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Yom Kippur that falls on Shabbat - Kiddush for the kids?

Specifically regarding a situation where one has young children who eat on Yom Kippur - is it a good idea, an obligation, forbidden, or a variable custom to make a proper Friday night for them, with ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Must I follow suit and stand for Kiddush?

There are different customs whether to stand or sit during Kiddush. Even those who stand for all/part of Friday Night Kiddush, many sit for the Shabbos Day Kiddush. I have observed a common trend to ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Is one ever ALLOWED to make Kidush before Shacharis?

I know that he doesn't NEED to make Kidush, but if one must eat before Shacharis, is he ALLOWED to make Kiddush?
User123's user avatar
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Drinking water before Shacharis when one did not make Kidush the night before

If one did not make Kidush by night, can he drink water the next morning before Shacharis without making Kidush first?
User123's user avatar
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Kiddush without a se'udah

If one makes kiddush and its not followed by a meal the Michaber (Siman 273:3) rules that he is not yotzie kiddush. My question is; does he mean that he is not yotzie even on a biblical level? Or that ...
moshechaim's user avatar
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Old wine for Kiddush!

People go in search for the best a.k.a. oldest wine for Shabbat but is there any halachic basis for it? Other than Oneg Shabbat? In other words, is there any halachic source for using wine that is ...
Rakhem Haokip's user avatar
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When/where/how did weekly "kiddush" become the norm? [duplicate]

At the typical American synagogue -- and most in Europe as well, at this point I think -- it's expected that after the Shabbos morning prayers, there will be "kiddush", but people don't sit ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Kiddush as the second meal on Shabbat

It's common in some synagogues I go to to have a large kiddush with mezonot after Musaf, and then a large meal in the early afternoon. My questions are: First, does this fulfill the mitzvah of three ...
Daniel Kagan's user avatar
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Shabbat Blessings Question

My family is Christian but we are trying to observe Shabbat following the Jewish traditions. I am struggling to get an understanding of exactly how this is done. I know that you have the Kiddush, ...
LukeVenter's user avatar
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Why in Beresheit 2:2 (and Kidush) we switch between מְלַאכְתּ֖וֹ and מִכׇּל־מְלַאכְתּ֖וֹ?

I've always had this question regarding the pasuk in Beresheit 2:2 which which we also say at kidush which says, "וַיְכַ֤ל אֱלֹהִים֙ בַּיּ֣וֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י מְלַאכְתּ֖וֹ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֑ה ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
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Problems with Women Making Kiddush in Public?

I read in Shulchan Aruch that a woman can make kiddush for a man, but it seems to me that there's a kol isha issue with doing so publicly, i.e. at a table at a shul or large gathering. Are there any ...
Dovid's user avatar
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Is making קידוש Shabbos on schnapps לכתחילה?

Is making קידוש on schnapps Shabbos, לכתחילה?
Yid's user avatar
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Pouring wine into a pagum/used cup in order to reuse the wine inside

I heard that after drinking from the kiddish cup, in order to reuse the wine left over which is pagum, we pour some wine into the cup from the bottle it before pouring the wine in the cup back into ...
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Making the blessing on wine for two people on shabbat morning, but only one needs kiddush

In general, I cannot say borei pri hagafen on behalf of another, if I'm not also drinking wine and making the blessing for myself as well. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 213:2) One exception to this ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why is there no havdallah when going from Yom Tov into Shabbat?

When Yom Tov begins on Motza'ei Shabbat, havdallah is included in the Yom Tov Kiddush. However, when Shabbat follows a Friday Yom Tov, there is no Havdallah included in the Friday night Kiddush. Why ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why is "Vayechulu" said 3 times on Leil Shabbat?

I'm curious about the specific number 3 here. Is there a reason or "meaning" (such as from Zohar, etc.) as to why Vayechulu (Breishit 2:1-3) is said 3 times on Friday night (a non-Yom-Tov one)? In ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can kiddush be made in the shul?

I've been to a few shuls on Shabbat morning where the rabbi recites Kiddush in the shul from the bimah. After that, the congregation proceeds to the Kiddush room to eat. Is this halachically ...
DanF's user avatar
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Holding ones cup while someone is reciting Kiddush for you

I have seen many people holding their cup of wine while the host (or a chosen person) recites Kiddush for them. What is the explanation for holding ones cup? Sources if possible.
Yosef Warren's user avatar
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Is white wine permitted between 6 and 7 o'clock?

This answer references the possibility that there is a distinction between red and white wine for those that are careful not to make kiddush between 6 and 7 o'clock. Are there any sources that mention ...
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Men making Kiddush (Shabbos day) for women after eating at shul

Women and men are both equally chayiv in kiddush, at least on shabbos. Additionally there is a commonly known rule that a non obligated person (or obligated on a lower level) cannot fulfill a mitzvah ...
Orion's user avatar
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Challah on table while reciting Shabbat kiddush

We are always careful to have the Challah in the Shabbat table when we are going to recite kiddush Friday night (covered of course). Where is this requirement noted? And is it also required on ...
samyb8's user avatar
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Why ask guest to make kiddush?

In my limited experiences in Baltimore and Lakewood, it seems hosts often ask guests if they would like to "make their own kiddush" with a separate cup of wine. Is there a reason why guests wouldn't ...
NJM's user avatar
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Water to prevent dehydration before kiddush on Shabbos morning?

The halocho is that after davenning on Shabbos morning, it is forbidden to drink water until one has made kiddush. See dinonline. Consider the following situation: one has davenned on a warm Shabbos ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Can someone, who has not yet taken on Shabbos, recite the Friday night kiddush (before sunset) for someone else who has already taken on Shabbos?

Can someone, who has not yet taken on Shabbos, recite the Friday night kiddush (before sunset) for someone else who has already taken on Shabbos, [without the former intending to take on Shabbos with ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Kiddush on grape juice that's pasteurized or has added sulfites

I'm working on a piece for a Sefer my Kollel is putting out on the topic of making Kiddush on grape juice that's pasteurized or has sulfites added (primarily based on שו"ת מנחת שלמה חלק א סימן ד, ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Why does one need to give the kiddush wine to a minor when saying Kiddush in shul?

O.C. 269:1 (Sefaria translation in English): It is the custom to recite Kiddush in the synagogue, however, the one who recites does not taste the wine of Kiddush but gives it to a minor to ...
DanF's user avatar
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How high of a priority should one place on making kiddish before chatzot on Shabbos?

For example, if the minyan finishes after chatzot yom, is it permitted or proper do daven b'yachidus in order to make kiddush before chatzot, or is it better to daven with the minyan, and hear/make ...
Benjamin G's user avatar
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Where did the idea of a shul kiddush come from

In many communities I have been in around the world after mussaf on shabbat there is often a 'kiddush'. This consists of the Rav of the shul (or some other designee) who makes kiddush and food is ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Do German Ashkenazim sit or stand during kiddush?

Do German Ashkenazim sit or stand for kiddush and is the custom the same in the evening and day and for Shabbas and yontif?
Jakub's user avatar
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Why the different wording between Shabbat Kiddush and zemirot?

In Leil Shabbat Kiddush we see the phrase: תחילה למקראי קודש Loose translation (mine): "The start of the holy callings (i.e. holy days)" But in the Shabbat lunchtime somg Yom Ze Mechubad, we see ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why are different terms used for "remembrance" of creation?

At the end of the Magen Avot prayer, commonly recited in shul Friday night, the last few words end in the phrase, לעם מדושני עונג זכר למעשה בראשית However, in the nighttime Kiddush, the phrase is:...
DanF's user avatar
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Becoming Bar Mitzvah on Shabbas but made early kiddush

A child once they become Bar/Bas Mitzvah is now an adult and is obligated in all the mitzvos (assuming they've reached physical maturity). In the case where they became Bar Mitzvah on Shabbas (Friday ...
robev's user avatar
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Is there any reason to drink wine at kiddush if it is not from the cup used for the blessing?

In view of the answers given to questions here and here, is there any reason to drink wine at kiddush if you are not drinking from the cup of blessing? (For instance, could the fact that you said "...
SAH's user avatar
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Hearing kiddush from someone who mumbles [closed]

If one is invited to someones house on shabbat and they are being yotzeh kiddush with someone they know mumbles the words ,but they can't make their own kiddush for whatever reason (only enough wine ...
sam's user avatar
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Being yotzei kiddush when the host doesn't pass [duplicate]

If I am a guest at a big Shabbos dinner at which the host makes kiddush out loud at the head of the table, but does not pass wine from his cup or bottle, what should I do in order to be yotzei the ...
SAH's user avatar
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Does adding a bit of red wine to white wine change the resulting drinks' status vis-a-vis kiddush?

There are various opinions regarding the acceptance of white wine for kiddush. My question is, if say one has a full bottle of white, if they pour a cup that is majority white (80%+), but are able to ...
jj2's user avatar
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Difference between men and women regarding drinking water before the day kidush

In Chukas Hanoshim of the Ben Ish Hai chapter 43 (below) he writes that women cannot drink anything on Shabbos morning until kidush, but men can drink water before shachris. What might be his ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Can you daven mincha & ma'ariv in shul after making making Kiddush at home on Shabbat eve?

Let's say that you are the only qualified Ba'al Tefilah in a small summer community that has just 1 shul. (Yes, it does happen!) Shabbat starts late (around 8:15 PM, say). You have a disabled child ...
DanF's user avatar
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Kiddush before coffee?

Commenting on the Shulchan Aruch in siman 289 which states that one may not taste anything before kiddush shabbos morning, except water, the Biur Halacha s.v. Chovas Kiddush writes that that it is ...
user6591's user avatar
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Non-observant Jew making kiddush

Can a Jew who does not observe Shabbat say kiddush for others?
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On shabbos there are three meals. Why does the last meal not have the distinction of requiring kiddush?

If every meal on shabbos is a seudas mitzvah why does sudas shilshis not have the honor of having a kiddush?
Dude's user avatar
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why is the order of kiddush different at night from the day?

multiple parts to this question... At night time why do we mention the wine before the day? It would seem most appropriate that after making the bracha on the wine there should be no interruption ...
Dude's user avatar
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Do some abridge the Shabbat evening Kiddush?

I came across this video from the IDF. The man leading the group leaves off the last verse of Shalom Aleichem. He also omits sections of the last blessing of Kiddush, specifically כי הוא יום תחלה ...
Hashamyim's user avatar
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Why is so much importance attached to Mevarchim haChodesh (the blessing of the coming month)?

For example, in many shuls, there is a "Shabbos Mevarchim" kiddush, and I know of many people who try extra hard to be in shul that week (like it's parshas zachor or something). Is there any reason ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Why do people say a half-verse as part of shabbos morning kiddush?

I have seen people make kiddush shabbos morning by only stating the following עַל-כֵּן, בֵּרַךְ יְהוָה אֶת-יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת--וַיְקַדְּשֵׁהוּ Which is half of the verse in Shemos 20:10. I realize ...
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Shiur for kiddush rabba mezonos

When we make kiddush rabba with mezonos before having a real meal with bread, is there a shiur for how much mezonos a person should eat in order for it to be yotzei kiddush? Does it matter whether the ...
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Making Kiddush/Havdala if I did not keep Shabbos

Lately I have stopped being fully Shomer Shabbos, spending Shabbos afternoons in the bedroom surfing the internet on my phone and texting non-Jewish friends. My wife and children think I'm sleeping ...
Leib's user avatar
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Why do some synagogues offer kidush and others not?

Some (orthodox) synagogues in the United States offer kidush after Shabas-morning services every week; others do not. Is this division roughly along 'type' of synagogue? For example, do most Young ...
msh210's user avatar
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eating before kiddush

Is there any time in the early morning on Shabbat in which I can eat and drink something without any question of it being considered eating before davening and kiddush? For example, at 3, 4, or 5 o'...
ana's user avatar
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Early Shabbos during 9 days

Is it permitted to bring in Shabbos early during the 9 days and make Kiddush? I know that the prevailing custom for Havdallah is to do it over something other than wine, but obviously this cannot be ...
Daniel's user avatar
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