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Questions tagged [segulah]

A Segulah is a particular act, recitation, or charm, which is said to aid a person (eg., in finding a mate, livelihood, or having children, etc.).

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Ha'azinu as a spiritual remedy for heretical thoughts

The B'nei Yissoschor in the sefer Agra D'Pirka, as quoted by the sefer Kavod Shabbos (Parshas Ha'azinu, p. 548) says: לומר בכל יום שירת האזינו: נראה לי בסגולה ללמוד בכל יום שירת האזינו, והוא סגולה ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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What is the dividing line between a segulah and nichush

The Torah in Leviticus 19:26 prohibits the following of omens, also known as issur nichush. I am curious what the dividing line between a Segulah, which are kabbalistic charms or signs of certain ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Source for the practice of praying while attending a circumcision? [closed]

I've heard of a practice for those attending a circumcision to pray during the circumcision. Is there any known source for this?
Grapefruit's user avatar
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Scientifically testing segulos

I'm wondering whether anyone has done any scientific tests to establish whether any specific segulos have any statistically significant effect. Has anyone come across anything like this?
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Segula for marriage: saying Shir Hashirim 40 nights in a row?

When I was in yeshiva, someone told me of a segula for finding one's zivug is to say Shir Hashirim 40 nights in a row, at chatzot. Does anyone know of any mention of this segula anywhere?
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Rabbi Grossman's tzedakkah segula for soldiers

In Israeli Dati social media circles there's been a little bit of a buzz recently1 over a segula apparently first introduced by Rabbi Grossman during the Second Lebanon War (see here from 0:52). The ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Infertility mikvah segula

Is there a source of a segula to help infertility of going to mikva immediately after a pregnant woman in her ninth month?
Moshe's user avatar
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What's the Segulah that one says to repel flies, bees, etc.?

A few years ago I heard a girl say just a couple words as a Segulah to repel some hornet bothering her (and it actually worked). I'm pretty sure this wasn't something she made up, as I've heard this ...
Zacchino's user avatar
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Using oil for shabbos lights as a segulah

Is there a source for a segulah I heard, that if you light oil for shabbos candles, it is a segulah for having twins?
user15464's user avatar
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Segulah to Heal Jaundice Baby for Bris

This site quotes the Steipler saying that it is a segulah to wash a baby's hands (like "negel vasser" when a person wakes up) if it has jaundice that may delay the bris milah. Is this ...
NJM's user avatar
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Constantly misplacing and losing things

In general, but especially lately, I tend to misplace and lose things. I can have a kippa on my head, and then it's gone. In our house, there are at least 15 missing kippot and 5 pairs of tzitzit at ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Segula for netilat yadayim apply when using other peoples' water?

"Rabbi Chisda said: I wash my hands with an abundance of water and I am granted an abundance of goodness" (Shabbat 62b). There's also a story from the Zohar with Rabbi Elazar Ben Shimon, ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Is there any segulah for pain or injury?

Is there any source that discusses a segulah for pain or injury such as chronic pain or unexplained pain?
Yosef's user avatar
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Source for saying Parshas Hamon?

There is a segulo for parnoso which is to read Parshas Hamon every day after davening. I have seen people "quote the Yerushalmi" for this but I have been unable to locate its source. Can ...
ezra's user avatar
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First things to put in a house when moving

I heard that when one moves into a new house that the first thing he should bring into the house is bread and salt, it's supposed to be a Segulah for something. Does anyone know a source for this ''...
Efraym's user avatar
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Healing power of matzah (Zohar)

The Zohar HaKadosh (thanks to HaLeiVi for pointing this Zohar out) writes that matzah is called "healing food": Rather, it can be likened to a King who had a single son who grew weak. One ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Is there any segulah associated with the coins used in a Pidyon Haben?

I was told that there is a segulah (for Shemirah, or something or other) associated with the coins used for a pidyon haben, and that some even make jewelry out of it in order to keep the coin with ...
bob bobble's user avatar
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Maftir Yonah riches?

It is common tradition that the one who purchases the rights to Maftir Yonah will be blessed with much wealth the following year. Are there any sources for this?
Nochie Wolf's user avatar
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What is the connection between Noam Elimelech and childbirth?

This website says (and I’ve heard it countless times): In his sefer Shulchan Melachim (page 35b), R. Moshe Tzvi Landau writes that it is customary to place the Sefer Noam Elimelech, beneath the head ...
michael's user avatar
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What is the Segula to own a set of Zohar?

In Derech Sicha (p. 152), Rav Chaim Kanievsky reportedly told someone who said he didn't have a Zohar for reference that it's a Segula to own the Zohar: אמרתי להרב שאין לי ספרי הזוהר ואמר לי שסגולה ...
NJM's user avatar
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Is there a source for this Segulah to help somebody become pregnant?

There seems to be a Segulah to help a woman who is having trouble having a child. The Segulah is to form a group of 40 women (or more) who will say Tefilas Chana (Perek Aleph and Perek Bais in the ...
elchonon merenstein's user avatar
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The ancient segulah of a "Black Wedding" to combat a plague

In the recent Mishpacha Pesach 5781 edition they ran a lovely feature entitled 'Eyes that Saw Angels' which is a written testimony from various people who were zoche (merited) to have seen / spent ...
Dov's user avatar
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Burying sheimos is a segula for a pandemic?

Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, rav of the Agudah of Park Heights in Baltimore, gave a eulogy last week for the last two years of sheimos which they were burying, and mentioned that it is a segulah for a ...
Sam's user avatar
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Nishmas Kol Chai for 40 Days

Does anyone know where the Segulah to say Nishmas Kol Chai for 40 days comes from? Apparently it is mentioned in the name of Rebbetzin Kanievsky, but I couldn't find anything.
harvey's user avatar
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Are there any segulos or tefillos that one can say before a big test?

I am wondering if there are any special segulos or tefillos that one can say if he wants to have success - this example, a big test. The segulah/tefillah could be related to knowledge, but a segulah ...
Dov's user avatar
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Rain in Iyar - Miracle Cure?

I remember that a few years ago, it was raining in Iyar and someone (who I believe to be a talmid chacham) told me that drinking the rain in Iyar is a powerful segulah for refuahs. Today, Rosh Chodesh ...
JewishMale's user avatar
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Is there a tefilah/segulah requesting that bowel and intestine should work?

My brother-in-law is critically ill in ICU and some of his organs have stopped working. My sister whatsapped me this morning: "Intestines not working. Abdomen so Swollen. Cannot take in any feeds. ...
Berry Mink's user avatar
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Tehillim for segulot [closed]

I'm trying to write a master list of all tehillim to read for various segulot, excluding shimusha tehillim. I've compiled the following, but I'm curious if there are any more: (also I can't figure out ...
Kfir's user avatar
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The Forty Challah Bakers

Tehilla R. Goldberg wrote in 2012: A common segulah that has gotten very popular in the last 15 or 20 years or so is that of 40 women baking challah for a specific person in need. If there is a ...
Avi M's user avatar
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Segulos pertaining to individual Gemara Mesechtos

Are there certain segulos for learning certain Gemara Mesechtos (Bavli or Yerushalmi)?
Moshe's user avatar
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Segula of Tefilin

I was looking for some ideas to inspire people to start putting on tefilin everyday. What are the advantages and blessings for a person who dons tefilin?
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Kedushas Levi's Eight Segulos of Chanukah

In the past few years, each Chanukah I have received a list, attributed to the Kedushas Levi, of Eight Segulos for the eight nights of Chanukah, with each Segula corresponding to the number of candles ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Segulah for Parnasah

In the new Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz Biography (page 276) they quote Rabbi Zlotowitz once saying that "Giving tzedakah as if you are rich - is the greatest segulah to actually get there". What was his ...
Avi M's user avatar
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What is the correct attitude towards orange soda? [duplicate]

Orange soda, specifically Fanta, was invented by a German Coca Cola factory during WWII. They were unable to obtain cola nut extract and could no longer produce Coca Cola. They decided to make a soda ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Publicizing that you were rescued and how you achieved this - origins

Where I live - in Jerusalem - it's not uncommon to see signs like this: I said Perek Shira for 40 days and was saved. I promised to publicize this. Sometimes it's about other good deeds, usually it'...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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Putting breadcrumbs in the toilet

Mishnah Berurah writes in 180:10 that while throwing crumbs onto the ground where they will be stepped on is kasha l'aninus, God forbid, this does not apply when the crumbs are thrown into water. ...
simmonskorfen's user avatar
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Does the Havtacha in the Igeres Haramban apply to everyone?

I was wondering if what the Ramban writes in the end of the letter to his son ובכל יום שתקראנה יענוך מן השמים כאשר יעלה על לבך לשאול עד עולם was specifically for his son, or does this apply to ...
Ibber Chochem's user avatar
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Yom Kippur Segulah Question

Does anyone know of a Source for Pesicha for Neilah being a segulah for Parnassah? Its something I have heard said is there a source anyone can send me to it would be appreciated?
0519275345's user avatar
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Posuk for the name Golda

What posuk for the name Golda is to be said at the end of Shemoneh Esrei? I spell it with an aleph at the end and the Artscroll siddur doesn't have the gimmel, aleph combination.
user15711's user avatar
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Knife on top of door lintel- segulah

I have seen two seprate restaurants that placed a knife ontop of the entrance door's lintel. I was wondering what is the reason for this,I suspect its some sort of segulah,but I am not sure. Does ...
sam's user avatar
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Raban Gamliel and learning near a pile of gold

I heard that raban gamliel learned near a pile of gold as a segula for something. I'd like to find out if there is a source for this and what it was a segula for
SE is Evil - Support Monica's user avatar
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Eating the foreskin at a brit milah

Yalkut Yosef (siman 79 in דין בשר האדם) discusses a minhag brought down by Mar'eh HaYeladim (מערכת ה' אות י) which says: "it is a segulah for a woman to become pregnant [with a boy] if she takes ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Saying a pasuk to scare dogs

It seems somewhat widespread that Jews that are scared of dogs think that saying ולכל בני ישראל לא יחרץ כלב לשונו will either protect them or scare the dog away or something like that. Does this have ...
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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40 days at the Kotel

If someone is trying to pray 40 consecutive days at the Kotel, does beginning prayer one minute after sunset count for the day that's ending? For the day that's starting? Both? Neither?
Tuvya Zahav's user avatar
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Keeping your Tzitzis out as a segulah for shemiras einayim - Mishnah Berurah?

I've heard that there is a Mishnah Berurah that says that keeping one's Tzitzis out is a Segulah (protection or virtue) for Shemiras Einayim (to protect once eyes, i.e., not to look at prohibited ...
KolHashoneh18's user avatar
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What is the source for saying Parshas Hamon is a Segullah for Parnassah?

It is said in the name of Reb Mendel M'Riminov that saying Parshas Ha'monn (Shneyim Mikroh V'Echod Targum) on Tuesday Parshas B'Shalach, is a Segulah for Parnasah. Does anyone know a source for this "...
Tzafnas Paneach's user avatar
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Relationship between *segulah* and violet color

We have a tradition, very often used in drush, that words deriving from the same root are really manifestations of the same idea in different facets. In this context, what is the relationship between ...
gt6989b's user avatar
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Is there a source in the gemara for "Blei Gissen" (pouring lead)?

A recent article in the 5 Towns Jewish Times claims Blei gissen, the technique of pouring lead to nullify ayin ha’ra, the poisonous evil eye, has its source in the Gemara ... In his critique of ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Should single men not sit at corner of the table?

I heard that there some say that single men should not sit at the corner of the table, because it could lead to someone staying single forever. Is there a source for this idea?
TreeKing's user avatar
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Reading Tehillim on Klaf

Anyone know of a source to read Tehillim from Klaf? I have heard it's something more special than reading from a regular sefer.
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