I remember finding seforim saying
- All languages are really just a distortion of Loshon HaKodesh
- It's as if Loshon Hakodesh is in gallus (exile) within those other languages. When we identify how a word in another language is really connected to Loshon Hakodesh, it's bringing Loshon Hakodesh out of exile. It brings the world, and the Jewish people, closer to geulah (the final redemption).
These were in different seforim.
I think the first idea was in Michtav M'Eliyahu, but I was never able to find it again when looking for it.
I think the second was in Yad Malachi or a similar type of book that gives general rules about the language used in the Gemara. But here, too, I've looked and looked and haven't been able to find the quote again.
Do you know where any sefarim mention these ideas?