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Questions tagged [mikvah-ritual-bath]

Questions pertaining to the construction, immersion, and requirements of a mikvah (ritual bath), as well as understanding the requirement of people (ex: ritual purity after menstruation, a convert) and objects (newly acquired utensils) to immerse.

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Can a shower be a Mikvah if so how? [duplicate]

I was told that a shower can be used if a Mikvah is not available. Is this so or only in certain cases?
Mider2009's user avatar
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Tahara for drowning in Mikveh

Is a Tahara performed if one drowned (Chas V'Sholom) while immersed in a Mikveh/ocean?
Moshe's user avatar
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Can Pool Water Taken Directly from the Ocean Count for Mikveh בדיעבד? [closed]

I once stayed at hotel directly on the beach and the pool water was taken from the ocean. I was wondering if in hindsight I could count my swims there as מקווה בדיעבד. If the answer is "it ...
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Can a woman stop going to mikveh if her husband doesn't care about it?

If a husband doesn't care about tahara laws, can she skip immersing? Also what about if he is not interested in being intimate with her (and for some reason doesn't want to divorce her)? To elaborate ...
Ana's user avatar
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Is a reassembled once-tomei earthenware vessel tohor?

An earthenware vessel which becomes tomei cannot be purified in a mikvah {see Rashi Vayikro 11:33}. The only way of purifying it is by breaking it {see Gr”a ibid}. Rambam Mishneh Torah, Vessels 18:10 ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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While Bnei Yisrael Lived in the Desert for 40 Years How did they manage to keep ritual purity? [duplicate]

When Bnei Yisrael roamed the desert for 40 years where did they get water to bathe? to ritually purify themselves before relations. ie; the women. did they bathe in the salt water?
TheTribeOfJudah's user avatar
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Is it allowed to say Good Shabbos in the Mikva [duplicate]

One is not allowed to say Hashem's name in a bathroom. Shulchan Aruch OC 84 states one may not say Shalom in a mikva because it is one of Hashem's names. According to the Zohar, "Shabbat" is ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Mikva Erev Shabbat (for men) - looking for a detailed work on this practice

I would like to learn everything there is to learn about the practice of men going to mikva (immersing one's body in a ritual pool) on erev shabbat (Friday afternoon). I am not looking for a sif katan ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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How much non-water liquid invalidates a mikvah

According to Halacha, if one has an otherwise kosher mikvah, and then a foreign liquid (not water) spills into it, how much of it would have to exist to invalidate the mikvah? What proportion would it ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What is the source for Mikvah as it relates to Kedusha?

The Torah discusses using a Mikvah to allow oneself to be rid of ritual impurity (Tamei) to a state of purity (Tahor). Nowadays, many people go to the Mikvah (e.g, erev shabbos) to obtain a higher ...
michael's user avatar
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Is there any opinion suggesting Jews returning from warfare should cleanse themselves in the mikvah to purify from combat?

We are taught that because King David had spilled the blood of the Canaanites in his conquest of Haaretz Yisrael, he was forbidden from building the Beit Hamikdash. This responsibility fell unto ...
Michael's user avatar
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Why does a convert receive bris milah before the mikvah?

Why does the convert have his bris before the mikvah rather than afterwards as a Jew? Seemingly the bris done before is not a mitzvah so why not have him do bris milah after the mikvah?
Dude's user avatar
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Using dammed river for Mikveh

Is it a halachic option to use a lake that was made from a dammed river for a mikveh? So the river goes from the land to the ocean but it is blocked by a dam to create a lake, would it be okay for ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Infertility mikvah segula

Is there a source of a segula to help infertility of going to mikva immediately after a pregnant woman in her ninth month?
Moshe's user avatar
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Going to the Mikva for fun

I am aware that a pregnant/breastfeeding/post menopausal woman who is not menstruating does not need to go to the Mikva, HOWEVER, I am wondering if theoretically it would be permissible for her to go, ...
S era's user avatar
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Can a woman take a spoon with her to the mikvah?

If a woman is going to the mikvah for herself and has a utensil that also has to be dipped in the mikvah, is there any halachic or public policy reason she can't take it with her? Possible reasons I ...
Heshy's user avatar
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DIY mikveh Idea

So, I'm starting to consider how to build a keli mikvah at home, and plastic stock tanks look like an easy solution, except they are kelim themselves. My question - before I go to my LOR, I'm just ...
Marc's user avatar
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Tevilas Keilim in Man-made lake [closed]

Forgive me in advance if this is a duplicate- I saw some similar questions, but none that seemed to address this in particular: Can a man-made lake be used for Tevilas Keilim? I live in an area where ...
Tzvi's user avatar
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How important is hygiene beyond required washing and mikvah immersion to Jews?

I know that mikvah immersion and ritual washing is required, but what about other bodily hygiene, shaving, teeth, house order, hair and all other hygienically addressable aspects of a modern human? ...
naarter's user avatar
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If a baal keri goes to the Mikvah at night are they still a Tevul Yom?

Certain types of tumah, like a baal keri, immerse in a Mikvah and then will be known as a tevul yom, meaning they are impure until the evening. What happens if they go to a Mikvah after sundown? Are ...
user's user avatar
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Ritual immersion with washing of the body?

I would like to know if the ritual immersion that is prescribed in the Torah requires one to wash himself as well. From what I see, the law tells you only to immerse yourself and not to wash yourself (...
Mineder's user avatar
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Chazal using calculus

We see various math issues that show up in Chazal, but I don't usually see calculus. Thus, I was surprised to see the same topic in two places in Maseches Mikvaos, and in both I think you need ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Attire in the men's mikveh

I think the shulchan aruch says that when going down to bath in the river he should cover his erva and when coming up to get dressed he shouldnt (I think) so people don't think he is embarassed of his ...
anon's user avatar
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Should a man say a bracha if immersing in a mikvah?

Should a man say a bracha, according to halachic sources, when immersing in a mikvah? (since there is no obligation on him).
Natan Z's user avatar
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Tevilas Ezra on Shabbos

Does any source speak about טבילת עזרא specifically in the context of שבת? I am asking because relations on שבת is indicated to be a preferred/ideal time (based on certain sources (e.g. בבא קמא פב ע&...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Can a lake or river be used as a kosher Mikva?

My question is regarding the mikvah. Can a river or lake (like somewhere out in the forest or wilderness or wherever) be used as a mikvah? I know and have heard of many pious and holy Jews (even many ...
DejanR's user avatar
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How can a mikvah be kosher if rain water flows through it?

Rambam Hilchos Mikvaos 8 (8) says: The following rules apply when there are three cavities in a wadi, the higher one and the lower one contain only 20 se'ah, the middle one contains 40 se'ah, and a ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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What males can bathe together?

Some questions on the site relate to restrictions on certain males bathing together: close (male) relatives going to the mikvah together Should men hide ervah from other men according to Bereishith ...
The Editor's user avatar
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Did the Rama change a Minhag regarding Mikvah?

I heard a story where the Rama visited a town that had a harmful minhag of the person (man) in charge of the mikvah asking women if they went to the mikvah, then relating the response to the husbands (...
Elie's user avatar
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When is it permissible for a women to go to the Mikvah during the 7th day?

M'Dioraysa a zavah gedolah can go to the mikvah on the morning of Day 7 as Miktzas Hayom K'Kulo. However, the rabanan were gozer that a women must wait until nightfall to go. The concern is: If she ...
Yitzy F's user avatar
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Pushing off a Hefsek Tahara

The Rama in Yoreh Deah 197:2 writes that in some places the practice is that a woman who can go to mikva on Thursday night (or earlier) may not choose to go on Friday night without a valid reason. ...
Moz's user avatar
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Proper way for a man to go the mikvah on Friday

What is the proper way for a man to immerse himself in a mikvah on erev Shabbos and Erev Yomim Tovim? How many times should he completely immerse?
Jon Moss's user avatar
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Immersion for men: pool vs. mikvah

For men wishing to immerse ion Erev Shabbos, is there a benefit to going to a Mikvah that was made for purposes of tevilah, vs. using a standard pool?
user's user avatar
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Where in the mishnah/written Torah does it explicitly say that women are supposed to go to the mikvah to complete niddah after menstruation + 7 days? [duplicate]

I realize this is a fundamental aspect of Judaism and I know that the menstruation + 7 days rule is straight from Leviticus, I'm just curious what the source is in the Oral/Written Law for the mikvah'...
EchoesOfGlory's user avatar
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Is it possible to build a mikvah for personal use as an orthodox Jew?

For example, if your wife would prefer not to use a public one and wants to install one in your house? Is there anything to be aware of if you're considering doing this?
EchoesOfGlory's user avatar
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Using a puddle as a mikvah

A wide held requirement for the minimum volume for a kosher mikvah is 40 se'ah. Is it permissible to use a 40 se'ah puddle as a keli mikvah? Are there additional requirements such as a minimum depth, ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Aruch Hashulchan on municipality water for a mikvah

According to this article, Aruch Hashulchan allowed municipality water to be used for a mikvah. Below is the direct quote from the article. Where can this Aruch Hashulchan be found? In the late 19th ...
user6591's user avatar
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Best App to Track your Mikvah Dates

Looking for the best period tracker and mikvah (לוח מקווה) calendar to simplify my mikvah calculations. It should be available on Android phone and able to send reminders and notifications about ...
Rachel Beth's user avatar
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Amah, tefach, and pi

I have a question on Eruvin 14a bottom which says that Shlomo's pool was round, had diameter of 10 amot and thickness 1 tefach, and circumference 30 amot (we learn from this that halachically pi=3). ...
sds's user avatar
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Erev Rosh Hashana 5781 - mikvah via 'tes kavin' [duplicate]

Given the nature of the pandemic Rav Hershel Schachter amongst many others have advised against going to the mikvah (see here) in letter dalet: Instead people are being advise to 'dip' via a shower ...
Dov's user avatar
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Niddah and washing

I'm looking for the source of the mitzvah of going to the mikvah after being in niddah. There is a part in vayikra 15 which speak about niddah, but there it says a woman should bring a korban when she ...
Levi's user avatar
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Yalkut Yosef Mikveh [closed]

Can someone please post a photo of the page in Yalkut Yosef where he says one going to a cold mikveh he can think shemos hakedoshim and by a hot one a person can't.
FalseMessiah's user avatar
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Intex Pool Mikveh for Men?

Does dipping in an above-ground pool, that sits atop of padding on top of the lawn, satisfy the requirements for a Men’s Mikveh?
Lee N.'s user avatar
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How is a mikve filled in for the first time?

I am wondering how one fills a mikve for the first time? Most of the works I consulted on the topic (e.g., the very good document here or Artscroll Mishna Mikvaos) mention "forty seah of rainwater ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Forbidden to immerse, as opposed to doesn't work?

I was learning Pesachim, and on 17b I saw Tosafos say the following: דבתוך הכלי ודאי אסור לטבול מדאורייתא It is definitely biblically forbidden to immerse something within a vessel (as opposed ...
robev's user avatar
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Ice for mikva now that mikvaot are closed [closed]

Since now there is a difficulty with mikvaot. Can one make ice in a freezer put it into an empty mikva and then warm it up. Would that be kosher.
interested's user avatar
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Can I convert a pool into a kosher mikvah (for wife)

With Covid and the health concerns about going to a mikvah. I was wondering if it's feasible to convert our pool into a fully kosher mikvah (for the wife to use). Given that tzniyus concerns are ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Mikvah during UK COVID-19 Lockdown [closed]

The UK is currently under a strict lockdown, prohibiting the leaving of one's home for any other than the following Shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, ...
Adám's user avatar
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What leniencies are available for women who ovulate before mikvah night?

What leniencies are available for women who ovulate before mikvah night (due to shorter than average cycles), and therefore most likely cannot get pregnant while following the laws of taharas ...
Kordovero's user avatar
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Is there a keilim mikvah in Williamsburg

I have few items I need to toivel. Where can I find a keilim mikvah in Williamsburg? Unfortunately I couldn't find any good resources online. Google maps didn't help either. Much appreciated!
Niso's user avatar
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