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6 votes
0 answers

Why do we say הנותן ליעף כח with Hashem's Name?

The Rema rules in OC 225:2: יש אומרים מי שנעשה בנו בר מצוה יברך בא"י אמ"ה שפטרני מעונשו של זה וטוב לברך בלא שם ומלכות Some say that one whose son becomes a Bar Mitzvah should make a blessing ...
1 vote
2 answers

How many blessings for Rashi and Rabeinu Tam tefillin?

How many brachot are said when donning two pairs of tefillin (Rashi and Rabeinu Tam)? Does it matter how much time has passed between the two donnings (the one before Shacharit and the second after ...
2 votes
1 answer

Do i make bracha on smelling vapor from herbs?

There some vapors in electronic cigarettes made with natural herbs like chamomile (and other). So do i do brachot when smelling them? Is there a common practice to smell natural things, is this kind ...
5 votes
2 answers

Does birkat hamazon cover dessert (and other items requiring a separate bracha rishona during the meal)?

During a bread-based meal, but before bentching (i.e. reciting birkat hamazon), I eat something (e.g. fruit, dessert, etc.) that traditionally requires a separate bracha rishona. Must I say a ...
6 votes
2 answers

Attending public Menorah lightings before lighting at home

When someone is attending a public Menorah lighting, what should one do vis a vis the Mitzvah and the Berachoth? Should one say "She'Asah Nisim"? If it's the first night, should one say "SheHeḤiyanu"?...
8 votes
1 answer

Kiddush on Sukkos before tzeit?

The first night of Sukkos we make kiddush after tzeit (Rama 639:3). My understanding is that this is purely because of the bracha of לישב בסוכה which you can't say until it's definitely night (Magen ...
5 votes
1 answer

'Tadir' and Brachos

There is a rule 'תדיר ושאינו תדיר, תדיר קודם'. Loosely translated: When faced with two mitzvos, one must first perform the one which occurs more frequently. Q: When it comes to bracha achrona, we ...
2 votes
3 answers

What beracha does one recite upon meeting the US President?

Resulting from this Mi Yodeya question, the references in the question indicate that one does not recite "she-natan michvodo le-vasar ve-dam" upon meeting a non-Jewish head of state of a limited ...
5 votes
1 answer

Will a "lower" Berachah made MiSafek exempt a different food that requires that Berachah (and vice versa)?

Let's say you aren't sure which Berachah to make on a food before you eat it. Generally the rule of thumb is that you make the most specific Berachah that you know will capture the essence of that ...
6 votes
0 answers

What is the ruling for a bracha's usage being extended across different food forms?

There's a tricky halacha with brachos that I couldn't figure out. It goes something like this: If you make a bracha on one food item without having others in mind, if more of the food item remains in ...
0 votes
0 answers

implicit intent of blessing for unintended items

What are the main positions and/or halachic consensus regarding the applicability of the appropriate bracha rishona (other than "hamotzi") originally made on a food item / drink without conscious ...
2 votes
0 answers

Shinui Makom Summary Table

Is there available online a summary table, or better yet, a decision tree, that presents the conditional logic of the somewhat complicated laws of hesech hada'ath/shinui makom (diverted attention, e.g....
9 votes
1 answer

Permissibility of shortening long Brachot for teaching to children

Many children are old enough to learn short brachot (and somewhat understand them, if explained), but don't have the memory/patience for longer brachot. Frustratingly, many of the brachot that could ...
16 votes
1 answer

Why don't we say a blessing before giving charity?

Before doing many mitzvos (commandments), we are required derabanan to say a blessing. Why is this not the same for giving tzedakah (charity)?
8 votes
3 answers

Mezuzah in the work place

If a Jewish person works in a 'non-Jewish' workplace (that he does not own) to what extent does he need to place a mezuzah on the doorposts of his personal/shared office and other building entrances? ...
2 votes
0 answers

Reason behind making a new Bracha when walking into another room [duplicate]

I remember once hearing that if you’re eating & change rooms you have to repeat the bracha. Is my memory right? And what’s the logic behind this Halacha?
6 votes
1 answer

Does adding a different liquid to a pre-existing drink require a new Shehakol?

Suppose one makes a "shehakol" on the water, and doesn't have in mind any other drinks. When there's a third of the glass left, the person refills the glass with seltzer/soda (the glass is now 1/3 ...
3 votes
0 answers

Sucking a citrus fruit: Kaf Hachayim

The Kaf Hachayim, OC 202:63: ומיהו המוצץ משקה מן הפרי חשוב אוכל ומברך ברכתו הראויה לו ושיעורו בכזית לברך ברכה אחרונה. פר״ח בספרו מים חיים סימן ז׳ חס״ל אות י״ד. והיינו דוקא במוצצם ע״י לעיסה שנותנם ...
2 votes
2 answers

Forgot to say the brocho on teffilin can I say it now?

Theoretically: If one puts on teffilin and forgot to say the brocho can he say it now? What should he do if he already took them off? Sources please!
5 votes
1 answer

Besamim on a Cinnamon Bun or Danish

Motzei Shabbos when making Havdala one realizes he has no cloves, cinnamon sticks or any other spice to make the Beracha (blessing on fragerences) Borei Minei Besamim. Can the person take a cinnamon ...
2 votes
1 answer

What brachot on date honey?

What bracha rishona and bracha acharona should be said on date honey?
5 votes
1 answer

Minimum amount of food to eat after bracha before speaking

My understanding is that after making a bracha, one should eat the food without a "hefsek" (interruption). Is there a minimum amount of food that one is required to eat after the bracha and before ...
5 votes
1 answer

What happens if an individual accidentally says Aneinu before Re'eh instead of during Shema Koleinu?

Let’s say that a congregant, who’s normally supposed to say Aneinu in Shema Koleinu instead of before Re'eh, accidentally says it as a stand-alone Beracha before Re'eh. He doesn’t realize until well ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does one make a shehecheyanu on "used" jewelry?

If someone is going to be wearing a "used" piece of expensive jewelry for the first time (as in, it was previously worn by a different person as opposed to being new from the store), do they make a ...
8 votes
2 answers

Bracha on Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Bread

Food for Life manufactures a bread under the Hashgacha of the Kaf-K called Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Bread This bread is flourless and has the following ingredients. Organic Sprouted Whole Wheat, ...
3 votes
0 answers

Said the wrong brocho, now what?

If someone was putting on his tallit and instead of saying the brocho on the talit he said the brocho on teffilin. Then 10 seconds pass What should he do (theoretically)? Possible answers: Take ...
1 vote
0 answers

What blessing does a midget say on seeing himself?

Following "reciting-the-blessing-of-meshaneh-habriyos-who-makes-creatures-different": what does a man that falls into that category, e.g. a midget, says upon himself? Does he have to see himself (...
6 votes
2 answers

Should the Torah be covered or uncovered during the Aliyah blessings?

Some feel that if the Torah is not being read, then it should be covered, while some feel that since the blessing is on this Torah, it should be uncovered during the blessings (but not for the call to ...
14 votes
3 answers

Does a sotah make a bracha?

Before drinking the sotah water does the woman make a blessing? If so would it be shahakol or something else?
17 votes
2 answers

Who is worthy of reciting the blessing "שנתן מחכמתו לבשר ודם" on?

On whom does one recite the blessing "שנתן מחכמתו לבשר ודם" (the blessing recited on non-Jewish scientists)? Does he have to be a Ph.D? Does he have to have inventions to his name? Did he have to ...
4 votes
2 answers

Do guests need to be made to make an afterblessing?

My impression is that there's a halakha that, if you give food to a Jewish person, you must make him or her make a blessing on the food. If you know that the person will refuse to do so, you may not ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a practical difference between different types of Berachos?

Berachos tend to be grouped into different categories, as Berachos on pleasure (ברכות הנהנין), on Mitzvos (ברכות המצות), on events (ברכות ראיה ושמיעה), etc. As far as I’m aware, the general halachos ...
7 votes
1 answer

Re-reciting morning Berachoth

If someone recites the morning Berachoth, are they also situational Berachoth that might require one to re-recite them in a certain situation? Some are definitely regarded as situational, and some ...
9 votes
3 answers

Berakhos recited over food - Mitzvah or Matir?

Is it a mitzvah to recite a benediction over a piece of food, or is there a prohibition forbidding one from eating food without reciting a benediction beforehand? I believe that this is a similar ...
12 votes
3 answers

Making a bracha on food which is normally assur, but allowed due to pikuach nefesh

In general, one eating forbidden food does not make a bracha. In certain cases, foods which are usually assur are allowed to be eaten out of a concern of pikuach nefesh -- danger to life. For example,...
5 votes
1 answer

If you say mezonot on rice AND one of the five grains do you make two after blessings?

Mezonot is said on rice and a product of the five grains. However rice gets boreh nefashot as the after blessing while five grain products get al hamichya. If you said one mezonot to cover both rice ...
4 votes
2 answers

Bracha of Matziv Gevul Almanah

In which practically applicable situation(s) (if ever) nowadays would one make the Beracha of מציב גבול אלמנה? I'm looking for a Halachic definition of which places would qualify, when the Beracha ...
4 votes
1 answer

How long does the bracha "lashev b'sukka" last?

On Succos, how many times a day does one say "lashev b'sukka"? - Once a day at the onset of daylight? - Once at day and once at night"? - Every time one enters the succa to eat? - Other? And why?
3 votes
1 answer

What is the bracha for a deli roll?

A deli roll is a puff pastry dough rubbed with mustard and filled with assorted deli meats (usually pastrami and turkey.) Is this considered pas haba bekisnin? (one definition of this term is: ...
4 votes
1 answer

Netilat Yadayim - Ritual hand washing in the morning

A question about netilat yadayim (ritual hand washing) upon waking up in the morning. Where does the custom with the bowl and cup by one's bed come from? In modern homes with clear running water, is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can one smell orla tree blossoms?

Follow-up to Can I make a bracha on smelling roses that may be orla? As per SA YD 294:1, orla only applies to trees which were planted for eating. Can one smell the blossoms of a tree planted for ...
3 votes
0 answers

B’racha achrona on sunflower seeds?

If one eats a k’zayit of sunflower seeds including the flavored shell, which he spits out, but less than a k’zayit of the seeds themselves, which he swallows, does he need to say an after b’racha?
10 votes
2 answers

Why don't we follow the Shulchan Aruch's nusach of the blessing on a rainbow?

Background: The Talmud (Berachot 59A) and the Rambam (Berachot 10:17), and Tur 229 tell us the blessing of the Rainbow is as follows: בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה' אֶלוֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם זוֹכֵר ...
7 votes
1 answer

Southern Birkas Ha'ilanos

I've seen Saying Mashiv HaRuach in the Southern Hemisphere. Similarly, is Birkas Ha'ilanos (ברכת האילנות) said in Tishrei in the southern hemisphere? That's when the trees bloom.
4 votes
2 answers

At what point should one recite Bracha asher yatzar

Having washed one's hands after excusing oneself, Does one say the bracha asher yatzar after drying our hands or before? Some guy taught that we're to say the bracha before drying the hands. I ...
11 votes
9 answers

When do you say a beracha on a minhag?

When lighting Hanukkah candles in the synagogue, we say a beracha "asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav.." on a minhag. Unlike kiddush in shul, and early counting of the omer in shul, nobody would say that one ...
3 votes
2 answers

A bread is made with exactly 50% whole wheat flour and 50% chickpea flour. Is the bracha hamotzi?

Wheat is one of the 5 grains, so that would qualify the bread to be hamotzi. Chickpea flour would make the bracha "shehakol". In this bread, there is no majority ingredient. So would the bracha be ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is it prohibited to say a bracha near an idol?

In the trades, some times home owners will have statues of Buddha or catholic stuff like saints and such. I've heard some rule idolatry today is not the same as before. Are there any prohibitions ...
7 votes
4 answers

Rainbow, telling a friend

We know The rainbow is a bad Omen. Is one allowed to tell a friend when he sees one, in order to allow him to make a Bracha or should he hold back as it is a bad sign?
1 vote
1 answer

New fruit for second-night Shehecheyanu on holidays other than Rosh Hashanah

I know that we are supposed to eat a new fruit after saying the Shehechyanu on the second evening of Rosh Hashanah, because there is some doubt about whether that blessing needs to be made for the ...

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