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Alex's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
13 votes

What are the colors of the rainbow?

13 votes

How much is Classical Hebrew (in which the Hebrew Bible is written) is different from the modern Hebrew?

13 votes

Why did Moshe Rabbeinu object to the mirrors, but not the kumaz?

13 votes

Must EMTs and others rend Kriyah each time they see a patient die?

12 votes

How do we explain how God told jews to treat Egyptian, Amalekites, and Nearby Nations that Simply Refuse to do Labors

12 votes

Calling a father Abba, when his name is Abba

12 votes

Who wrote Shoshanat Yaakov?

12 votes

Mordechai - Religious Leader or Political figure?

12 votes

How do we erase the memory of Amalek?

12 votes

Did Esther eat at the first feast she made for the king and Haman?

12 votes

Walled from the times of Joshua: Why Joshua?

12 votes

Why did Aharon request that Hashem declare Miriam pure?

12 votes

Why was Shlomo more worthy to build the Beis Hamikdash than David?

12 votes

What are the "blind and the lame" that David wanted to be rid of when he entered Jerusalem, and what does that mean?

12 votes

Do more fasts fall out on monday and thursday, or does it just feel that way

12 votes

Anyone who says these people sinned is mistaken. For real?

12 votes

Did the Rambam believe in magic?

12 votes

Sukkah on public property in the Soviet Union for Lubavitchers

12 votes

6 chapters of Avos in 7 weeks

12 votes

Chamisha Asar B'Av - when did the Minhag stop?

12 votes

Was Eisav Jewish?

12 votes

If Eliyahu is Pinchas and Pinchas is a Cohen how was he in the Room when he did Revival of the Dead?

12 votes

Wedding Day Forgiveness

12 votes

Why do Ashkenazim eat Milchigs (dairy) on Shavuos?

12 votes

B'siyata D'shmaya or Baruch Hashem

12 votes

Achad asar - mi yodeya?

12 votes

What is the machlokes between the Gra and Ba'al HaTanya?

12 votes

Are the names Akiva and Ya'akov related?

12 votes

What is the law for a Goel Hadam (Avenger of Blood) outside of the Land of Israel?

12 votes

What's the difference in Biblical Hebrew between "zahav" and "paz"?

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