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6 votes

What is the intention behind "Shamayim" in the Zimun?

The BT (Ber. 55a) cites R. Yitzhak who stated that one should not be appointed over a community without having the community consulted with first. For precedent, he refers to a communication between ...
Oliver's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the intention behind "Shamayim" in the Zimun?

Shamayim is acronym of "שומע ומשמיע יחד מכוונים" it means that we all paying attention to the bless
StackOverflowUser's user avatar
5 votes

Why do Ashkenazim recite both "ahavah rabbah" and "ahavat olam" but Sephardim only the latter?

Note: This answer is from the OP. Thanks to DanF, who pointed out that I should look on the website Beurei Hatefila for an answer, and to "go to that site when [I] have a tefilla-orientated ...
ezra's user avatar
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5 votes

Pre-Arizal Sephardi Siddur?

You could start with the Rambam's סדר תפילות כל השנה found at the end of משנה תורה - ספר אהבה. The Rambam predates the Arizal by over 300 years.
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
5 votes

Sephardic Wedding Custom: Avram Siz Reading

The Arukh (under Chatan) mentions reading 3 verses (ie. Genesis 24:1-3). The Tashbetz (2:39) says the local custom near him is like the Arukh. The Avudarham (at the end of the Laws of Wedding ...
Double AA's user avatar
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4 votes

What nusach is followed by Persian Jews

I was just in Pico in Los Angeles last week and attended services there every day in a Persian Shul. They have their own Siddurim. I even bought a copy which has interlinear Persian translation. It's ...
Yaakov Tzir's user avatar
3 votes

Why do Ashkenazim recite both "ahavah rabbah" and "ahavat olam" but Sephardim only the latter?

There is a concept found in Kabbalistic/Chassidic literature that ahavah rabbah, unlike ahavat olam, is available only on the ethereal plain of Atzilut, which is inaccessible to us. I do not ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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3 votes

Why isn't Tefilat Mussaf consistent?

This is discussed by the Tur in Orach Chaim 591. After quoting the opinion of Rabbeinu Tam, that the verses describing the sacrifices must be recited, he writes: ושאר המפרשים לא פירשו כן, אלא שיוצא ...
Joel K's user avatar
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2 votes

Rabbi Yosef Maman and the Bukharian Jews

So it turns out that there are a number of books that discuss the history of the Bukharian Jews including this important turning-point in their history, such as: מסע בארץ הקדם by אפרים ניימארק ...
Harel13's user avatar
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2 votes

Where I can find an original Nusach Paras (Persian) Siddur?

Here’s such a facsimile of a 16th century siddur (cf. pg. 40 of the book).
Oliver's user avatar
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2 votes

Tikkun Leil Shavuot for download

I have not found a full Nusach Edot haMizrach Tikkun Leil Shavuot for download. This is partial: I have also found this https://images....
Edward B's user avatar
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Pre-Arizal Sephardi Siddur?

I would look for a British or Dutch Sephardi siddur. After Sabbatai Sbi, the S&P community actively removed all Lurianic and Zoharic emendations to their nusach (source: R' Jonathan Cohen of the ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar

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