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Questions tagged [mussar-ethics]

Questions relating to how a Jewish life should be led.

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Rabbeinu Yonah's Shaarei HaAvodah online

The Rabbeinu Yonah, famously known for his work on Teshuvah, Shaarei Teshuvah, also wrote a sefer called שַׁעֲרֵי הָעֲבוֹדָה (Shaarei HaAvodah). Does anyone know where to find this sefer online (free ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Advice how to prevent sin

I would like to ask for advice when in the following situation: Being in a cycle of having a habit to certain things that are forbidden, without the motivation to work on getting better. Basically, ...
SoulPaul's user avatar
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What is a Novardok "Vaad asiri kodesh"?

What is (was?) exactly a Vaad Asiri Kodesh [וועד עשירי קודש] in the context of Novardok Musarists? Could it be a collective moment too or was it just a time for individual introspection? Thanks!
net's user avatar
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Is it true that the yetzer hara for honor never goes away?

BH I heard someone say that the Yetzer Hara for all bad things eventually goes away with age, but the yetzer hara for honor never goes away. Is this true? If so, where does it say this?
David 's user avatar
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What is the lesson of the Book of Iyov for the "average" person

One of the main moral lesson of the Book of Iyov could be that if righteous people are go through suffering they will receive relief eventually. This is the case of Yaakov and Yosef who went through ...
Gergely Szakonyi's user avatar
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What is the source for the teaching, ‘Shame is intelligence, intelligence shame’?

I came across this teaching a while ago - it came from a reputable source. I am quite sure the source was pre-acharonim. Does anyone know who said it and where?
Tom W's user avatar
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What does it mean col Minei gehinom sholtim bo

BH Hi, in Igerret HaRamban the Ramban quotes Razal (Nedarim 22a) and says: כל הכועס כל מיני גיהנם שולטין בו Anyone who gets angry, all kinds of Gehenna rule over him What does this mean? Isn’t ...
David 's user avatar
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Rambam’s ancient writing spilled on by coffee

I heard a beautiful story of a Rabbi, who after being successful in business, decided to try to use his wealth to put together a research team to come up with a definitive edition of the Rambam's ...
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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Rashi and the Pun

A long time ago, I was in someone's house and they had a book about the life of Rashi. In it was a great story, which I will summarise to the best of my memory: Rashi was travelling Europe and in a ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Animal euthanasia in Halacha

According to Halacha, is it prohibited or permissible to do animal euthanasia on sick or injured animals? Or would it be prohibited as a violation of Tzaar Balei Chayim?
Kirk's user avatar
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Can Jews make a Siyum on mussar literature

In Halacha, can Jews make a Siyum upon completion of mussar literature? For example to eat meat during the 9 days. Or no, is this not a type of Torah learning which would warrant a Siyum Seudat ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Public nuisance in Halacha

Does Halacha recognize the notion of someone being liable for “public nuisance”? In secular law, a public nuisance is generally defined as someone who is doing something which is significantly ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Edition of Mesilat Yesharim

Can someone please recommend an edition of Mesilat Yesharim? I am looking for an edition with the following features. All Hebrew Nice, clear print Elucidations/commentaries for difficult passages ...
Bs234570's user avatar
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Is advertising ever Lifnei iver for lo tachmod

Do a lot of advertisements ever constitute Lifnei iver for lo tachmod? The reason I ask is because the prohibition of coveting someone else’s goods (Lo Tachmod) seems more likely if one is culturally ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is there a problem with gender pay discrimination

Inspired by this question I am curious if there is any issue in Halacha or anything else with paying (Jewish) women less than (Jewish) men or vice versa? Since there is a mitzvah to do business with ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Discerning how much one should trust Hashem

Shalom. I am far from being a Ba’al Bitachon, but from what I have read - e.g. this:
Tom W's user avatar
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What is shalom bayit

I’m curious what the concept of Shalom Bayit means in terms of practical Halacha. Is it a mitzvah, a general halachic rule, an ethical principle, or something else? Where is it derived from ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Irritation vs. Anger

I know, according to Torah, its a sin to be angry but is it a sin to be irritated? For example, if a child yells really loud and I calmly tell him to stop yelling, does the fact that I calmly told him ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Does someone get punished for unknowingly committing a sin or unknowingly hurting a person?

Does someone get punished for unknowingly committing a sin or unknowingly hurting a person? Please provide sources, thanks.
ddas91600's user avatar
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What is the explanation of And don’t let the evil inclination assure your that the grave will be a place of refuge for you mean

BH What do the main poskim and commentators explain “And don’t let the evil inclination assure your that the grave will be a place of refuge for you” mean in Pirkei Avot 4:22
David 's user avatar
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Caution against a person belittling himself

BH I heard someone say that a person should never say "I am this [negative character trait]" or "I am that [negative character trait]" because Chas ve Shalom Hashem can bring that ...
David 's user avatar
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What type of enemies are being spoken about in Shaar Habitachon?

In Duties of the Heart, Ibn Paquda writes in Shaar Habitachon (Treatise on Trust, Ch. 4): אבל עניני אויביו וחומדיו ומבקשי רעתו יבטח בעניניהם על הבורא יתעלה ויסבל חרפתם ואל יגמל להם כפעלם אך יגמלם חסד ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Lashon harah about someone who leads people astray

Is it lashon harah to publicly criticize or attack those who you perceive as misleading people/leading people astray? For example, Rabbi Natan Slifkin has a blog in which he’s publicly criticized ...
Kirk's user avatar
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When is it acceptable to be impolite or rude

Is it ever ok to be impolite or rude. Say an employee is not doing their job or won’t help you when you paid for a service.
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Rabbi Yaron Reuven - Severe torture in gehinnom

I was out to eat the other day and in the restaurant, where one can take more sauces, there was a pile of dvd'd that people can take for free with the Tikkun Habrit movie on it. I ended up watching ...
Seeker's user avatar
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Eating reduces spritual sensitivity and Yitzchak Avinu wanting a meal before giving his berachot - contradiction?

There is a principle in mussar that overeating desensitises/spoils our mood for learning and davening with kavana (see Hachsharat HaAvrechim ch.9 for example). E.g. if one is very into one's learning, ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Messages from Hashem

I have heard from my teachers that when something major happens in the world, this is a message from Hashem. But it is a message for Israel and actually for the religious people in our nation- because ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Ethics of working in defense

The following is not halacha l'maaseh. Say I am currently looking for a new role. In my search, I come across a fair number of (US-based) defense contractors that seem to have openings for what I am ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Pele Yoetz Question

Does someone know from which chapter of the Pele Yoetz this is taken or paraphrased from? There is a general rule in life, that we believe with perfect faith nothing bad comes from heaven, it is only ...
NorCal16's user avatar
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Suggestion to help rid one's physical desire for food

What guides are there available in the corpus of Torah, including all Rabbinic writings, on ridding oneself of specifically the desire for food? Context/Reason for asking: It is a common theme in ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Case study in chesed: parking morally

A strong, fit man decides that instead of grabbing the absolute closest and most convenient parking spot to his destination, he will leave it and park further away, in case someone more infirm/...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Does Halakhah say anything about secular/religious professionals like therapists separating personal and professional beliefs working with clients?

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a defeat for gay rights, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled Friday that a Christian graphic artist who wants to design wedding websites can refuse to work with same-...
Jewish Art's user avatar
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Musar Study - recommendations

In our weekly chavrusa on Musar, we (retired baalei batim) have covered over several years: Michtav MeiEliyohu, Sifsei Chaim, Alei Shur and we are about to conclude Orchos Chaim. We would welcome ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Source of a Rabbi Salanter story

This article gives several stories about Rav Salanter, in section V of the article. There’s no citation but many of them are drawn from T’nuat ha-Mussar by Rav Katz. However, I can't find a source for ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Looking for mussar on not thinking oneself wise

Shalom. Mishlei makes clear that one should not think oneself wise and that it is very dangerous to do so. From what I can see (from Mishlei 26:16), diligence is one way - the only way? - of ...
Tom W's user avatar
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Does Judaism value selflessness?

Does Judaism value selflessness? In particular, Rambam in Shemoneh Perakim lists יתרון טוב הלבב as an extreme/negative character trait, and he defines this as someone who is giving to others at their ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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What about Hashem are we emulating by battling our yeitzer hara?

Derech Hashem and mussar state that Divine service is emulating Hashem, becoming His partner, and similar to Him so we can attach to Him. Ramchal states that we should come to earn and therefore own ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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וכבשוה ורדו - to what extent are we allowed to domesticate/kill animals in order to utilise the Earth for our civilisation?

Part of the point of Hashem giving the Earth into our domain is a permission for us to trap, subjugate and kill animals that would harm us or be pests for our crops and homes, e.g. see Sforno 1 & ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Online edition of Kuntres Tiferes Dovid

In the recently published sefer, Bircas HaTorah, Bringing Torah To Life And Life To Torah by Rabbi Nissim Tagger, a Kuntres is cited. It seems to be a Kuntres by Rabbi Dovid Leibowitz ztz"l, a ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Shar habechinah honoring parents

I saw something in shar habechinah from the chovos halevavos that he writes that people wouldnt honor theyre parents if not for shame, wondering why do people need shame to honor parents? And just in ...
Josh's user avatar
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Does anyone know where to find the Sefer toras Avraham by Reb avraham grodzenski?

If anyone knows where this Sefer,and other slabodka mussar seforim can be found. Or if anyone has them and is interested in selling them please call 929-842-8008 and leave a voicemail
Dovid Wasserman's user avatar
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Question about degrees of honesty

I have been reflecting on some things I have done, and have begun to wonder whether my 'honest' words were simply a (subconsciously) clever way of gaining a person's trust, and thus of gaining power. ...
Tom W's user avatar
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Where can I find the Ramban's Letter in PDF?

I am looking to download or print a PDF of the Igeret HaRamban in the original Hebrew, to be able to view/read conveniently. Does anyone know where I can find this?
user's user avatar
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The Gemara (Sukkah 25b) mentions "taking your mind off your worries." Do any commentators elaborate on exactly how to do that?

The Gemara (Sukkah 25b) mentions that an avel (mourner) is obligated in the mitzvah of Sukkah. One might have thought that since someone who is mitzta'er (in pain) is exempt from the mitzvah, that an ...
Elyah's user avatar
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Is it better to learn one mussar Sefer at a time or a few?

Would it be advisable to learn Mesillas Yesharim, Shaarei Teshuvah, Tomer Devorah and Chovas Halevavos etc. every day?
Binyomin 's user avatar
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Maayan HaMitgaber in Alei Shur (Rabbi Wolbe)

Maayan HaMitgaber in Alei Shur (Rabbi Wolbe) -- very strong concept, but I cannot locate the first mention in R Wolbe's Volume 1.
Aki Fleshler's user avatar
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Looking for a Mussar Sefer broken into short daily teachings

Looking for a recommendation on a mussar Sefer that has daily teachings, sort of like how the Chofetz Chaim Sefer was broken down into one page a day. Not any specific type of mussar, but something ...
user's user avatar
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What can Torah teach us about if voting makes u responsible for the actions of the elected, or system?What does voting affect in the spiritual worlds?

If a nation has a national election with only so to speak "bad" candidates, what teachings from Tanakh, Talmud, Jewish law or Jewish ethics in general, and the mystical teachings of the ...
ShipBuilding's user avatar
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Is being on welfare if you can work against the will of Hashem?

Genesis 3:17 And to man He said, "Because you listened to your wife, and you ate from the tree from which I commanded you saying, 'You shall not eat of it,' cursed be the ground for your sake; ...
Noah Q'yain's user avatar
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Is it appropriate for me as a landlord to make gifts to the minor children of my tenant if I believe it will make them happy or more successful? [closed]

I am landlord for a lady and her three minor children who rent a house I own next door to my residence. One of her children is a talented athlete who is on a local community football team. Since the ...
Nukeguy's user avatar
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