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about motzae Shabas: the evening following Shabas

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Where did the tradition of reading a passage from Psalm 90:17 come from before Psalm 91? [duplicate]

I often see in siddurs that before Psalm 91 they read the passage 90:17 (Vihi Noam). Where did this custom come from? Is it from Ari? Is this somehow connected with Kabbalah?
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Forgot yaleh viyavo at melavuh malka bentching?

B"H Generally if one forgets yaleh viyavo in bentching, one only needs to return and say it again if it was in an obligatory meal (like any of the 3 meals of shabbbos), as mentioned in the ...
Core of reality's user avatar
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Is besamim used for Motzai Shabbat when there is an important event

According to Halacha, besamim is not used for havdalah when Motzai Shabbat is Yom tov. My question is, if there is a wedding, bar mitzvah, Brit milah, etc. being held the day after Shabbat, does ...
Kirk's user avatar
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May Jews combine the Purim meal with melave malkah

This year, purim falls out on Motzai Shabbat. My question is, is it permitted in Halacha for Jews to combine the melavah malka meal with the purim Seudah? Or no, if they want to fulfill both mitzvot ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is melava malkah obligatory or minhag

In Halacha, is the meal of Melava Malkah just an optional minhag, or is it obligatory Halacha? I would imagine the former category but I don’t know for certain.
Kirk's user avatar
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Havdalah on a trip

If one is on a long trip (that started before Shabbat), and the time for Havdalah at the area they departed is different from the time in their current location, which one do they follow? (Note the ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What is the source of saying pesukei bracha- after motzei shabbos marriv davening?

The Artscroll sidur mentions that these "Verses of Blessing" are a collection of Scriptural passages usually said at home after havdalah. Where did this originate from? Is it a minhag?
sig's user avatar
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Does a melocho done after tzeis hakochavim but before havdoloh count as a melocho d'oraisa? [duplicate]

A person lights fire to cook after tzeis hakochavim but he has not made havdoloh yet or said ato chonantonu or boruch hamavdil. Would lighting fire in this case count as a melocho d'oraisa or d'...
Nosson's user avatar
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Why K"Yatom and not K"Derobonnon?

In my Artscroll Siddur Yitzchak Yair Hashalem, after the section called Vayiten L'cha there is a small piece of instruction: בכמה קהילות אמרים כאן קדיש יתום In some congregations [people] say here ...
rosends's user avatar
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Loss of smell - Borei Menei B’Samim [closed]

One of the symptoms of COVID-19 is the loss of smell. Is one still Yotzei their father bracha of Borei Menei B’Samim even if they cannot smell the B’samim?
SR93's user avatar
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What Mitzvah is it to fold one's Tallis?

Many sources bring down an idea from the Maharil that one should fold their Tallis on Motzai Shabbos in order to immediately start the week with 'being involved in a Mitzvah'. (One such source is the ...
Salmononius2's user avatar
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Besamim on a Cinnamon Bun or Danish

Motzei Shabbos when making Havdala one realizes he has no cloves, cinnamon sticks or any other spice to make the Beracha (blessing on fragerences) Borei Minei Besamim. Can the person take a cinnamon ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Extending Shabbos that precedes Tisha B'av

Is it permitted to purposely extend Shabbos to Sunday night when Tisha B'av is observed on that Sunday? We see that regarding Jews traveling near the international dateline, there are Poskim who said ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Melave d'Malka on Motze Shabbos which falls on Yom Tov eve

Is there an obligation to have melave d'malka on Motzei Shabbos which falls on Yom Tov? Although there is anyways an obligation to have a Yom Tov meal, there are still some possible ramifications: ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Drink fresh water after Shabbos coming from Miriam's well?

Taamei Haminhagim 423 explains the custom of women to draw water immediately when they hear “Borchu” after Shabbos. In short it says, In Agada it says that the Well of Miriam which is in the sea ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Can you fly from American Samoa on Friday evening to Upolu? (30 minute flight, 24 hour difference)

Firstly I'd like to point out if you Google "Samoa" and "Shabbat" you would find many articles from 2011 that were referring to a time where Samoa changed the day of Saturday, it happened only once ...
arie1985uk's user avatar
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Should the saying of ברכו and / or ברוך ה' המבורך לעולם ועד... on Motzei Shabbos be drawn out when it is Yom-Tov

רמ"א באו"ח סוף סימן רצג ונוהגים לומר והוא רחום וברכו באריכות נועם כדי להוסיף מחול על הקודש (אור זרוע It is customary to say V'hu rachum & borchu in a pleasant drawn out way, in order to add from ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Maariv Motzoei Shabbos. Origin of the minhag not to say the verses of “Kedusha Desidra” aloud

The Oruch HaShulchan O. Ch. 132 (1) points out that Chazal did not institute to say “kedusha” at Maariv. Indeed we do not say “kedusha” at Maariv; but on Motzoei Shabbos we do say ואתה קדוש וכ׳ in ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Food cooked on Shabbas for Pikuach Nefesh

What is the status of the leftover food cooked for a person who was critically ill on Shabbas? Halachicly one is allowed to cook food on Shabbas and eat it if their life is in jeopardy. However, let'...
sam's user avatar
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Is it OK to say Havdala before Arvit?

Is it 100% permissible lechatchila to say Havdala before arvit on Motzae Shabbat or Yom Tov, if one is going to pray arvit late, for example, if one wants to go to a distant synagogue from his house? ...
Abraham Murciano Benzadon's user avatar
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Does 'atah chonantanu' replace the first line of 'atah chonein,' or is it said in addition?

In my Koren Sacks siddur, the reader is instructed to substitute the first line of the usual אתה חונן with the אתה חוננתנו paragraph on Motzaei Shabbos and Motzaei Yom Tov. In my Artscroll siddur, ...
C_D's user avatar
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Difference in structure between Maariv Motzaei Shabbos vs. Purim and Tisha Beav

This question is for Nusach Artscroll Ashkenaz, and anyone else who follows the same sequence. I believe this includes the Ezras Torah luach. On Motzaei Shabbos, Purim, and Tisha Beav, Maariv gets (...
Heshy's user avatar
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Source for not sewing on Motzei Shabbos

I know people that do not sew anything on Motzei Shabbos. What is the source for this Minhag?
Earl's user avatar
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Recitation of vihi noam on tisha bav

Why when tisha bav falls out on motzaei shabbat is vihi noam not recited? Why should tisha bav cause us to not recite vihi noam?
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar
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Counting Omer before the conclusion of Shabbat/Yom Tov?

If one counted the omer before saying havdalah (or even 'hamavdil bein kodesh l'chol), does the omer count?
Fei23's user avatar
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Source for needing to say “Boruch hamavdil ..” before doing a melacha after Shabbos

I believe that after Shabbos one must say “Boruch hamavdil bein kodesh lechol” before doing a melacha. Please can someone supply a source for this?
Rafael Aryeh's user avatar
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Who is the author of Gott Fun Avrohom?

Gott Fun Avrohom (Yiddish: גאט פון אברהם) is a prayer written primarily in Yiddish and in some Ashkenazi communities it is recited by women before Havdalah. (Sometimes it is also recited by men as ...
ezra's user avatar
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Where did the various opinions about tzeis begin?

As discussed here, here, here, and here, there are different opinions as to when one is allowed to break their fast and end Shabbos, ranging from 36 minutes (mine) to 42 minutes to 60 minutes to 72 ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Is it permitted for an Israeli to use Mi Yodeya on motzei shabbat?

Is it permitted for an Israeli to use Mi Yodeya on motzei shabbat? Would this be lifnei iver (placing an obstacle in front of a fellow Jew) in encouraging non-shabbat observant Jews to click/vote/...
mbloch's user avatar
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Viduy on motzaeh shabbat?

If one has the custom to say viduy during kriat shema al hamitah, can he say this viduy following shabbat since motzeh shabbat is sort of a half holiday?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Shavuah Tov or A Gutte Vuch on Motzai Shabbos

What is the earliest reference or source for wishing Shavuah Tov or A Gutte Vuch on Motzai Shabbos?
Yoni's user avatar
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Benefiting from work done by a non-observant Jew after Shabbat

Observant Jews do not resume doing melacha after Shabbat until after Havdalah. But not all Jews do this. So may you benefit from work done by a non-observant Jew after Shabbat ends, even if he did not ...
Aaliyah's user avatar
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From whom can one hear havdalah?

I know that some mitzvas have particularities about who can be yotzei, from whom, and under what circumstances. For example, for kiddush, one is required either to make it or hear it made by one who ...
SAH's user avatar
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Why is Baruch Hashem L'olam said on Motzei Shabbos V'Yom Tov?

Why is Baruch Hashem L'olam said on Motzei Shabbos V'Yom Tov in Nussach Ashkenaz? A priori question: Why do some congregations say Baruch Hashem L'Olam (BHL) at all? The 2 possible answers I'd seen/...
General_Twyckenham's user avatar
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Why mention Shabbat at Yom Tov havdalah?

Shabbat and Yom Tov share the same text of havdalah (the main bracha), both in davening and with wine. It all makes sense for Motzei Shabbat, but why do we mention המבדיל בין יום השביעי לששת ימי המעשה ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Why Motzi Shabbath?

Where does the phrase Motzi Shabbath come from? Grammatically i don't understand how it works. Motzi means the bringing forth-er, or the bringing-out-er right? Ha-motzi lechem min ha-aretz, "the one ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Can you derive benefit from other Jews' melachas during an extension of Shabbos?

My question refers to the practice of tosafos Shabbos, or extending the duration of Shabbos. In Yoma 81b this is called a mitzvah, and we learn one is required to do so at both the beginning and the ...
SAH's user avatar
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Timing of Maariv / Havdalah at the end of Shabbos

Is it required that all elements of Maariv / Havdalah at the conclusion of Shabbos come after dusk, or may some part come between sunset and dusk?
chrysanthemum's user avatar
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Standing/Sitting on Motzei Shabbat for Vihi Noam and Uva LeTzion

I have noticed that some people are particular to stand on Motzei Shabbat for Vihi Noam and Uva LeTzion, whereas others are particular to sit. Is this really something significant? Whose opinion is ...
Ask613's user avatar
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Why ask for forgiveness of our sins after Havdala each week?

After havdala we often sing "Hamavdil ben kodesh l'chol". The second line asks for forgiveness of our sins. Why is forgiveness of our sins our concern so early in the week? Does it imply we have ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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what is the source of reciting ledovid boruch

What is the source for reciting ledovid boruch and lamnazeach at mozei shabbes before mairiv? In the mishna berurah it is only cited as minhag but without a source.
David Michael Gang's user avatar
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Forgot atah chonantanu in maariv, but have to say tashlumin

If someone doesn't daven shemoneh esrei for certain reasons, he is able to make it up by davening two shemoneh esreis at the next davening ('tashlumin). The second one is the exact same as the first, ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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When exactly does Havdala in Maariv effect a permission to perform Melacha?

Can you perform Melacha on Saturday night immediately when you finish אתה חוננתנו in Maariv motzei Shabbat, when you finish the bracha of חונן הדעת, or when you finish Shmoneh Esrei? It seems that אתה ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Why repeat the last verse of "Yoshev b'Seter Elyon"

In Nusach ashkenaz, as well as in "V'hi Noam" of Nusach haAri, the last pasuk of "Yoshev B'seter Elyon" (Psalm 91) is repeated. Why is that?
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Origin of the term Motza'ei Shabbos

I often hear that מוצאי שבת means "departure of the Sabbath," but it seems to me that the phrase for this should be צאת שבת (or יציאת שבת). The phrase מוצאי שבת seems to me to mean המוצאים של שבת, ...
Premundane's user avatar
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Can I fold my neighbour’s tallis if I find it in Shul unfolded a day or more after Shabbos?

Related to Can you fold a tallis on Shabbos? Folding one’s tallis after Shabbos is a seguloh for Sholom Bayis (unfolding a dish towel and helping one’s wife after Shabbos is a bigger seguloh ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Can there be an early 'Tzes HaChochavim' due to an eclipse?

When the sun is fully eclipsed the sky darkens and the stars appears as if it was night. Obviously, when this happens in the middle of the day, and the process of the moon slowly moving to occlude ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Preparing for the weekday on Shabbos after nightfall

We know there is an issur of hachanah on Shabbos (preparing from Shabbos for the weekday.) Is there a problem of hachanah (preparing something) "on Shabbos" when it's already after nightfall and no ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Tzeit HaKokhavim According To The Gr"a & Geonim

I have been investigating the various shitoth regarding sheqiah ("sunset") and sseth ha-kokhavim ("tzeit ha-kokhavim" or, when three stars are visible) and cannot find certain info regarding the ...
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Fireworks on Motzei Shabbos

Municipal fireworks displays in the US are often held on Saturday night, just as it is getting dark -- i.e. right at tzeis hakochavim, time for Ma'ariv, Havdalah, etc. Assuming there is a vantage ...
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