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Questions tagged [hachnasat-orchim-guests]

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What heter do Kiruv people (especially) and all of us have, feeding people who probably wont make a Brach [duplicate]

If you have a public/private psak regarding the halacha please include the Rav's name or sources please. We all have met this situation in our daily lives…not just in Kiruv…In business, irreligious ...
Abie Ross's user avatar
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Walking someone out 4 amos

The Chofetz Chaim in Ahavas Chesed Chelek Gimmel Chapter Beis talks about the importance and the Mitzvah to escort a guest, the Chofetz Chaim gives several opinions as to how far one must escort, for ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Minyan or Hachnasat orchim

If one has to choose between the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim (welcoming guests) and the mitzvah of davening in a minyan, which takes priority? Like in Halacha, if you have to choose between staying ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Why did Abraham run to greet the visitors in Genesis 18?

Did he run because he knew they were angels? Or did he run to exhibit hospitality to strangers in the desert?
David Jonathan's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it possible to have non-Jews who are converting (or non-Jewish relatives) over for Yom Tov?

There is a very clear halacha that one is not allowed to invite non-Jews on Yom Tov specifically. See SA OH 514, Yalkut Yosef 512. The only solution presented in the halacha is if they turn up ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Sources that are against אושפיזין custom?

Are there any rabbinic sources that speak against the Sukkoth custom of inviting אושפיזין into the Sukkah? Or the formulation of its attendant text(s)? I of course do not intend the righteous and ...
Deuteronomy's user avatar
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Is Hachnasat Orchim among the 613 Mitzvot listed by Rambam or Chinuch?

Is welcoming guests among the Mitzvot listed in these sfarim (Sefer HaMitzvot, Sefer HaChinuch)?
Mordechai's user avatar
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Inviting non-Jews to a Shabbos meal - practical considerations

What are practical guidelines or tips to have in mind when hosting a non-Jew on Shabbos? Examples would be explain to them they shouldn't touch the lights, e.g., in the bathroom making sure they don'...
mbloch's user avatar
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What are the limits of hospitality? [duplicate]

Hospitality is valued very highly in Judaism, witness Abraham [Gen. 18:1-5], Lot [Gen. 19:1-8], Laban [Gen. 24:28–32], Manoah [Judges 13:15-16] or the unhappy matter of the concubine of Gibeah [Judges ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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An indefinite houseguest

Suppose one invites a guest over to stay by them for Shabbos or a few days. Without chatting with the host, the guest doesn't "take the hint" and decides to stay. The guest seemingly has no other ...
alicht's user avatar
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Is the mitzvah of accepting guest even when charging [duplicate]

From this question Is it sourced that Avrohom Avinu charged his guests payment if they did not make a Brachah? and from the fact that Rivka after serving Eliyezer got paid for it, It seems that the ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Guests are masters?

Rashi to Genesis 19:2 said that Lot called the angels his masters because: "וַיֹּאמֶר הִנֶּה נָּא־אֲדֹנַי סוּרוּ נָא אֶל־בֵּית עַבְדְּכֶם וְלִינוּ וְרַחֲצוּ רַגְלֵיכֶם וְהִשְׁכַּמְתֶּם ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Fitting in a Succah precedence - kids, parents, women or guests

When there's no place for everyone in the Succah, who takes the precedence: one's sons (underage and grown-ups) one's parents/grandparents women (wife, grown-up daughters) the guests (male/female)? ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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What is the origin and/or earliest use of the Ushpizin prayer (invitation of the 'exalted guests') during Sukkot?

While reading about Sukkot1 I came across a mention of a prayer recited during Sukkot, during which a celebrant invites the seven 'exalted guests' (well-known heroes and leaders of the Hebrew people/...
Uriah Blacke's user avatar
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Eating by someone with good intentions but poor knowledge

Is it, in principle, a problem to eat by a shomer-Shabbos Jew who has good intentions, but only basic knowledge of the laws of kashrus? His involuntary sins--presumed, not known--are not a problem ...
SAH's user avatar
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Hosts giving gifts to guests

I heard that Tosfos says that there is a custom for hosts to give gifts to their guests. Does anyone know where this Tosfos is? Also, do you know why we no longer have this custom? Do any communities ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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When is a kitchen kosher?

We are moving to a new community and we will be facing the following dilemma: If/when we get invited for a meal (Shabbos dinner, etc.) how do I determine if the house is kosher? When we started ...
pes's user avatar
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Source that it is a mitzvah to let your seat be used

I've heard many times that to let others use your seat in shul is a fulfillment of the mitzvah of accepting guests. Is there a respectable (by most Jews) written source for this? Where?
hazoriz's user avatar
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How can I make my home kosher enough for ~most Jews to be guests in? [closed]

Let's say I wanted to set up a kitchen/home that was kosher enough for most of the Orthodox spectrum to feel comfortable eating and staying in. (By "most," let's say the first two standard deviations ...
SAH's user avatar
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Mitzvah of hachnasat orchim at a B&B

Does someone who owns a bed-and-breakfast (tzimmer) fulfill the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim when their guests pay them? On the one hand, the hosts get clear monetary benefit from hosting. However, ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Which parts of the seder must be performed individually?

I have always wondered something about the Passover seder. Is the host being motzi everyone with his seder plate, or does everyone/every head of household* need to make a plate and personally carry ...
SAH's user avatar
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Why in הא לחמא עניא do we invite people to come to our seder table while the seder is going on? [duplicate]

Why in הא לחמא עניא do we invite people to come to our seder table while the seder is going on? Shouldn’t we invite people before Pesach? Isn’t this statement insincere? הָא לַחְמָא עַנְיָא דִּי ...
RCW's user avatar
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Pesach cleaning at non religious house [closed]

If I'm boarding at a non religious persons house (they don't keep kosher), what are the rules for cleaning for pesach? I share the pantry and fridge so I don't know what to clean and how well to clean ...
racheli appelbaum's user avatar
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Lighting candles when eating out on erev yontif

A recent question asked about lighting candles when eating out on Friday night: If one is going out to eat (such as at a simcha), should Shabbos candles be lit at home or at the hall? I heard that ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Lighting Candles when eating Out on Friday Night

If one is going out to eat (such as at a simcha), should Shabbos candles be lit at home or at the hall? I heard that some rabbis do not allow candles to be lit at the hall in the shul but instruct ...
user11262's user avatar
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Kidushin with food from someone else's banquet

I heard that a person can perform kidushin with the food of someone else's banquet, when he's been invited as a guest. Is this true? If so, why? (Do the owners of the banquet relinquish ownership ...
helloworld's user avatar
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Kol Dichfin, Why So Hesitant?

כל דכפין ייתי ויכול, כל דצריך ייתי ויפסך "All who are hungry come and eat". Why don't we ask this in a more emphatic way? Instead of saying "I invite all who want to come..." we ...
Shoel U'Meishiv's user avatar
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Accidentally served a guest meat and milk

If someone accidentally served a guest a milk-and-meat combination and realized his mistake after the fact, should he ask the guest for mechilah (forgiveness)?
Yona Tzofia's user avatar
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"Sending" mishloach manot by serving them

The obligation on Purim is to "send" 2 foods to another person. The Mishna Brurah (Hilchot Megillah 695:4) says that one may exchange se'udah food with a neighbor and is yotzei (21) even if (and I ...
rosends's user avatar
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Given Chametz by a Guest on Pesach - how to react?

An invitation was given to someone to a Seder on Pesach and they show up with a nice, expensive bottle of Single Malt Scotch Whisky (which is unquestionably barley-based if you don't want to check the ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Having guests for a Friday mid-day or afternoon meal?

Are there any rules regarding having a guest on a Friday afternoon? Let's say you want to have a friend or family member over for a meal, and Friday is the only day that works, and evening (that is, ...
Kordovero's user avatar
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Can you do hachnasat orchim with angels?

Is it possible to fulfill the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim with angels?
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Source that Avraham's tent was open on all sides?

What is the source for the idea (I recall learning as a child) that Avraham's tent was open on all 4 directions to welcome guests?
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Did Avraham invite the angels into his house?

Avraham sits at the entrance to his tent waiting for guests. When the three angels arrive he runs out to greet them and pleads that they stay. He then tells them (Bereishit 18:4): יֻקַּח-נָא מְעַט-...
bondonk's user avatar
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Why did Abraham treat his three visitors in this way?

I am new to this site. I'd like to ask some questions on the interpretation and cultural significance of the events in Genesis 18 in the Bible. First, why does Abraham have Sarah use 3 seahs of ...
noblerare's user avatar
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Halachik source for saying ushpizin

Is there any source in halacha (shulchan aruch, mishna berura etc) besides for the zohar that mentions reciting the ushpizin?
Jake's user avatar
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What are the parameters of hachnassat orchim?

I have always believed in having a home open to guests, whether for Shabbat, hagim or for their secular needs, involving guests sleeping over. However, recently my guests have inadvertently caused ...
janet's user avatar
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Welcoming non-Jewish guests

Is there a mitzvah of welcoming guests who are non-Jews? I know Avraham welcomed non-Jews into his home, but that could be different for several reasons: There was no formal mitzvah and he was just ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Interrupting Amida for a Mitzvah

Avraham leaves Hashem to deal with guests in Vayera - because welcoming guests is greater than Kabolas Pnei HaSh'china. Does that mean we can interrupt our Shmoneh Esrei to do mitzvahs? At least to ...
Yaakov Frankiel's user avatar
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why don't we say "kol dichfin" before kidush

In the halachma anya of the Passover Hagada it says "Let all who are hungry come and eat". Why don't we say this before the kidush? Makes more sense that we should invite people before starting the ...
ray's user avatar
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Do guests need to be made to make an afterblessing?

My impression is that there's a halakha that, if you give food to a Jewish person, you must make him or her make a blessing on the food. If you know that the person will refuse to do so, you may not ...
Tatpurusha's user avatar
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Why does a guest not have to contribute a perutah for other mitzvot?

The halacha (Orah Hayyim 677) is that a guest must contribute a perutah towards the fulfillment of the mitzvah of lighting Chanuka candles. I would like to know why we don't find a similar idea by ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Why did Yitchak not follow in Avraham's footsteps regarding hospitality

Avraham is described in the midrashim as being extreme in the mitzva of hachnasat orchim (hospitality). Through this method, he was able to mekarev (reach out to) thousands of people and teach them ...
ray's user avatar
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Halachic law about inviting a Jew for dinner by a Gentile

I know that Observant Jews are commanded by law to eat Kashrut or kosher, so can I as a Gentile invite my Jewish friend for dinner, for example at a marriage or engagement party? What food items ...
Engineer Ishrat Hussain's user avatar
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What is the origin of the "sukkah hop"?

I was debating with my brother whether they had sukkah hops in Europe, and failed to find a good answer via Google Books or Scholar. Is it a specifically American institution? What's the first ...
Arithmomaniac's user avatar
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Custom of not eating by other people on Pesach

There is a custom that many have to not eat by other peoples houses on Pesach. Seemingly it's even if they have the same chumras or perhaps even more chumras (what I've learned over time is not ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Is it appropriate for a Gentile to attend and/or participate in a Seder?

The context: last year, I saw this sign that announced the time and place that a Jewish Seder (probably Yom Kippur) would happen. I was definitely curious and considered going and at least observing ...
El'endia Starman's user avatar
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Understanding hachnasas orchim

Is hachnasas orchim (welcoming guests) a mitzvah (either of biblical or rabbinic origin)? If not why is it considered more important than greeting the divine presence (bereshis 18:3 Rashi)? Does it ...
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Triennial reading cycle for guests

On one Shabbos, to accommodate a large number of guests from another shul who follow a triennial Torah reading cycle, can we revert to the triennial cycle reading for that one Shabbos?
Leib's user avatar
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Advice for Lighting in a Sukkah

I'm seeking advice for safe, cost-effective lighting inside a Sukkah. My goals are: Minimize risk of fire. Even florescent lights can get hot enough to spark dry kindling in certain circumstances. ...
Seth J's user avatar
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