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Questions tagged [shemirat-eynayim]

The concept of guarding one's eyes, particularly from viewing inappropriate (sexual) sights.

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2 answers

Are the words Shema and shemiras / shomer related?

Shalom. Apologies for a beginner’s question - I am but a goy. I’ve been trying to understand whether shemiras halashon / shemiras einayim / shemiras hanefesh are related to listening - to HKBH. Is ...
Tom W's user avatar
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Photo restoration and Halacha

According to Halacha Is it permissible to post a tzniut picture of a women on a restoration page for people to colourise the picture? Does it depend on if the woman consents, doesn’t consent, or is ...
05barja's user avatar
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browsing sites with significant probability of forbidden pictures like youtube

sometimes when browsing youtube for interesting videos, it is inevitable to sometimes encounter some lewd pictures. would this make it forbidden to browse sites like youtube according to halacha? ...
michael's user avatar
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Guarding Eyes for Noahides (Shemirat Eynayim)?

Are Noahides required to guard their eyes (Shemirat Eynayim) as Jews are? Is there some information in Jewish religious literature addressing this question?
Dan Weisberg's user avatar
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Shemiras einayim & non-essential trips

What heterim are there for people to go on non-essential trips that will inevitably result in breaches of shemiras einayim and machshava. I heard on a recent Headlines podcast that Reb Moshe Feinstein ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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physical drive to look at ראיות אסורות [closed]

What gives a person the physical drive to look at forbidden images, and for that matter men's drive to look at women?
sye81397's user avatar
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Keeping your Tzitzis out as a segulah for shemiras einayim - Mishnah Berurah?

I've heard that there is a Mishnah Berurah that says that keeping one's Tzitzis out is a Segulah (protection or virtue) for Shemiras Einayim (to protect once eyes, i.e., not to look at prohibited ...
KolHashoneh18's user avatar
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Shemiras Einayim - mussar vs. reality

We are fortunate in this day and age that there have been many Seforim published on the inyan of Shemiras Einayim and one can even listen to lectures on the topic. My question is, in reality, after ...
sye81397's user avatar
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Shemiras Einayim problem [duplicate]

Someone who's family sometimes has a certain modest young couple over their house on Shabbos for a meal.His Yetzer Harah can get him excited because the wife is a pretty girl. Would anyone have any ...
KolHashoneh18's user avatar
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Shmiras Einayim Problem [closed]

Someone who's family sometimes has a certain modest young couple over their house on Shabbos for a meal.His Yetzer Harah can get him excited if the wife is a pretty girl. Would anyone have any good ...
Se5767's user avatar
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Lectures on "Shemiras Einayim"

Would anyone know of any online lectures on the inyan of Shemiras Einayim in English ( preferably lectures that I could download. )
Selef1110's user avatar
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Does guarding the eyes apply equally in all cases?

When the imperative to guard your eyes is brought about the first thing I think of is a man that is careful with what he sees with regards to immodest women. However, there are other case when this ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Laws of Shemirat Einayim

I'm looking for a comprehensive summary of the halachas of shemiras einayim (guarding the eyes). I am not looking for those things which are midat chasidut (extra piety) but rather only those things ...
ray's user avatar
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