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Questions tagged [messianic-redemption]

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Is there a source for jumping straight to techiyat hametim without having to die?

BH Hi, correct me if I'm wrong. I heard there are two possibile outcomes that will get a person to techiyat hametim. One is the person dies, goes to Gan Eden bezrat Hashem, and then gets resurrected ...
David 's user avatar
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How to live in the times of Mashiach right now

BH I heard that the Baal Shem Tov says that you are where your thoughts are. I also heard that certain big tzadikim, like Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, lived in a level of Torah in which the Temple was ...
David 's user avatar
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Significance of the Temple in the Days of the Messiah

Contemplating the 9th of Av aspirations, I understand that the main reason for our yearning for the Days of the Messiah is to solve the inherent condition of human suffering: poverty, sickness, wars, ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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חבלי משיח has already been fulfilled

I heard in a conversation that the חבלי משיח have already been fulfilled via the world wars. Does anyone have a source for this?
Shababnik's user avatar
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Left behind after final redemption

This question is based on the Ha Yom Yom sefer which is well know to the Chabad school of thought adherents. We are taught that Moshiach will gather the Jewish people from all corners of the earth and ...
Mars Sojourner's user avatar
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The Zohar on Gog Magog and the Erev Rav

The Satmar Rav (Al HaGeulah Ve Al Temurah, siman 61) mentions a Zohar that says that during the war of Gog and Magog, there would be some people from B'nei Yisroel joining with the forces of Gog U'...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Who is the Rebbe that will redeem us in the maamer "Basi Legani" by the Lubavitcher Rebbe?

I found a copy of the first official maamer given by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Basi Legani (5711). The conclusion of the maamer talks about seeing the Rebbe in the flesh and ...
James Read's user avatar
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Reference to an automated nachash who goes to the market for you?

I’m searching for a reference to the place in the Gemara which talks about there being, in the messianic era, some kind of helper which I think is the nachash which goes to the store and the ...
theideasmith's user avatar
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Moshiach, Arabia and the Eirev Rav

In a comment in this question, Rabbi Yitzchok Soloveitchik is said to have said that ערביא (Arabia) is referring to the Eirev Rav and their role in the End of Days. So, according to this opinion, ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Connection between Purim and Exodus

It is mentioned in The Zohar: לשלש גאולות על ידי שלשה צדיקים משה מרדכי משיח שעתיד לגאלנו בקרוב Three redemptions, with three righteous leaders, Moshe, Mordechai, and the future Moshiach. I am looking ...
The Targum's user avatar
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Does "הֵאָסְפוּ" signify unity as the key to redemption?

The verse says וַיִּקְרָא יַעֲקֹב אֶל־בָּנָיו וַיֹּאמֶר הֵאָסְפוּ וְאַגִּידָה לָכֶם אֵת אֲשֶׁר־יִקְרָא אֶתְכֶם בְּאַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים׃, And Jacob called his sons and said, “Come together that I may ...
TheInquisitiveOne's user avatar
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Malchus Yishmael and the connection with clay

I was stuyding the Midrash Rabbah (Bereishis Rabbah 2:4) on the four galuyos and why Malchus Yishmael isn't included. This got me to sefer Daniel 2:31-33. There, we read about a great statue, with a ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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The descent of Yehudah as a preparation for the geulah

In the sefer " ושב ורפא לו" by Rabbi Tikotzinski (Parshas Vayeshev, p. 119) explains that all things that happened to Yehudah, were a preparation from G-d to bring the redemption. He says: ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Ben Ish Chai: Rome and the USA

Rav Daniel Glatstein often quotes from the Ben Ish Chai's commentary Ben Yehoyada on Avodah Zarah 10. He says that the Ben Yehoyada describes "רוֹמִי"- Rome - to mean "Western ideas&...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Do messianic prophecies have to occur immediately or can they all be fulfilled over a longer period of time before and after his arrival?

We have a wide swath of prophecies and information regarding the messianic age and the events which are to happen both prior and during mashiach. My question is whether the timelines of such events ...
Michael's user avatar
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The Tzadik, The Nations and the Geulah: the chiddush of Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg

Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg, Rabbi of Antwerp (1872-1944), has written an interesting teshuva on the Shalosh Shevuos (the three oaths. Refer to Kesubos 111a). Rabbi Rottenberg, in his reaction to some ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Where is the desert of the nations?

In a Vayoel Moshe shiur on Youtube, recently I was introduced to the notion that the ingathering of the Jews will not initially be to the land of Israel but to "the desert of the nations". I ...
James Read's user avatar
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The wicked redemption: chiddush of the Rabbeinu Gershom

The Gemara in Tamid 32a writes: He said to them: Who among you is wiser than the others? They said to him: We are all equal in wisdom, as every matter that you say to us, we solve for you unanimously....
Shmuel's user avatar
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Did God give the entire land of Israel?

I am having trouble understanding Joshua 21:41-43, which states that God gave to Israel the entire land that He swore to their fathers, and all of the good things that God spoke came to pass. How do ...
Jewish Context's user avatar
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Moshiach will come unexpectedly

The Gemara teaches us that three things come בהיסח הדעת - unexpectedly. One of these three is Moshiach. This is as in that practice of Rabbi Zeira, who, when he would find Sages who were engaging in ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Connection between Loshon Hakodesh and other languages

I remember finding seforim saying All languages are really just a distortion of Loshon HaKodesh It's as if Loshon Hakodesh is in gallus (exile) within those other languages. When we identify how a ...
Elyah's user avatar
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When Moshaich comes, what will happen to halachot that are not d'oraita or rabbinic insight into Hashem's absolute Ratzon?

At some point after the Moshaich comes, we will famously no longer have a Yeitzer Hara (e.g. Sukkah 52a). At that time, will we still need the fences Chazal put around the Torah? I don't just mean the ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why does Rashi (most of the time) not quote sources for his commentary?

The Gemera in Meggilah 15a and Pirkei Avot 6:6 says, כל האומר דבר בשם אומרו מביא גאולה לעולם שנאמר ותאמר אסתר למלך בשם מרדכי. My question is, if quoting teachings of other people is very important (...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
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If all Jews reaccepted the covenant w/ love and did complete teshuvah after being saved during the Purim events why weren't they redeemed immediately?

Achashverosh ruled over all (majority) the Jews in the world in 127 provinces. All the Jews reaccepted the covenant out of love (voluntarily) “They stood beneath the mountain”: Rav Avidni bar Chama ...
Daniel Yaacov's user avatar
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New rivers that will spring during The World to Come?

Once in the past, I read an article online (Now I don't remember where exactly), that says that during the messianic age or the world to come, there will be a phenomenon of the appearance of new ...
ميخائيل مينا's user avatar
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"Torah scholars decrease" - what does the Gemara teaches us?

There is a principle that the redemption only comes after a series of severe troubles (see: אוצרות הרב יצחק אברבנאל, p. 124) יש לדעת כי הגאולה הרוממה באה רק אחרי רצף של צרות קשות One of these ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Children of Israel being crowned with the crown of Torah - Messianic Era

The Rambam in his Hilchos Talmud Torah 3:1 says: The crown of Torah is set aside, waiting, and ready for each Jew, as [implied by Deuteronomy 33:4]: "The Torah which Moses commanded us is the ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Igros Kodesh on Chanukah: advice for during exile

The Lubavitcher Rebbe in Igros Kodesh talks about why the chanukah candle has 8 candles, and the menorah 7. But then, the Rebbe says “from this it is clear that the chanukah candles have a general ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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When will the "marriage" between G-d and Am Yisrael be completed?

There is a Midrash that explains that this worlds serves as the "engagement of Am Yisrael with Hashem" and that the world-to-come will serve as the marriage itself. See Yechidus, Eve of 17th ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Are there sources that predict a process of redemption?

I have been told that recent history reflects the process of redemption - גאולה. Whether or not this is true, I want to know if there are sources, in Tanakh or later, which predict such a process.
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Gathering of the tribes: contradiction between Rambam and mefarshim

It is a well known principle that Moshiach will gather all the people that are in exile, and bring them into Eretz Yisrael (Yeshayahu 11:12; Mishneh Torah Hilchos Melachim uMilchamot 11:1][1]). Rabbi ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Shouldn't Rosh Chodesh Iyar be a sad day?

The Gemara in Rosh Hashana 10b-11a says בְּנִיסָן נִגְאֲלוּ בְּנִיסָן עֲתִידִין לִיגָּאֵל Shouldn't that mean that when Rosh Chodesh Iyar comes and we, unfortunately, have not been redeemed, that ...
Michael's user avatar
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What is the malchus harisha nowadays

The Talmud talks of a malchus harisha (evil kingdom). This seems to be referring to the Roman Empire in all contexts. Tractate Avodah Zarah 2b says that Rome and Persia will last until the coming of ...
Yaakov Roth's user avatar
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Is there a different deadline for Moshiach to come with mercy than to come with more harshness?

Chazal bring down that human history follows the seven days of creation, with each day representing 1,000 years, and the seventh day being a day of rest. Therefore, it follows that Moshiach must come ...
ShipBuilding's user avatar
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Moshiach bearing the sickness of B'nei Yisrael

The Gemara describes Moshiach as someone who bore the sickness of B'nei Yisrael and is compared to a metzora; see Ben Yehoyada and Chidushei Agadot, see also:Sanhedrin 98b The Gemara there quotes a ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Difference Between Redemption and Messiah Coming

The Gemara says בְּנִיסָן נִגְאֲלוּ בְּנִיסָן עֲתִידִין לִיגָּאֵל, in Nisan the Jewish people were redeemed from Egypt; and in Nisan in the future the Jewish people will be redeemed in the final ...
Knowledge Seeker's user avatar
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Why will the Galilee be destroyed? - Sanhedrin 97a

The Gemara teaches us that in the generation when Moshiach comes, the Galilee will be destroyed (Sanhedrin 97a): During the generation that the son of David comes, the hall of the assembly of the ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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The size of Jerusalem in the future (Bava Batra 75b)

The Vilna Gaon in Kol HaTor (1:26) writes: The settlement of our Holy Land in general, and the construction of Jerusalem in particular must be according to the principle of equal [balanced/ accurate] ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Spared from the pains of the birthpangs of Moshiach

I am looking for some explanations given by modern commentators on the following question: The question is: why does studying Torah protects a person against the pains of the birthpangs of Moshiach? ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Sefer אפיקי מים on Sanhedrin 97a

There's a sefer called אפיקי מים where it comments on Sanhedrin 97a, on the following: ת"ר שבוע שבן דוד בא בו שנה ראשונה מתקיים מקרא זה (עמוס ד, ז) והמטרתי על עיר אחת ועל עיר אחת לא אמטיר שניה ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Source of the Rambam's statement?

Where exactly does the Rambam say the following in his Igeres Teiman: “When the gentiles think that this people will never have their own government and state, and they will never be redeemed from ...
Yosef's user avatar
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Is Magog associated with Germany?

Bereshit 10:2 reads: בְּנֵ֣י יֶ֔פֶת גֹּ֣מֶר וּמָג֔וֹג וּמָדַ֖י וְיָוָ֣ן וְתֻבָ֑ל וּמֶ֖שֶׁךְ וְתִירָֽס׃ Targum Jonathan to this verse reads: בְּנוֹי דְיֶפֶת גוֹמֶר וּמָגוֹג וּמָדַי וְיָוָן וְתוּבָל ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Relationship between Amalek and Gog/Magog?

Both are mentioned as adversaries of the Jewish people, and are mentioned in various sources, but always separately. Amalek is first mentioned in Shemot Ch 17 and several times in Neviim, while Gog ...
WhatNot's user avatar
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Prophecy regarding conversion to Judaism

I remember reading somewhere in the Tanakh (in one of the of the books from Nevi'im), that when the times of the Messiah are coming near, many gentiles will start to express an increase interest in ...
WhatNot's user avatar
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Keeping real estate in Israel

When the World to Come is in full effect (messianic age, beis hamikdash, resurrection of dead), will current real estate owners in Israe need to relinquish their rights to the property for it to be ...
NJM's user avatar
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Why is only Chabad very into Moshiach?

I'm only familiar with Judaism through chabad so I may not know how it is in other communities, but from what I've heard and seen, it seems that other sects and flavors of Judaism shun Chabad because ...
larry909's user avatar
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Tzipita Lishua in English online

Do we have the book "Tzipita Lishua" by Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan ZT"L online in english?
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Does mashiach know who he is? [duplicate]

Is there an opinion or two about whether mashiach (Either mashiach ben yosef or mashiach ben dovid) will know who he is or not? If so, what do they say? How will mashiach know it's mashiach?
FalseMessiah's user avatar
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Mashiach for real? [duplicate]

Is there really such a thing as a ‘redeemer’ to come, a messianic figure? It seems such a thing can be derived from Scripture, but from which verses did such idea derived in the first place and how ...
Looking4Mashiach Searching's user avatar
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List of all the people that could have been Moshiach

I've been doing some research on the topic of "who could have been Moshiach based on Chazal" an example of one such person is Chizkiyahu Hamelech as it says in Sanhedrin 94. If anyone knows any names ...
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