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What is the bare minimum that needs to happen for a jewish wedding to take place?

I would like to know the raw components of what makes a Jewish marriage valid. What is the sine qua non, and what is considered "extra" or "minhag"? For example, is it enough for ...
Sheldon's user avatar
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Halachic source for R' Yitzchok Meir Morgenstern praying late [duplicate]

As we all know there are halachic times to pray. I recently discovered that R' Yitzchok is known (to some level) for praying late among other things. I know he's a Mekubal and that's why he's one of ...
Netanel Menajem's user avatar
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Sugar on Motzei Shabbos

I have heard of a Minhag of the Baal Shem Tov and have observed this amongst Chasidim, to have some sugar in a hot drink on Motzei Shabbos. Does anyone know the source of this Minhag?
Moishe's user avatar
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Why Does Belz Wear Blue? [duplicate]

Why does the Belz Chasidus wear dark navy stripes on their tails? What is the source of this minhag? It seems to be a more recent development.
Tom Tomson's user avatar
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Can Nusach be changed throughout the day?

Is there an issue with davening, for example, Nusach HaArizal for Shacharit, and then Mincha according to Nusach Ashkenaz?
zalmanleib7's user avatar
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Multiple Shalom Zachor's

Iv'e heard of a custom, that when a baby boy is born and is unwell (i.e. in the ICU), to make a Shalom Zachor every week until the bris is performed. What could be the source for such a thing?
Yitzy 's user avatar
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Positioning the Sefer Torah poles

I was recently told that while we do gelilah - rolling the Sefer Torah - we always mean to position the "Bereshit" pole higher than "Devarim" pole. Is there any Halacha about it? ...
Eli83's user avatar
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Shalom Zachar - why the name? [duplicate]

The practice of having a Shalom Zachar is throwing a kiddush soon after a male baby is born, in celebration, held by Ashkenazi Jews, and it is even codified in Shulchan Aruch. The wikipedia page is ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Customs for a ceremony for changing back the Torah covers

We would like to make a special ceremony for changing back our Torah covers (me'ilim) after the High Holidays. Are there any special readings and/or prayers said when changing the Torah covers from ...
Bill Bronstein's user avatar
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Why specify individuals in a mi sheberach?

The standard template for a "mi sheberach" always ends with something along the lines of, "V'et kol khal hakadosh hazeh". That being the case, why do Olim laTorah (and gabbaim) ...
Chani's user avatar
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Shir Hamalot Before Yishtabach in Hoshana Raba

Some Kehilot say in Hoshana Raba Mizmor Shir Hamaalot after Yishtabach as in Yamim Noraim (ספר ברית כהונה (ג'רבא) ומנהגי קאמרנא ובלוח בעלז (דבר יום ביומו) ), whereas other Kehilot it is written no to ...
Avi's user avatar
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What is the source that the Shacharit Chazan starts Hamelech from its place and then goes to the prayer post? [duplicate]

What is the source for the practice of the Shacharit Chazan (Ashkenazi, Nusach Sfard) beginning the Hamelech prayer from its original place and then moving to the prayer stand?
Avi's user avatar
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Are you allowed to make liquid nitrogen ice cream on Yom Tov

Liquid nitrogen is a liquid version of nitrogen gas and hence very cold. This ice cream involves sugar, chocolate syrup, milk --liquid nitrogen is poured in as one stirs vigorously. When all have ...
Miriam Rafailovich's user avatar
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What piyutim is one permitted to omit on Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur

Is one permitted to omit piyutim on Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur in the night and day in the Ashkenazi machzor, as it is a tircha detziburah.
yosefkorn's user avatar
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Halachic inheritance

Is it possible that one holds differently then his community (i.e. Ashkenazim, Sfardim)? For example, Chuppah (Canopy).the shulchun Aruch says Chuppah is Yichud fit for cohabiting (rauy Libiah).and ...
C L's user avatar
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Keeping shards of Chuppah Glass?

I was recently in a Judaica store and saw they have keepsakes for the glass that is broken under the chuppah. It also explains why the cups they sell come in many different unique colors (so they can ...
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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What is the reason for shaking the Tzitzis in the blessing of the Levana?

I have seen in the siddurim (Ashkenazi, Sfard) that the fringes of the Tzitzis are shaken at the end of the blessing of the Levana. What is the reason and the source of this? Does it mean a real Talit ...
Avi's user avatar
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How do we understand the wish “עד ביאת הגואל" given to someone observing a Yahrzeit?

Jews from Ashkenaz (Yekkes) tend to wish “עד ביאת הגואל" (= until the coming of the Redeemer) on the occasion of a Yahrzeit. How should we understand this wish? Does it mean: 1] You should live ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why is there a custom to say "Kiddush Levana" (Moon Blessing) on Motsaei Tisha Be'av?

Why do some have the custom to say Kiddush (Birkat) Levana on Motsaei Tisha Ba'Av and not on the Shabbat after it (or before it)? After all, it is customary to say Kiddush Levana on Motsaei Shabbat is ...
Avi's user avatar
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Whats the source of saying Al Cheit at night?

BH Whats the source saying al chait every night at kiryat shma al hamita?
David 's user avatar
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Psalm 107 seems to suggest a custom of giving public thanks in the Temple for personal rescues; was that a thing in 2nd Temple or modern times?

107  “Praise the LORD, for He is good; His steadfast love is eternal!” 2**Thus let the redeemed of the LORD say, those He redeemed from adversity,** 3whom He gathered in from ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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What is considered a "makom" in "Minhag Hamakom"?

When we talk about Minhag Hamakom (place), what locality are we talking about: a country, a city, a neighborhood, or a family home?
חיים's user avatar
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Is it permissible to cut toenails on Thursday

I saw that it is customary not to cut fingernails on Thursday. The Mishnah Berura (סימן רס סק"ו ובשער הציון שם) wrote in the name of Eliya Rabbah, that they are careful not to cut nails on ...
Avi's user avatar
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Counting finger motions in reading verse in Parashat Ktoret

I was recently told that in addition to counting the eleven marks of incense with one's fingers during prayer, as is customary, some also count the six instances of the word "sammim" in the ...
Avi's user avatar
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Shinouy makom and adoption of new minhagim

As we know, a person who moves from one makom (location) to another makom must follow the minhag of the new makom. Is the adoption considered as a shinouy makom like a wife who left the house of her ...
חיים's user avatar
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Minhag not to have the moon shine on a sleeping person?

I saw in a Holocaust memoir a claim by the author that in Poland there was an accepted minhag not to have the moon shine directly on a sleeping person. He mentioned it in the context of someone who ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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Shaking the Arava on Hoshana Rabbah

I see in S.O. O Ch 564 (4) in the Rema that it is a custom not only to beat the Arava but also to shake it. וי"א שצריך לנענע בה [טור בשם רש"י] ונהגו לעשות שתיהן מנענעין בה ואח"כ חובטין ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Must I follow suit and stand for Kiddush?

There are different customs whether to stand or sit during Kiddush. Even those who stand for all/part of Friday Night Kiddush, many sit for the Shabbos Day Kiddush. I have observed a common trend to ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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How do contradictions within Halacha impact the credibility of Judaism?

Given the vast array of interpretations and customs in following Halacha, how does Judaism maintain its credibility and authority when one practice can be considered correct by one group but incorrect ...
Seeker's user avatar
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Do we no longer practice the blessing on virginity and when did it go away?

In the responsa of Rav Hai Gaon (4:8) there is a record of a ceremony conducted after a marriage is consummated wherein the sheet displaying virginal blood is produced and a blessing (or perhaps ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Minhag when Changing Money from a Tzedaka Pushka

I observed a minhag that when changing money with money in a tzedakah Pushka, not to change the full amount. For example, if you try to change 5 dollars into quarters one would leave the last quarter (...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Variations on interlaced fingers

Based on Kabbalah some have the custom to not join hands together with interlaced fingers. Classically, that looks something like this: But what about if the fingers are on the inside, like this: ...
shmosel's user avatar
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Customary learning areas for Shavuos?

Leaving aside the traditional Tikkun Leil Shavuot which includes Chumash, Nach, Mishnah, Gemara, Halacha, Kabbalah etc. the increasingly common current practice is to study a wide variety of materials....
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Affixing Mezuzah without case or cover

In Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 289/1 the Mechaber writes: בא לקבעה יניחנה בשפופרת של קנה או של כל דבר ויקבענה במקומה ויברך אקב"ו לקבוע מזוזה ולא יברך בשעת כתיבתה. (והקובע ב' או ג' מזוזות מברך ברכה ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Which Minhag to follow [closed]

I am a baal teshuva who is going to attend a Jewish day school next year. My mother is halachically jewish. My father's status is not so clear. We are sure he has Sefardic ancestry on both sides but ...
ari Vejar's user avatar
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What is the source of עתיד בהוראת עבר?

BH In the רמב"ם לעם commentary of Yad HaChazaka on the sentence כל התורה כתבה משה רבנו קדם שימות it says that the word ימות is classified as the concept of עתיד בהוראת עבר (A word that is in the ...
David 's user avatar
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Minhag for a couple of converts

When a man is a Jew by birth and has minhag avot, his wife must follow his minhag avot. When a man is converted or baal teshuvah, he must follow his wife's minhag. And if both the man and the woman ...
Zeca Szymon Botafogo Worcman's user avatar
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Late Mincha Erev Shabbos [duplicate]

I have seen that some communities are not particular to daven Mincha on Friday afternoon before shkia. In fact it seems that almost purposefully, they push it until after shkia. Why is that and is ...
Moishe's user avatar
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Translating the vow/minhag

If one mentions that he wants to act according to a specific shita (not intending to make a neder), then acts according to that shita, is that considered an act that now becomes binding to him? (...
C L's user avatar
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Rambam and Minhagim

Going through Mishneh Torah, it is clear that Rambam brings down relatively few minhagim (especially as compared to the Tur and Shulchan Aruch etc). What determines whether or not Rambam will codify a ...
A s's user avatar
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Minhag of reading end of Parshat Emor with an undertone

Good morning, Last Shabbat for Parshat Emor, I noticed that our experienced baal Koreh read the end of the Parsha about the episode of the Mekalel aka the blasphemer with an undertone. After services, ...
Eli83's user avatar
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What is the minhag for a secular couple who become Baalei Teshuvah

According to Halacha, minhag of a married couple follows the husband. What is the Halacha about the minhag for a secular married couple who become Baalei Teshuvah later on? What about a religious ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Why walk Backwards away from Ark - ארון קדש

I have observed a custom in which some people do not turn there back to the Aron kodesh when walking away from it, such as when they are done closing it after returning the sefer torah. I am looking ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Different shitos in halachah

If one holds like a certain shita in halachah. Then acts in accordance to a different shita in halachah, other then what he holds. is his action valid because there is still some shitos in halachah ...
C L's user avatar
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Staying Up and Learning Shavuos night

What's the reason we stay up to learn on Shavuos night? If the reason is because we woke up late for Matan Torah, then why don't we just wake up for the earliest shacharis and be on time?
C L's user avatar
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Why is the last bereita in Avot often said before Kaddish?

In many minyanim I have attended there is often some form of torah learning after prayers have been completed and then someone (usually the teacher conducting the learning) will recite the last ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Sefardi Tachanun in Ashkenazi Shul (and the converse) - Poresh Min Hatzibbur? If so, what to do?

The title captures the question perfectly. (Many modern*) Sefardi Tachanun procedures are very visibly different from standard Ashkenazi procedures. Ashkenazim fall on their face (Many modern) ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Moving place minhaguim

Let's say a convert adopts minhag A in Erets Israel. Then he moves to Houtz Laaretz when there is only a minhag hamakom B which he must follow. Then he moves back to Israel where minhag B is also ...
חיים's user avatar
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Is there a concept of sexual transmutation in Torah?

Hi in some of the certain secular books I have seen before taking Torah more seriously for example in Think and Grow Rich it says that a person can transmute (transform) the energy of his Zera to ...
John's user avatar
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Minhaguim for a convert how to make the best choice advices [duplicate]

I know that a convert can choose his minhag as whatever he wants. But how to make the best choice according to the Torah logic? As the convert is considered as a newborn, which minhag should he follow?...
חיים's user avatar
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