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Questions tagged [nail-cutting]

Questions about cutting nails of the fingers or toes

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Is it permissible to cut toenails on Thursday

I saw that it is customary not to cut fingernails on Thursday. The Mishnah Berura (סימן רס סק"ו ובשער הציון שם) wrote in the name of Eliya Rabbah, that they are careful not to cut nails on ...
Avi's user avatar
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Are we allowed to use the Genizah (Shaimos) to bury fingernails and toenails? [duplicate]

If it's considered the act of the Righteous to bury our fingernails and toenails, can we fulfill this by placing them in the Genizah with the Shaimos, or must we dig a hole and bury them ourselves?
YoungBochur's user avatar
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Is stepping on fingernails still a concern today? [duplicate]

Rav Chaim Kanievsky is quoted saying a pregnant woman may walk on the nails of a non-Jew. Does Rav Chaim Kanievsky hold it's still an issue for pregnant women to walk on cut nails today? I recently ...
NJM's user avatar
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Halacha of Scattering nails

I have heard people saying not to scatter nails and to throw it inside the restroom or to bury it. What is the source for it?
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Throwing away nails

As discussed here, one should ideally burn or bury his nails, and one who throws them is a rasha. What is the halacha regarding placing them in a trash receptacle? Is it allowed, since it won't lead ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Can someone else cut your fingernails on the "wrong" day?

There are many discussions of when the fingernails can and cannot be cut according to halacha and minhag. It is very hard to ascertain anything coherent from this information, other than that Friday ...
SAH's user avatar
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Can a woman cut her nails for mikvah even if it's the "wrong" day?

There are many discussions of when the fingernails can and cannot be cut according to halacha and minhag. It is very hard to ascertain anything coherent from this information, other than that Friday ...
SAH's user avatar
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Does one need to file one's nails in the same order used when cutting one's nails?

See this M.Y. question related to the order for cutting one's nails. Does one need to follow this same order when one files or paints (manicures) the nails, or does it only apply to cutting? The ...
DanF's user avatar
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Reason for the order of cutting one's nails

Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 260:1 cites the Rema who states these rules when cutting one's nails: The order for cutting the nails (numbered "digits") is: Left Hand - 4,2,5,3,1 Right Hand - 2,4,1,3,5 ...
DanF's user avatar
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Cutting one's nails at night

I recently asked a friend if I could borrow his nail cutter, but he told me that he would prefer I do it in the morning because it isn't good to cut one's nails at night. When I asked him why, he told ...
Gabriel12's user avatar
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Swallowing fingernails

Although it is permitted to bite ones nails, and is not considered uncouth as is stated in Moed Koton (18a): אמר רב שמן בר אבא הוה קאימנא קמיה דר' יוחנן בי מדרשא בחולו של מועד ושקלינהו לטופריה ...
Shoel U'Meishiv's user avatar
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Why do we cut nails for mikvah but not hand washing?

When it comes to determining what counts as a chatzitzah for mikvah, we say that nails which are too long (the length that they would bother the person), then they have to be cut or they would ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Cuttting hair and nails on shabbos

Let me start off by saying, that I know that cutting hair and nails on shabbos is prohibited. My question is, is it a biblical or rabbinical prohibition. In my mind it seems rabbinic because when you ...
David Feigen's user avatar
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Cutting nails before Yom Tov

BSD I know that it says in Shulchan Aruch one shouldn't cut one's nails on Thursday (really two days before Shabbat) in deference to the Shabbos. Does this apply to Yom Tov as well? Meaning, should ...
TreeKing's user avatar
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When should one cut his nails for Shabbos when Friday is Rosh Chodesh

In the answer to Rules for Cutting Nails it quotes the Mishna Berura 260:6 that one should not cut their nails on Thursday. Mishna Berura explains that by cutting them on Thursday they will begin to ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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You didn't cut your nails last Friday; now it's Wednesday and they're too long. Should you cut them now?

There are various disadvantages to having long fingernails. These disadvantages are enumerated in an article by R' Daniel Doron Levy. [Edit: But DonielF writes: "You're not allowed to cut your nails ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Can I cut my toenails consecutively? [duplicate]

Should I be careful about this issue or there is no rule regarding this?
joanepstein's user avatar
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Can a Jew cut a non-Jew's nails consecutively?

Can a Jew cut a non-Jew's nails consecutively? This would relate to a profession in which one trims nails such as podiatry, nursing, pedicurist etc.
anonymous's user avatar
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Controlling a bad habit: picking fingernails on Shabbat

Does anyone have advice for someone who has a (nervous?) habit to rub/scrape their fingernails together - thereby tearing away parts of the nail and surrounding skin (which is a rabbinic prohibition ...
Danield's user avatar
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What can a pregnant woman do if she already stepped on nails?

A pregnant women is advised by the gemara (Nidda 17a) to avoid stepping on cut human nails out of fear of miscarriage. What can she do if she has already stepped on them? Is there a way to "fix" ...
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What is the danger in cutting fingernails in order?

The Ramo (OH 260:1) writes that one should not cut their fingernails in order; rather he should cut them by skipping neighboring nails and cycling through all the fingers. וכשנוטל צפרניו לא יטול ...
Curiouser's user avatar
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Moving nails better than burning them?

It says in the Gemara that one who buries his nails is a Tzaddik (he did what he should, to avoid a pregnant woman from stepping on them) while someone who burns his nails is a chossid (Tosfos ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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When cutting nails, which hand comes first?

When cutting nails there are some very specific instructions when cutting them. If I recall correctly, one is supposed to start with the left hand and then proceed to the right. This seems strange, as ...
yydl's user avatar
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How should one dispose of cut finger nails? Is it dangerous for a pregnant woman to walk on them?

Is there an Inyan of pregnant women walking over cut nails ex: a nail salon? Also, can I just vacuum up the cut nails from the floor?
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Cutting Nails on Chol Hamoed

Is one allowed to cut nails on Chol Hamoed? what about if it's also erev yom tov (like today)?
yydl's user avatar
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Trimming Toenails in sequence

As a follow up to the question "Rules for Cutting Nails" it occurred to me that while we spoke about the idea of not trimming one's nails in sequence (as well as discussing the relevancy of lenient ...
Yirmeyahu's user avatar
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Rules for Cutting Nails

My question about nail-cutting is whether each of the following is halacha, minhag, or old-wives' tales. Not cutting both fingernails and toenails on the same day. Not cutting nails at night (is this ...
Tzvi's user avatar
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