Contemplating the 9th of Av aspirations, I understand that the main reason for our yearning for the Days of the Messiah is to solve the inherent condition of human suffering: poverty, sickness, wars, and more.
The Jewish tradition holds the reestablishment of the Temple to be an integral part of the Days of the Messiah incl./excl. animal sacrifices and the rest of the Templaic works.
IIRC, according to Maimonides (and the late Hassidic tradition), a transcendent and omnipresent God does not need a place to dwell, and surely does not "enjoy" the sacrifices or Templaic works. And, I suppose, no present-day rabbi would oppose. Many also agree with the Gemmorah (Niddah.61b) that in the perfect world, there would be no Mitzvos to observe (incl. the Temple) and no possibility for sin.
In the Messianic utopia, what is the role and significance of the third Temple? I.e. why is the Temple important after the world is perfect?