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Questions tagged [orach-chaim]

Orach Chaim is the section of the Tur and Shulchan Aruch which deals with the ceremonial laws and Halacha of Judaism, such as Shabbat, Jewish holidays, tefillin, synagogue, Tzitzit and prayer

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Is the Heter for music on Shabbat universal

According to this answer some Rabbis (to my understanding, generally Hasidic ones) give a Heter for playing instruments on Shabbat because of the fact that nowadays most people aren’t skilled in ...
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Using leftover etrogim to make kiddush/havdalah wine

The Talmud/Gemara in Shabbat 117b records a principle of using a mitzvah object for another mitzvah. Would using a leftover etrog or etrogim from Sukkot to make wine for kiddush/havdalah for Shabbat ...
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Does Birkat kohanim have to be read with the trop

According to Halacha, is it required for a Kohen reciting Birkat kohanim to recite it in the trop/cantillation notes, or no? Are there different opinions on this by custom (Ashkenazi, Sephardi, ...
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May a minor light one of the havdalah wicks

According to Halacha, is it permitted for a minor to light one of the wicks of the Havdalah candles, as long as an adult lights the other one and conjoins the flames? Or no, must someone who is ...
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Who is the Pischei Teshuva the MB is referring to

In אורח חיים סימן קל״ה in משנה ברורה ד he quotes a Pischei Teshuvah. Who is he referring to and where do I find it? במנחה ובשני וחמישי - ואם טעו וקראו להשלשה קרואים בפרשה ראשונה של סדר שבוע העבר או ...
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Are tallitot which are rabbinically obligated put on before or after tefillin

The Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 25 rules you should put a Tallit on before tefillin, this is based on the principle of Tadir, mitzvot which are more common take precedence, generally. However, if one ...
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What defines a room that crossing it would require you to make a new Bracha

BH Hi, I was told correct me if I’m wrong according to Lubavitch minhag every time you cross from one room to the next and you return to the room you were in before, if you had food there that you ...
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Tying shoes on Shabbat if you don’t plan to untie them in a day

According to Halacha, is it permissible for you to tie shoes on Shabbat if you don’t plan on untying them within a day? Or no, is it prohibited and you are obligated to untie them within 24 hours?
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Hiddur mitzvah for Lechem Mishneh

Is there any chiyuv in Halacha for hiddur mitzvah regarding Lechem Mishneh, or no? And if so, is the mitzvah of beautification an obligation for the bread itself (making it beautiful by braiding it) ...
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Running on Shabbat when it is raining

The Tur in סימן ש"א writes: כתיב אם תשיב משבת רגליך ודרשו חז"ל שלא יהא הילוכך של שבת כהילוכך של חול ע"כ אין לו לאדם לרוץ בשבת כדרך שעושה בחול אבל אם רץ לדבר מצוה כגון לבהכ"נ ...
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Opening glass bottles on Shabbat [duplicate]

There is a machloket amongst the Poskim whether there is an issur committed when you open plastic bottles which need to be screwed to be removed on Shabbat. Is there a different din in Halacha in ...
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Should you say a beracha when you see a gentile child prodigy

The Talmud in tractate Berachot 58a mentions a beracha that should be recited when you see a gentile scholar. Many poskim hold it is required for the scholar mentioned in the Gemara to observe the ...
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Shelo Asani Isha for an intersex who becomes a man

According to the first comment to this answer there’s responsa from the Tzitz Eliezer where he says that a Jew born with both man and woman characteristics can choose their gender (not transgender, ...
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Why not recite a beracha when taking off tefillin

According to a sugyah in the Talmud Yerushalmi there were rabbis who held the opinion you should recite a beracha when taking off tefillin: כשהוא חולצן מהו אומר ברוך אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו לשמור ...
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May Jews fast on Yom Ha’atzmut or Yom Yerushayalim

According to the interpretation of Halacha by religious Zionist rabbis who say that Jews should recite Hallel on Yom Yerushalayim and Yom Ha’atzmut, may Jews fast on Yom Ha’atzmut or Yom Yerushayalim? ...
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Is wearing a Fanny pack considered carrying

According to Halacha, is wearing a fanny pack considered carrying or no? So on Shabbat would it be permitted according to Halacha for a Jew to wear a Fanny pack between different domains or no? Is the ...
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Are women obligated in stepping before and after the Amidah

According to Halacha, if a woman prays the Amidah is she obligated to take three steps backwards before and after, or no? Since, women’s halachic obligations are different from men’s, but women to my ...
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If a Jew accepts Shabbat early, is something new which came into existence then nolad

According to Halacha, if a Jew accepts Shabbat early, is something new which comes into existence then (when it is still before when Shabbat would naturally start) considered nolad? Or no, since it ...
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How to calculate what time is Alot Hashachar without Zmanim Apps

BH How to calculate what time is Alot Hashachar without going online? How would you percicly be able to measure Alot Hashachar and how many different opinions are there for Alot Hashachar time?
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May Jews remove nose hair or eyelashes during Sefirat Ha’Omer

According to Halacha, may Jews remove nose hair or eyelashes during Sefirat Ha’Omer, or no, do the semi mourning restrictions during this time not prohibit nose hair or eyelash removal? Or is this ...
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May Jews play Chinese checkers on Shabbat

According to Halacha, May Jews play Chinese checkers on Shabbat or no? Does it violate any issur like muktzeh or something else?
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Should Jews make Birkat Ha’ilonot on hydroponic fruit trees

According to Halacha, should the beracha of Birkat Ha’ilonot, made when seeing a fruit tree for the first time during the month of Nissan, be made on fruit trees which are grown hydroponically or ...
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Is there a mitzvah of Kavod Yom Kippur

According to Halacha, is there a mitzvah of Kavod Yom Kippur or no? On the one hand, it is a day of affliction, so the usual mitzvah of Oneg with regards to nice food etc. is not there, but is there ...
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What is the proper beracha for a mandarin chicken salad?

According to Halacha, what is the proper beracha to recite on a mandarin chicken salad? Is it Shehakol, Ha'etz, Ha’adamah, or something else?
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May Jews recite a hesped for a Talmid chacham on Isru chag

According to Halacha, eulogies are not allowed to be held on Isru Chag of Shavuot, and there is a very strong minhag for the other Isru Chags. My question is, does this also apply to a hesped for a ...
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Is besamim used for Motzai Shabbat when there is an important event

According to Halacha, besamim is not used for havdalah when Motzai Shabbat is Yom tov. My question is, if there is a wedding, bar mitzvah, Brit milah, etc. being held the day after Shabbat, does ...
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Is there a mitzvah of Kavod or Oneg chol hamoed

In Halacha, is there a mitzvah of Kavod or Oneg chol hamoed like there is with Shabbat and Yom tov? Or no, even though they are special days is there not a specific requirement for Kavod or Oneg?
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Beracha on chocolate covered raisins [duplicate]

According to Halacha what is the proper beracha on chocolate covered raisins? Is it shehakol, haetz, or something else?
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Should women recite the daily Nasi

Are women included in the custom to recite the Daily Nasi for the first 13 days of Nissan? Or no, since it is positive and time bound is it proper for them not to?
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Is it a hefsek to eat or drink during kriat sh’ma

According to the Halacha, is it permitted for Jews to eat or drink during kriat Sh’ma, or no is that prohibited as a hefsek? Or no, is it not necessarily a hefsek to fulfilling the mitzvah?
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Are Jews permitted to play jacks on Shabbat

According to Halacha is it permitted for Jews to play jacks on Shabbat? Or no, would it involve any issur like muktzeh or anything else? Does it depend on if it’s a minor chinuch age or an adult?
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What is the proper beracha on boba

According to Halacha, what is the proper beracha when drinking boba with boba balls? Is it shehakol or something else?
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Is a bird muktzeh on Shabbat

According to Halacha, is a bird which is owned by you as a pet muktzeh on Shabbat? Or no, is it not muktzeh and has a different din to land animals? If muktzeh, what type?
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Does the kotel (western wall) have the Kavod of a synagogue

According to Halacha, does the kotel (western wall) have the Kavod of a synagogue? The reason I ask is because it is sort of a designated area for prayer but does this have halachic implications ...
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Why no Avinu Malkeinu on Hoshanah Rabbah

According to traditional kabbalah, Hoshanah Rabbah is analogous to Yom Kippur in the sense of being a day of final judgment for the year, my question is why isn’t Avinu Malkeinu part of the Hoshanah ...
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What has priority, Kavod or Oneg Shabbat

Does Halacha have a preference for either Oneg Shabbat or Kavod Shabbat? For example, if a fancy suit would make a Jew uncomfortable (like during summer) that would be Kavod Shabbat but hurt Oneg ...
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May Jews attach or detach cup handles on Shabbat

According to Halacha is it permitted for Jews to attach or detach detachable cup handles on Shabbat or no? Would it fall into any prohibited melacha or something else?
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What is the proper beracha for Pancakes or waffles

According to Halacha what is the proper beracha (blessing) on pancakes or waffles? Is it considered like bread which requires hamotzi or is it considered more like cake which is mezonot?
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Is there a mitzvah of bedikat chametz in cars

According to Halacha are Jews obligated to do bedikat chametz before Passover in cars? Or no, is there not an active obligation to search for chametz before Pesach in cars?
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Are women obligated in Birkat Hachama

According to Halacha, are women obligated to recite Birkat Hachama? Or no, are they exempt from reciting it as a positive time bound commandment?
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May Jews combine the Purim meal with melave malkah

This year, purim falls out on Motzai Shabbat. My question is, is it permitted in Halacha for Jews to combine the melavah malka meal with the purim Seudah? Or no, if they want to fulfill both mitzvot ...
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Should Jews read the 4 parshiyot in private if they can’t join a minyan

In Halacha, if Jews can’t go to a minyan in person, are they obligated to read 4 parshiyot in private even without a public Torah reading? Or is the obligation to hear them only if you can in a ...
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Is reciting Tamid daily obligatory

According to Halacha, is the daily recitation of Tamid considered obligatory, or merely a strong minhag? If it is an obligatory recitation, are women also obligated to recite it or no?
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Latest time to eat the first Shabbat meal

What does the Halacha specify about the latest permissible time to eat the first Shabbat Seudat? Can it be eaten past midnight or no?
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Is collected rainwater on Shabbat nolad

According to Halacha, is rainwater collected on Shabbat nolad, and therefor muktzeh or no? On the one hand, it is something new which was collected, on the other hand it’s not “created” just changing ...
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Minimum amount for beracha achorona

According to Halacha what is the Minimum amount to eat before Jews are obligated to recite a beracha achorona? Is it a disputed question?
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Are glasses muktzeh on shabbat for Jews who can see

According to the Halacha, are glasses muktzeh on Shabbat for Jews who can see fine without them? Or no, are they not muktzeh and may they be moved on Shabbat?
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May sick Jews eat before Davening shacharit

According to Halacha is it permissible for sick Jews to eat before shacharit? Or is it prohibited just like it is normally?
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Reducing a flame on Yom Tov

Accordion to Halacha, is it permissible for Jews to reduce the strength of a flame on Yom Tov? For example, if a Jew is cooking something on a gas stove, is it permitted for them to reduce the power ...
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Is rotten food mutzkeh on Shabbat or can it be removed

According to Halacha is rotten food considered muktzeh on Shabbat? Is there any heter for throwing out rotten food on Shabbat for smell or other inconveniences?
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