Deut. 4:25

Why does the Pasuk (Deut. 4:25) switch between singular and plural when building up to the consequences of what "you will [do]"? "When you (sing.) will have children and grandchildren, and you (pl.) ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Non-Trivial Pursuit: וְנַסְתֶּם וְאֵין-רֹדֵף אֶתְכֶם

What is the meaning of וְנַסְתֶּם וְאֵין-רֹדֵף אֶתְכֶם (Leviticus 26:17)? Literally of course it is simple: "You will flee with no one pursuing you" (Artscroll) But this punishment does not really "...
soandos's user avatar
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Is there a model of reconciliation in the Tanach?

Monica asked an excellent question about how to correct someone who posts something objectionable on a public forum. I was struck by the suggestion that the usual course of action was "to take the ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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How should we respond to objectionable content in a public forum?

The blessing and curse of sites like StackExchange is that everything happens in public. Sometimes someone will post something objectionable and it isn't possible to take the person aside for a ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar