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Questions tagged [viduy-confession]

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Priorities for Tachanun for those who say Viddui

Given that saying Vidui in Tachanun is a relatively new custom among Sefaradim, nusach Sefard and Ari, I would like to know if it takes priority, such as if one only has time to say it or Tehillim 25 (...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What is the point of confessing before the meal on Erev Yom Kippur according to the Rambam?

The Rambam (Hilchos Teshuvah 2:7) writes that the reason why one should recite the Vidui on Erev Yom Kippur before the meal is that he might choke (heaven forbid) during the meal. The question is: if ...
שלום's user avatar
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Why do we sing while saying viduy on Yom Kippur?

Throughout Yom Kippur everyone says viduy (confession) numerous times. In the shuls that I have davened at (and I think most shuls), when everyone says it together during chazaras hashatz, there is a ...
Dani's user avatar
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What's the difference between all the sins in vidui?

When saying ashamnu, bagadnu, gazalnu, etc, I'd like to have something specific in mind that feels relatable/relevant for each sin category. What's the difference between each of these sin categories ...
Josh Grinberg's user avatar
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Viduy Ma'aser if the person had done wrong

In Devarim 26:12-15 (, Parshas Ki Tavo, the Torah prescribes what our sages called, Viduy Maaser. וְאָמַרְתָּ֡ לִפְנֵי֩ ה' ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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What sins are just bein adam l'chaveiro?

The mishan in Mas. Yom Kippur (8:9) says that Yom Kippur is not mechapeir sins that are bein adam l'chaveiro, between a man and his friend. Therefore, it seems that our prayers for forgiveness on that ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why does Al Chet not have the definite article, i.e., Al HAchet?

Since the phrase is translated, "for the sin," and it isn't smichut, why is there no definite article?
rivkah's user avatar
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Why do we say Viduy so many times on Yom Kippur?

Gemmorah in Yoma 87B and Rambam Teshuva here rule to say Viduy over and over on Yom Kippur. ת"ר: מצות וידוי ערב יוה"כ עם חשכה The Sages taught: The main mitzva of confession is [just once] ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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In the Al Cheit prayer, do we say bagalui or b'galui?

In the Al Cheit prayer, is it Al cheit shechatanu l'fanecha bagalui uvasater or is it Al cheit shechatanu l'fanecha b'galui uvasater I get about the same number of hits whichever of the two ...
Gerry Myerson's user avatar
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When can repentance be considered complete?

When can repentance be considered complete? When you feel bad and resolve not to do it again. (No.) The above, plus make restitution. (Maybe.) All the above, plus ask and receive forgiveness. (Maybe....
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Is Vidui before a Talmid Chacham permitted? (based on Breslov/Likutei Mohoran)

In Likutei Mohoran Torah 4, it explains about the process of confession before a Talmid Chacham and how that it a significant process. How does that fit in with what is recorded in the Talmud/Rambam ...
Fei23's user avatar
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why no letter "ס" samech in viduy of yom Kippur? [duplicate]

The viduy of the על חטא lists sins from alef to taf, yet the letter samech ס is switched to a sin ש. Why? (Interestingly I noticed that in between sections of viduy we say סלח לנו מחל לנו כפר לנו, ...
Jew-Duh's user avatar
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Why do we insert “Karban” on this line of Al Cheit?

In the lengthy “Al Cheit” section of Yom Kippur Vidui, there is a section that reads as follows: ועל חטאים שאנו חייבים עליהם עולה ועל חטאים שאנו חייבים עליהם חטאת ועל חטאים שאנו חייבים ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Where do i insert vidui in bedtime shema?

I have read about the importance of saying vidui in the bedtime shema and I would like to start, but I daven nusach ashkenaz whuch doesn't include vidui. Where should i insert vidui?
user15238's user avatar
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Why can't we repent every day?

I am piecing together a few different ideas so I apologize if I misstate any of them. According to the gemara in Shabbat 153a, one should repent a day before his death: (l) (Mishnah - R. Eliezer): ...
rosends's user avatar
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Thinking behind an unusual translation of the last word of Ashamnu?

There is a strikingly unusual translation in The Artscroll Selichos Siddur1. In several translations I have seen over the years, the last words of "Ashamnu", "תָּעִינוּ, תִּיעְתָּעְנוּ" are ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Sins mentioned in Yom Kippur davening

In the service of Yom Kippur, there are a series of lists of sins which are accounted for. Vayikra 16:16 says that the Kohen, when he sacrificed the he-goat, brought about atonement on behalf of the ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why am I always the last person to finish davening Al Cheit? [closed]

On Yom Kippur, I daven as fast as I possibly can--reading everything in my native language, and with far more speed than kavana--because I know I will have this problem. And yet I still have the ...
SAH's user avatar
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How to repent for sins on "festive" days?

On certain days of the year, viduy may not be recited (month of nissan, hol hamoed, rosh hodesh, etc.). If one did make a sin on one of these days, how can he/she repent for the sin on that same day?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Viduy on motzaeh shabbat?

If one has the custom to say viduy during kriat shema al hamitah, can he say this viduy following shabbat since motzeh shabbat is sort of a half holiday?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Is there a difference between Sarnu and Sararnu?

In the vidui, we list our sins alphabetically, and for the samech, the word in my machzor is "sararnu" -- this is translated as "we have turned away." After the list there is a paragraph which ...
rosends's user avatar
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תעבנו, תעינו, תעתענו Why three things that begin with a ת?

The Vidui that is said during the days of Selichos, and on Yom Kippur, and by Nusach Sefard on days that Tachanun is recited, starts with Ashamnu and goes letter by letter through the Aleph Bais. At ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Why is there an accusation in our Confession litany?

In the alphabetical vidui confession, we begin with Ashamnu -- we are guilty, and we list off a series of mistakes we have made. This makes sense -- a confession requires that we own up to our sins. ...
rosends's user avatar
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Source for Striking Self during Viduy

What is the earliest source for striking one's chest while reciting Vidduy?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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If someone didn't appease their fellow, what do they say in Ashamnu?

The standardized "Ashamnu" viduy has in it several sins which are between one person and another, for example stealing or giving bad advice. If someone hasn't asked forgiveness from the victim, does ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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text for Rav Kook's positive viduy?

It was quoted in a class that I was in once that Rav Kook has a text for a positive viduy where he takes the normal expression of sin and inverts it to talk about what we have done right. What is the ...
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How long to stay bent in Vidui for Selichos

My Artscroll Selichos says, right after Shema Koleinu: During the recitation of the וידוי, Confession, stand with head an body slightly bowed, in submissive contrition. How long does one need to ...
MTL's user avatar
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The Abolition of Vidui Ma'aser

Deuteronomy 26:12-15 details a confession that must be recited on the final yontef of Pesach, both on the fourth and on the seventh years of the agricultural cycle, at such a time as there is a temple ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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The almost-alphabetic acrostic Al Chet

The Al Chet that we say four times on Yom Kippur - the long list of sins that we list and ask to be forgiven for - is a double-acrostic (in nusach Ashkenaz). Each letter is represented twice in a row ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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on yom kipur how many times do we say al cheit

In a traditional machzor, during yom kippur, how many time does the congregation say the "al cheit" set of players?
user3261's user avatar
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What does "חפש כל חדרי בטן" mean?

Immediately before the "על חטא" prayer on יום כפור, we say a paragraph that says God knows everything. It includes this passage: אתה חפש כל חדרי בטן ובחן כליות ולב In my own translation: You ...
msh210's user avatar
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Did Rabbenu Nissim also write the long "Ashamnu" in the Chazarah of Shacharit in the Sephardic Yom Kippur Machzor?

Who wrote the long vidui in the Chazarah of Shacharit in Sephardic Yom Kippur Machzorim, i.e. the one that starts "Ashamnu, Achalnu ma'achalot assurot" and has a whole paragraph for each letter of the ...
Chanoch's user avatar
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How can saying vidui for a dying person substitute for his own confession?

The Mishna at Sanhedrin 6:2 says that anyone who confesses his sins before dying has a share in the World to Come. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch at 193:13 says that when visiting a sick person who is ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Striking the chest in the last few lines of Vidui

Towards the end of Vidui (על חטא section) there is a list of sins that are mentioned by punishment, instead of by type. Some people strike their chests while mentioning these sins, and some do not. ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Division of Al Cheit

Al Cheit has a chorus line ועל כולם, אלוה סליחות, סלח לנו, מחל לנו, כפר לנו after the first 20 Al Cheits, then after the next 12, then after the next 12. Who made this division? Why was it not divided ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Mincha before early wedding

If a couple is getting married early in the day (before mincha), when do they add the viduy from Yom Kippur to mincha? Do they do it the day before, the day of (after the wedding), or not at all?
Daniel's user avatar
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Should people not say Vidui before Tachanun?

Assuming that it is a hefseik and forbidden to interrupt between amidah and tachanun, should a person who regularly recites vidui change his custom and delay the recital of vidui until later on, after ...
Adam Mosheh's user avatar
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Order of punishments/responsibilities in viduy

In the viduy (confession) of Yom Kipur, we confess, and beg for forgiveness for, sins for which we're liable for a sacrificial offering: ola, chatas, ole v'yored, and asham; lashes prescribed by ...
msh210's user avatar
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How do I say vidui in Selichos in a meaningful way?

We say vidui three times in selichos. Many words are uttered in a relatively short time. How can we do this in a meaningful way that is not "vidui peh"? I have heard tell of one of the gedolei ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar