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Questions tagged [noachide-laws]

The 7 Noahide laws that were commanded to non-Jews: no murder, no adultery, no worshipping idols, no cursing God, no stealing, do establish courts of justice, no eating flesh from a live animal.

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Aliens and Ever Min Hachai

According to Halacha, does the prohibition of Ever Min Hachai apply to alien life, or only species of animals on earth? I believe it would likely apply to aliens, but since all Halacha of kashrut were ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Can a Ger Toshav observe Shabbat?

I’m curious if a Ger Toshav is allowed to observe Shabbat according to Halacha, general Noahides/gentiles to my understanding are prohibited from it, however I’ve heard that the Halacha might be ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Do non-Jews follow the solar calendar or the lunar calendar for Halachic purposes?

The Gemara (Sukkah 29a) says that the nations of the world base their calendar on the sun, as opposed to the Jewish people, who base it on the moon, and the Mechilta De’Rabbi Yishmael says on the ...
Sholom's user avatar
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Can a Noachide innovate practices that he considers non-religious but potentially of a supernatural nature?

Is it permissible for a Gentile to spend certain days of the week in a specific manner, in order to attain supernatural benefits such as from planetary rays which he might consider to be scientific ...
Hypostatic Apophatic Mystic's user avatar
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Can Noachides say the name of God as the word 'Tetragrammaton' or say the names of the the four letters in Hebrew?

I ask because I found that there is a Muslim false prophet who goes by the name "Hashem" and G-d is very generic. If I wish to be specific as a Gentile am I permitted to say the word "...
Hypostatic Apophatic Mystic's user avatar
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Why is Judaism not universally relevant?

Why are Noahide laws deemed sufficient for non-Jews while Jews are obligated to a distinct, more comprehensive system?
Nahum's user avatar
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Are Noahide males allowed to shave and beautify themselves without being overly effeminate?

I wish to know if Noachide males are allowed to shave, remain clean shaven and use skin moisturizers etc or is that an abomination to HaShem. Also are there any rules on how a Noachide should dress? I ...
Hypostatic Apophatic Mystic's user avatar
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Where can I find Asarah Ma'amarot in English online?

I'm looking for the English translation of Asarah Ma'amarot by Rabbi Menachem Azaria de Fano, specifically Ma’amar Chikur Din 3:21. It can be a community translation of that specific Ma'amar, or a ...
Yerushalma's user avatar
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What is prohibited in Idolatry: Form or Symbol?

Do the prohibitions related to idolatry, that concern bnei noach, apply to symbol or form? What I mean by symbol or form: Symbol: status of a concept that is worshipped Form: physical being actively ...
Fillipe Morais's user avatar
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As a Noahide, can I wear a kippah or anything else

I converted to Noahidism but my appearance screams Turkish and so I am also associated with Islam. I therefore wanted to make it clear that I am not a Muslim in some way so I was wondering if I could ...
Nesiat Waqt's user avatar
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Is there any reason for Noahides to eat kosher

B"H While eating kosher meat is not mentioned anywhere in the context of Noahide law, regarding the general reasoning to eat kosher, Rashi says: These are the creatures: [The word חַיָּה, “...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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Do noahides have a mitzvah to honor elders

According to Halacha, do noahides have any mitzvah to honor elders? Or no, even though it has Logical basis is it not applicable to them?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Dream Catchers as a Native Noahide [closed]

I am Native, and I want to buy a dream catcher, but I'm afraid it'll be bad to have as a noahide. I don't believe it has mythical or magical stuff I just think it's pretty to have in my home. Should I ...
Nee's user avatar
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Can Noachide apostasy lead to delaying of the Moshiach

Can an individual who committed to being a Noachide, not before any rabbi but to himself and to G-D delay the coming of the Messiah by giving up the Noachide laws and renouncing G-D? What if the ...
Hypostatic Apophatic Mystic's user avatar
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Noahide reading Psalms

Can Noahides read Psalms? I've been told that some can't be read by non-Jews. If so, which ones? I don't want to end up reading it if it wasn't meant for me to read.
Simplest's user avatar
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Can Noahides have a prayer book?

I heard somewhere that Noahides are not supposed to have a prayer book while others say it's okay. I'm not sure if having a prayer book that isn't the Jewish siddur permissible?
Simplest's user avatar
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Where do the rabbis get the Noahide Law prohibiting the consumption of the meat from a living animal: "ever min hachai"?

At first, this may seem obvious. The source is Genesis 9:4 - "Only flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat." Put in other words - "But you must not ...
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What is the evidence for the Noahide Laws, outside of the Talmud? [closed]

This question may be "closed" but it's not "settled" if you follow the Noahide Laws as taught in Orthodox Judaism. I haven't found any references to the Noahide Laws in non-...
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Are Noachides prohibited from Slander (Lashon Hara)?

The Jerusalem Talmud in Peah 1:1 says, ארבעה דברים שהן נפרעין מן האדם בעולם הזה והקרן קיימת לו לעולם הבא ואילו הן עבודה זרה וגילוי עריות ושפיכות דמים ולשון הרע כנגד כולן There are four things that a ...
Grapefruit's user avatar
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Medium Consultation For Gentiles

Are gentiles allowed to consult mediums or talk to spirits? The prohibition of witchcraft and the like is not explicitly mentioned in the Noahide laws as far as I'm aware, but I could see it going ...
Ben Avraham's user avatar
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According to Rambam, does rape fall within the Noahide prohibition against theft or not?

I am an Italian Noahide. In Mishneh Torah-Hilchot Melachim 9:9, Rambam says (English translation by Tav Eliyahu Touger): "A Noahide is liable for violating the prohibition against theft whether ...
Amos74's user avatar
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Are non-Jews allowed to study the laws that pertain to them? [duplicate]

Non-Jews are prohibited from Torah study. However, I would be inclined to think that they are allowed, if not encouraged, to study the 7 Commandments for the Descendants of Noach. Is this true? If yes,...
Grapefruit's user avatar
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May one eat limb of a living Ben pekuah

According to Halacha, Jews and non-Jews alike are prohibited from eating the limb of a living animal as one the noahide laws, known as Ever Min Hachai. My question is, is there no prohibition of Ever ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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May one chemically castrate animals

According to Halacha, Jews are not supposed to castrate animals, and many poskim say this is a noahide law as well. My question is whether this prohibition on castration of animals is just a ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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How To Remember The שבע מצוות בני נח?

I once heard an easy way to remember the שבע מצוות בני נח: א = אבר מו החי ב = ברכת השם ג = גזל ד = דינים ה = הרג ו = גילוי עריות ז = עבודה זרה I am not sure if I am remembering ג ו & ז right - I ...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Commandments for gentiles

Would everyone (Jew and gentile alike) benefit by following these commanments? To know there is a G‑d—Exodus 20:2 Not to entertain thoughts of other gods besides Him—Exodus 20:3 To know that He is ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Should gentiles follow more than just seven Noahide laws?

I know that gentiles must follow the 7 Noahide laws. But are there any other moral principles branching out from these that are highly recommended for everyone to follow? In totality, when completely ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Does halacha specify all that non-Jews should or should not do?

I see many questions here about what non-Jews in general, and Noahides in particular, may or may not do according to halacha. Does halacha have an answer to every question about what non-Jews should ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Is lesbianism prohibited for gentiles [duplicate]

According to Halacha, Jews are prohibited from gay female (lesbian) relationships. My question is, does this prohibition apply to Bnei Noach, or merely the prohibition against male homosexual ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Is a non-Jew attending a Jewish school allowed to wear a Tallit during the school morning prayers?

If no, then would that be sufficient reason to tell Jewish students not to wear a Tallis gadol so that the school don’t “discriminate” against him? The Rambam clearly says in Hilchot Melachim 10:10 a ...
Gershom Menachem's user avatar
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Is it permissible for a Noahide to become transgender?

In Judaism, there seem to be several prohibitions regarding transgenderism: The removal of genital organs is forbidden on the basis of the prohibition against "anything which is mauled, crushed, ...
setszu's user avatar
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Does the prohibition of bestiality apply to fish

Does the Halacha’s prohibition of bestiality apply to fish? The reason I ask is because Halacha distinguishes between fish and non fish animals for other aspects of Halacha, such as the need for ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Does brain death count as death for animals and ever min hachai

According to Halacha, is Brain death in animals considered death for the purposes of Ever Min hachai? So could a brain dead animal have its limb removed and eaten for noahides? Obviously Jews have to ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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May gentiles acquire other gentiles as slaves

According to Halacha, is a gentile allowed to acquire another gentile as a slave? Jews are allowed to have other Jews be slaves, so does the Same principle apply here? Say that the law allows for it ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Do Noahide mitzvot apply in outer space

From previous questions and answers I’ve seen on this site, there are some (albeit a minority) of halachic opinions that mitzvot don’t apply off of earth and so Jews can’t leave earth to remove their ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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What obligates Jews beyond universal morality if they didn't accept more, unlike those at Sinai?

I get that God can hold one to account for whatever He'd like to regardless of if a person accepted to abide by certain behavior or not however I don't believe that He would as it does not seem to be ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Against Gentile causing others to sin

Are there prohibitions for gentiles inciting other gentiles to sin? What is the proper way for gentiles with respect to these matters?
Zinc's user avatar
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Directions for a Canaanite

Can a member of the Canaanites expect to be among the righteous? What must he do to stand in such a position?
Zinc's user avatar
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Do all mitzvot Ben Adam lechavero apply to bnei noach

When it comes to noahide Halacha, there aren’t necessarily “7” mitzvot, but rather categories of commandments. My question is, do all mitzvot which are “Ben Adam lechavero” count under the category of ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Do gentiles have the obligation of giving charity to help the needy?

The only source I found that relates to charity and gentiles is that Jews are expected to give charity to help the non-Jews in their environment for the sake of "darkei shalom". Given that ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Why do Jews have more commandments than Noahides?

Out of curiosity. Why are there 613 laws for Jews and only 7 laws for Gentiles, and both Jews and Gentiles will get the same reward for obeying those laws?
Orly's user avatar
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Are B'nei Noach prohibited from learning Torah? Why/why not? [duplicate]

I am compelled to ask this because from personal observation, more and more Noahides are studying the Torah WITH the supervision of some Orthodox and non-Orthodox rabbis, although it is also the case ...
ddas91600's user avatar
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Proselytizing the covenant? in this, rabbi Asher Meza of “Torah Judaism international” seems to claim that proselytization is not only allowed, but even a good thing to ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Ger Toshav and Chukot hagoyim

If somebody is a Ger Toshav (so an observant noahide who accepts and follows the 7 mitzvot, and gets recognized as such by a Beit din), is there any obligation on them within Chukot Hagoyim (...
Man of faith's user avatar
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How to reconcile Rashi's view/logic with Rabbi Ulla's three Noahide commandments? Who is correct?

In Sanhedrin 59a, Rashi writes (s.v. לזה ולזה נאמרה): כי יהיב קודשא בריך הוא תורה לישראל לא שקלינהו להנך מבני נח וכדקיימי להו קיימי When Hakadosh Baruch Hu gave the Torah to Yisroel, he did not take ...
setszu's user avatar
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Noahide & Zera Yisrael? [closed]

Is there any prohibition (Torah or rabbinical) against a Noahide man having relations or even marrying a Zera Yisrael woman who is not halachically Jewish? For the hypothetical case here, the woman ...
Forsyte's user avatar
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There were foreigners living in the Holy Land during the times of the Monarchy. Were they Noahides? If not, why didn't Israelites convert them?

Often throughout the Tanakh, you will see references to foreigners living the Holy Land, e.g. in Leviticus 19 I think. Were these foreigners Noahides, and if not, why didn't they convert them so that ...
setszu's user avatar
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Adultery in Gentile Marriage

Rambam says that gentile woman are liable for adultery ONLY when they are married and commit sex with another man in a NATURAL WAY (vaginal). So if a gentile husband allows his wife to have sex in a ...
eeerrrttt's user avatar
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Do Noahides have to accept the minhag/local custom of a particular Jewish community if they join their synagogue and move in there?

Generally, we know that if a Jew were to move into a new Jewish community, they would take on the local customs of the community as told. I am curious as to whether Noahides have the same obligation, ...
setszu's user avatar
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Is encouraging Islam amongst the gentiles considered a positive act or a negative act? [closed]

Islam is considered a pure monotheism according to Judaism. It's famously the only religion a Jew can convert to in the name of their survival because it doesn't require idolatry to do so. Contrast ...
Michael's user avatar
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