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Questions tagged [zionism]

Zionism is a form of Jewish nationalism supports a Jewish state in the Land of Israel. Zionism supports Jews upholding their Jewish identity, opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies and advocates the return of Jews to Israel as a means for Jews to be a majority in their own nation, and to be liberated from antisemitic discrimination, exclusion, and persecution that had historically occurred in the diaspora.

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Why didn't Moshe have an issue with Gad and Reuven spurning Eretz Yisroel?

Bamidbar 32 portays Moshe's problem with Reuven and Gad's request to settle in Transjordan as one of potentially dissuading the Israelites from finally fighting and conquering the promised land. Once ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Prediction in Chazal about existence of future state of Israel before Mosiach comes

There is a story told about the Brisker Rav that he was asked how he can oppose Zionism when the Zohar says that Israel will be under control of (secular) Jews before Mosiach comes (He answered that ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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What defines being Jewish: adherence to Torah?

I have seen in this article that the Bobover Rebbe, Rabbi Shelomo of Bobov, is quoted in ruling halachically that the Bobover Rebbe negates a racial definition of being Jewish; rather, the yardstick ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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What was the Lubavitcher Rebbe's position on Zionism?

B"H Question says it all. Did his position change? Is it different from his predecessors? What specifically is it, in detail? How does it differ from Rebbe's of other chassidim (like Satmer)?
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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Where does R' Kook refer to secular Zionism as Moshiach ben Yosef?

In this article Dr. Polonsky talks about R' Kook's identification of secular Zionism as Moshiach ben Yosef, but he doesn't quote the source. Can someone point me to where R' Kook discusses this?
Yehuda's user avatar
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Rav Elchonon Wasserman's parable on living without bread and air

In Kovetz Maamarim (p. 130, sv. "Eretz Yisrael"), Rav Elchonon Wasserman zt"l explains the need to "breath the air of Torah". He says that for two thousand years, we endured ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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The Belzer Rebbe's approach to nationalism and zionism

In "The Rabbis Speak Out", the 3rd Belzer Rebbe, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach is quoted (Kuntres 22 Cheshvan, p. 108) in saying that: Zionism itself is founded on denial of G-d‟s providence, ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Satmar and the three oaths

I’m curious, since Satmar believes the three oaths prohibit a Zionist state of Israel, how do they reconcile it with the fact that the oaths weren’t merely for Jews to not rebel against the gentile ...
Kirk's user avatar
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"And this nation will arise and stray after idols" - the Ohel Moshe's story about Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz

I came across a Ohel Moshe on parashas Shemos, where he cites the sefer Bimechitzatam Shel Gedolei HaTorah. The explanation in both seforim, deals with the posuk in Devarim (31:16) where it says: And ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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The Steipler's Gaon idea behind voting in Eretz Yisrael

In sefer B'ein Chazon by Rabbi Shmuel David Munk, there is a letter in response to what the Steipler Gaon is supposed to have said on voting in the Israeli elections. The Steipler Gaon held that ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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The wicked redemption: chiddush of the Rabbeinu Gershom

The Gemara in Tamid 32a writes: He said to them: Who among you is wiser than the others? They said to him: We are all equal in wisdom, as every matter that you say to us, we solve for you unanimously....
Shmuel's user avatar
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What's Neturei Karta's response to the current situation? [closed]

Everyone knows that Neturei Karta has befriended Iranian and Palestinian leaders. Is there any published material from them (articles, videos, etc) on the genocide that has just occurred? Whose side ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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What was the Lubavitcher Rebbe's opinion on Maaneh Chochom?

Maaneh Chochom is a book written by Chabad mashpia Reb Yoel Kahn addressing the book Vayoel Moshe by the Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum. I'm not familiar with either texts. I'm just curious to ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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Source of Chofetz Chaim's story

This article quotes the Chofetz Chaim, on the words "that the land not vomit you out" (Vayikra 20:22), where the Chofetz Chaim allegedly would say (according to his son): “The Zionists err ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Differences between the mysticism of Rav Kook and the Sabbatean heretic Nathan of Gaza

As I am not a Kabbalist I may be misunderstanding some of the terminologies but having recently read a work by Rav Kook zt"l regarding the Souls of the World of Chaos I noted that the overall ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Mishkenos Haro'im: The Shinnover Rebbe's response to the Shivas Tzion

This article relates that Rabbi Yechezkel Halberstam, the Shinnover Rebbe, responded to a statement written in the in 1891 published sefer "Shivas Tzion" written by Rabbi Avraham Yaakov ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Gathering of the tribes: contradiction between Rambam and mefarshim

It is a well known principle that Moshiach will gather all the people that are in exile, and bring them into Eretz Yisrael (Yeshayahu 11:12; Mishneh Torah Hilchos Melachim uMilchamot 11:1][1]). Rabbi ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Seeking books mentioned on site

On TrueTorahJews (an anti-Zionist site from a Satmar-perspective), it quotes: "Uvdos Vehanhagos Leveis Brisk, v. 4 p. 195" - source And "Mara D'ara Yisroel v. 1 p. 145" - source ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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What was Anglo Jewry's stance just before the establishment of the State of Israel?

By 1947 or so, many Jews emphatically wanted a State of Israel, and for the British to end their control of then-Palestine. How did this play out for the Jews of the United Kingdom? Did its United ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Jewish theological position concerning Zionism and the State of Israel [duplicate]

Several orthodox groups, most notably Neturei Karta and Satmar, are opposed to the State of Israel on religious grounds. According to them, since the messiah has not yet arrived, the Jewish people ...
user27343's user avatar
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According to the more staunchly anti-zionist factions (e.g (parts of) Brisk, Satmar, Spinka, etc.) is making Aliyah forbidden?

There are staunch anti-zionist factions such as (some of) Brisk and Satmar, Toldos Aaron, etc. that are diametrically opposed to the Zionist regime (referring to it as heretical and such). According ...
Fei23's user avatar
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Where is the missing altar?

Each year a a group of individuals receive news coverage (for example here) for attempting to enter the Har Habayit to bring the Pesach Offfering. (They are stopped by the police.) Since the Korban ...
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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Pre-1948 Haredi view on political Zionism and how it developed

Are there any readings discussing the Haredi (Hasidic, orthodox non-Mizrachi) stance on political Zionism prior to the establishment of the State of Israel? Did it change with the establishment of ...
El Shteiger's user avatar
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The Halachic Reasoning Behind the Neturei Karta

The Neturei Karta is a group of Haredim who believe that the creation of the State of Israel is against Torah, claiming that Jews are forbidden to have their own country until Moshiach comes. They ...
ezra's user avatar
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Anti-Zionism in Bentching? [duplicate]

Recently at a Shabbos table I heard that the addition to shir hama'alot "Tehillat Hashem" (a compilation of four verses beginning with Psalms 145:21) was anti-zionistic and shouldn't be said. I heard ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Rav Moshe Feinstein's opinion on the State of Israel

I was wondering if there is any document which states Rav Moshe's opinion regarding the existence of the state of Israel. Did he consider the state a good thing or bad thing. I ask this because we ...
sam's user avatar
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Is it Halachically forbidden to go to Israel?

I was recently studying Berakhot 24b when I read the following statement: 'כל העולה מבבל לא"י עובר בעשה שנאמר (ירמיהו כז, כב) בבלה יובאו ושמה יהיו עד יום פקדי אותם נאם ה' Whoever goes up from ...
Gabriel12's user avatar
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What does the words Zion, Zionism and Zionist mean? [closed]

I was sitting waiting at the Pakistani hairdresser where I read one of there Islam pamphlets. I don't want to go into the sordid details but in this pamphlet it kept on using the word Zionist in a ...
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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Kinnos on Yom Ho'atzmo'us

Does anyone know of a siddur that has in it the Edah HaChareidi kinnos on Yom Ho'atzmo'us? (I do not actually support the recital of this, however I am interested to see such a siddur and what the ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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Bnei Akiva and zionism

Why is Rabbi Akiva the symbol of the world's largest religious Zionist youth organization ("Bnei Akiva")? (maybe even the world's largest zionist organization period.)
Vered Sharon's user avatar
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Quote from the Chazzon Ish about "Mizrachim"

I was having a discussion with someone tonight who quoted in the name of the Chazzon Ish that the "problem" with the "mizrachi" community (A very large group of Orthodox Jews in Israel that are also ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Book about Rabbis and Zionism

What is a good book which goes into detail about Rabbis (particularly those living in Israel from 1880-1950) and their personal experience with Zionists and the Palestinians? I am particularly ...
Emet v'Shalom's user avatar
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How are those that interact with the Israeli government viewed from a halachic standpoint by anti-Zionist groups?

How does Satmar, Neturei Karta, and other similar groups view Religious Zionists and Haredim that interact with the Israeli government, from a halachic standpoint (i.e. are they acceptable as ...
warz3's user avatar
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What is the traditional/common Haredi "non-Hasidic" response to using the "Three Oaths" as an anti-Zionist argument?

Kesubos 111b lists the "Three Oaths" made incumbent on the Jews and the nations during the Exile. The "Three Oaths" have served as a cornerstone of anti-Zionist literature (
warz3's user avatar
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How do we know what the truth about Israel really is? [closed]

I went to a class about the various different Orthodox Jewish stances on the State of Israel. In the class, the Rabbi gave 5 different such stances.This ranged from #1 being religiously anti-State of ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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Celebrate 5 Iyar; not "Yom HaAtzmaut"?

Do any religious-zionist figures (or anyone else for that matter) advocate the commemoration of 5 Iyar but reject the adoption by the religious community of the name "Yom HaAtzma'ut" - "Independence ...
Loewian's user avatar
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"Achshav bnei chorin"?

In the widely-accepted Passover song version of "Avadim hayinu", what is the origin of the stanza "atta (or achshav) bnei chorin"? (There is no such refrain in the original passage in the Haggada.) Is ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Is Jerusalem worth fighting and dying for in the context of Jewish law?

I think I have a good Jewish education but I don't know much Talmud, and so for all of my premises below, I would appreciate if a Talmud scholar would help with any pertinent references. Premise 0) ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Is there any difference between being a Zionist and being a Jew? [closed]

apparently Zionist means someone believing in returning to somewhere called the promised land, and I don't know much about being a jew but I guess believing in promised land is an important principle ...
ePezhman's user avatar
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A source for the claim that the Satmar Ruv (R' Yoel Teitelbaum) said to VP Hubert Humphrey "Sell weapons to Israel!" [closed]

There is a commonly quoted anecdote that when Vice President Hubert Humphrey came to the Satmar Rav for votes in 1968 and asked him what he could do for him the Satmar Rav replied "Sell weapons to ...
Vtr's user avatar
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Setting up municipalities run by Jews in Eretz Yisrael

Even those who are against the State of Israel have no problem with living in the Land of Israel. Is there anything (in Torah, Halacha) that would prevent a group of Jews from coming to Eretz Yisrael ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Is it forbidden for the Jews to Establish a Nation of Israel?

I keep on reading about a lot of Orthodox Jewish Rabbis opposed to the building of the nation of Israel as they deem it to be blasphemous and heresy in violation of God's commandment to the Jews. I ...
knowit's user avatar
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Tachanun when making aliyah to Israel?

Is aliyah to Israel an occasion for which one does not recite Tachanun? Is there a difference of minhag on this, or is there a uniform answer (yes, it is a special enough occasion to refrain from ...
Adam Mosheh's user avatar
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What defines a "Jewish State" according to Rav Kook?

This question is only according to the opinion of R' Kook, who says that modern day Israel "would be considered the quasi-Kingdom of Israel". What component of the modern-day state would give it ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Was R' Shamshon Rafael Hirsch anti-Zionist? Why?

I admit not being well read in the writings of R' Shamshon Rafael Hirsch, but I was recently taken aback when someone suggested that he was anti-Zionist. Is this true, is it obvious in his writings (...
Seth J's user avatar
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Source of appellation "Shimshon HaGibor"

I've heard it claimed that the expression "Shimshon HaGibor" (Samson the Mighty) [as a descriptive of Shimshon in Tanach] was invented by the Zionists, to promote their "strong Jew" narrative. Is this ...
Dave's user avatar
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Difference between Jewish and Zionist?

I was in Israel last summer (Rehovot) visiting a close friend and his wife. In one of our very long conversations with them she said, "I would say I am not Jewish, but I am a Zionist". (...
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