According to this answer, it would seem that this is permitted.
The Radbaz (Shu"t
discusses this topic and rules that, if the tree was not planted for
its fruits or if only the blossoms are present and the fruit has not
yet grown, the fragrance is permitted (i.e. there is no problem of
orlah preventing enjoyment of the fragrance):
כללא דמלתא אין לך דבר של ערלה שיהיה אסור להריח בו אלא אילן הנטוע לפירות מאכל ומריח בפירות עצמו אפילו בעודם בוסר ולא בעודם סמדר
The Chida (Birkei Yosef YD
agrees with this ruling. This topic is also discussed at length by
Rabbi Pinchas Zabichi (Ateret Paz I, YD