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R' Amar's Heter on Neuter/Spaying Pets

This article from Chai Online cites a psak from R' Shlomo Amar, then Rishon leTzion, that spaying or neutering a companion animal or pet is not forbidden under the general prohibition against ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Is shalom Zachar held for treifa babies

Halacha exempts baby boys with serious injuries or illnesses from Pidyon Haben (see this answer). My question is whether a shalom Zachar Seudat mitzvah should be held for a baby boy like this?
Kirk's user avatar
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Workers’ compensation in Halacha

In secular law, there is something called workers’ compensation, which basically means that employers are obligated to pay for their employees who get injured/sick on the job. This is done to help ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Shiluach haken on injured birds

The mitzvah of Shiluach Haken applies only to kosher bird species. My question is, if a bird is of a kosher species but probably Treif from an injury, does it apply in that case? Sources for this ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can one be exempt from paying for a harm that turned out to be a gain?

Let’s say Reuven’s ox gets injured by Shimon’s ox three times, and altogether the damage caused the ox to go down in value by 100 dollars, and then it injured it a forth time, causing it to go down in ...
שלום's user avatar
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Is there any segulah for pain or injury?

Is there any source that discusses a segulah for pain or injury such as chronic pain or unexplained pain?
Yosef's user avatar
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Self harm and cutting

I heard that the Rama writes that cutting oneself is mutar (permitted) but the Sefer Hachinuch writes that it is against the letter of the law. Can someone provide sources for both?
Yosef's user avatar
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Injury and killing by a tam ox

Am I right in thinking that, if a tam ox injures someone, they receive some damages (mBava Kamma 4:1 and bBava Kamma 33a), whereas if the tam ox kills someone, they/ their heirs receive no damages ...
Zarka's user avatar
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What is the halacha if a Jew injures another Jew during battle training?

I am not aware of any information in the written or oral Torah which discusses what was involved in preparing Jewish army troops for battle, but I assume that soldiers would spar with each other and ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Are professional sports players liable for an opponent's injury? [duplicate]

Shemot 21:18-19 discusses the procedure of payment when one person injures another. Does, say, a professional boxer have to pay his opponent if he injures him during a boxing match? Are the rules ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is a person liable for murder many years later?

Shemot 21:18-19 described a situation where someone injures someone else and he doesn't die but is bed-ridden. If he walks on his crutches, the person who hit him does not receive the death penalty. ...
DanF's user avatar
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Leniency to aggrieve a minor (one's child)?

Causing certain types of harm to one's fellow (for example, stealing or battering) is prohibited. But do these laws apply if the victim is a minor? To what extent? What if the minor is one's own child-...
SAH's user avatar
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Is a woman technically a niddah after childbirth?

I understand that a woman becomes a yoledet after childbirth, and that this condition has very similar laws to niddah. But is she also a niddah? I ask because as far as I understand, niddah cannot be ...
SAH's user avatar
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Is there a halacha that prohibits punching or slapping someone?

I assume there must be a law against causing a person very mild physical injury, but I don't know what it is. 1) If the injury may cause enduring harm--like punching someone with the risk of ...
SAH's user avatar
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How does one wrap tefillin with a cast?

If I had a cast on my tefillin arm, how would I wrap tefillin? Would I only do the shel rosh? Or switch hands? (Assuming this is a full-arm cast.)
NS23's user avatar
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Why did they cancel the kohein races over an isolated incident?

Mishna Yoma 2:1-2: ב,א בראשונה, כל מי שהוא רוצה לתרום את המזבח, תורם; בזמן שהן מרובין, רצין ועולים בכבש, וכל הקודם את חברו לתוך ארבע אמות זכה. ואם היו שניהם שווין, הממונה אומר להן הצביעו: מה הן ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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What is the status of a man who has one or both testes removed due to cancer or some other condition?

In Ki Teitzei it says (Devarim 23:2) that a man whose testicles have been crushed or has his member injured cannot enter the congregation of G-d. A) Does a man who has had one or both testes removed ...
Echad-Ani-Yodeya's user avatar
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Moshe Rabainu burning his mouth with the coals

Per this answer Moshe and the Red-Hot Coals Moshe Rabainu took the coals and placed it in his mouth and his mouth got burned. It does not mention that his hand got burned. Did his hand get burned or ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Does tzar baalei chayim include mental anguish?

Does the prohibition on causing tzar baalei chayim (paining animals) preclude acts which only cause an animal mental anguish, such as scaring them, or it is limited to physical pain?
please remove my account's user avatar
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Is instigating a crime through careless choices of words a violation of Lifnei 'Iver?

I would like to look at the scope of Lifnei 'Iver -- the commandment to not put a stumbling block before the blind (Lev. 19:14). Specifically, I would like to know how one is punished for the sin -- ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Getting body piercings

The Torah prohibits, generally, the infliction of a wound on yourself or someone else. See Lev. 19:28. The obvious exception is the commandment to perform a bris millah (circumcision) on a male ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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