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Questions tagged [avodath-hashem]

also, avodas hashem, avodat hashem, service of G-d, divine service. Referring to the concept of serving G-d through one's choices, thoughts, speech, and actions.

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Source for the permission to imagine Hashem as a person while davening

I have seen mentioned by a Rav the following regarding how we interact with Hashem during tefilah: "However, when we speak to Hashem, so for our benefit, He gives us permission to imagine that a ...
Judah S's user avatar
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Why does Hashem force us to follow His commandments?

I understand that we have free will and are punished for doing things that hurt others, and are rewarded for doing the right thing. What I do not understand is, why does Hashem send us to Gehinnom for ...
HaLevi's user avatar
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Have any Rabbis discussed hating Hashem as being part of a deeper level of a relationship with him?

There's a belief that the people you love the most are the ones who can make you hurt the most. Friends & family have a closeness to us which can hurt us in a deeply personal way. The anger and ...
Michael's user avatar
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Why did Avraham pray for a son if he was promised one?

Hashem promised Avraham as son when he left Haran, at age 75. Yet it seems that Avraham and Sarah prayed for the next 25 years until they indeed were blessed with Yitzhak. How could we describe ...
Yaakov's user avatar
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Are Nisyonos Lifnei Iver? [closed]

How are Nisyonos not considered Lifnei Iver? One shouldn't place themselves into a Makom Nisayon1, and is Chayiv for sinning even if one doesn't sin (such as transgressing by passing a house of ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Is one allowed to say God's name twice in a row?

I remember hearing that one should not say the name of God twice in row, because some might conclude there are two gods. (The only exceptions would be direct Torah quotes, such as "Hashem, Hashem, ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Tehillim for segulot [closed]

I'm trying to write a master list of all tehillim to read for various segulot, excluding shimusha tehillim. I've compiled the following, but I'm curious if there are any more: (also I can't figure out ...
Kfir's user avatar
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sanctify the soul or sanctify the world?

I read a chabad sheet which claims (no source) that the main purpose of our religious service is to sanctify the world and not the soul and that this was the mistake of the spies who thought they ...
ray's user avatar
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If don't aspire to be a general cannot be a simple soldier

I believe I read this saying (originally said by Napoleon) by one of the Gedolim (Torah leaders) with respect to one's religious service. Could be it was the Chafetz Chaim. Looking for a source. The ...
ray's user avatar
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Primary sources that high culture are valid, or necessary, forms of service of God

Are there any primary sources* that speak about art, literature, music, and so forth as being valid, or even necessary, forms of service and appreciation of God? Is there anywhere that explicitly ...
WhoKnows's user avatar
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How can one serve G-d with Simcha when one is painfully aware of flaws, sins, and other bad habits?

How does one serve G-d with simcha when one is aware of flaws, sins, and other bad habits that should cause one to also have bitterness. Not asking about depression and other negative emotions, ...
Dude's user avatar
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“The feelings reveal the soul.”(Pieseszner Rebbe). Is this idea accepted by contemporary Orthodox thought?

In “Experiencing the Divine: A Practical Jewish Guide,” by Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira (the Pieseszner Rebbe), translated by Yaacov Dovid Shulman, the Rebbe says, (p 28): Every feeling that is ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Maharal on Avodas Hashem

The Maharal (in Gur Aryeh in the beginning of Bereishis) says, "Our avodas Hashem through Torah and Tefillah that's how we bring forth the kavod Hashem." That's the purpose of creation is to increase ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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What is Chassidus?

I have heard people say that Chassidus is all different kinds of things. Probably the most often said thing I have heard is that it emphasizes avodas Hashem be'simcha. Now while that might be true, it'...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Why did Hashem create the world in such a way that a leap year is needed?

I understand why we have a leap year; to keep the sun and moon cycles in sync, so that Pessach is always in the spring. That's all technical, as a result of the moon orbiting too slowly - or the sun ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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Exercises in *yiras shamaim* (awe of the Lord)

I have, it seems, no problem relating to Hashem with ahava - one of my main motivations in avoda is to try to make him benachas (happy), like I would my parents. Relating to yirah is another story. I ...
gt6989b's user avatar
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Has a gadol be'Torah ever drastically changed his type of avodas Hashem? [closed]

I know that my question is a bit broad and maybe abstract but I'm not sure how to phrase it better. I'm looking for any change in avodah. It can be a change in which group of Jews he associated with (...
Gavriel's user avatar
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What if a specific avoda zara looks just like avodas Hashem?

Let us assume there is at least one conventional way to serve any given false deity. Let us also assume that there is a prohibition against serving false deities in the manner that they are ...
WAF's user avatar
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