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Is it permissible to say “Birshut Baalat HaBayit Hazeh” when saying the Rabotai Nevarech invitation?

R' Shlomo Aviner was asked this question, and his response-- published on his website-- was that this WOULD be permissible for two reasons: 1) The wording isn't an essential part of benching הנוסח ...
alicht's user avatar
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Why do we recite Zimmun after Al Naharos Bavel; Shir Hamaalos?

The answer to this question is that Shir Hamaalot/Al Naharot Bavel are not "prefacing passages" to Birkat Hamazon, but are actually supposed to be recited during the meal itself, prior to ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
6 votes

Where does the tune for birkat hamazon come from?

Most of the tunes still used were written by Moshe Nathanson in 1938 (some say 1939) for Camp Ramah, a Conservative Jewish overnight camp. He published the sheet music in "Shirei Manginoth", and here ...
Micha Berger's user avatar
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Bircas Hamazon exempts al hagefen

It's Shulchan Arukh OC 272:10 ברכת יין של קידוש פוטרת יין שבתוך הסעודה ואינו טעון ברכה לאחריו דברכת המזון פוטרתו בין שהוא על הכוס בין שאינו על הכוס.‏ The blessing on wine for Kiddush exempts ...
Double AA's user avatar
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"HaRachaman hu yevarech es avi mori..." - Questions

In Sefer HaMinhagim for Chabad, it states: The words, avi mori baal habayis hazeh v'es imi morasi ba'alas habayis hazeh, are said by everyone, even by a guest or by one whose parents are no longer ...
Menachem Eliyahu's user avatar
6 votes

What is the intention behind "Shamayim" in the Zimun?

Shamayim is acronym of "שומע ומשמיע יחד מכוונים" it means that we all paying attention to the bless
StackOverflowUser's user avatar
6 votes

What is the intention behind "Shamayim" in the Zimun?

The BT (Ber. 55a) cites R. Yitzhak who stated that one should not be appointed over a community without having the community consulted with first. For precedent, he refers to a communication between ...
Oliver's user avatar
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if someone never eats bread during the week, only on Shabbos and he is not sure whether he said Retzai or not, does he repeat Birkhas Hamazon?

As I’ve alluded to previously in this forum, I’m highly allergic to gluten and therefore can only eat oat if I want to make a HaMotzi. As oat bread is absolutely nasty (and expensive), I only have it ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Chabad nusach for Birkat Hamazon

See page 30 of this pdf: Basically, he brings many different versions, and posits that at the time of the Alter Rebbe there was not yet a ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Bphi Kol Chai not Bphe

From what I can tell, the original was בפי and then it was changed to בפה, and then later changed back to בפי. Some details: Grammatically, we'd expect בפי here, since the word meaning "mouth&...
magicker72's user avatar
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6 votes

Does one bentch on an achila gasa?

Mishne Berurah 197:28 מי שהיה שבע קודם שאכל ואכל אכילה גסה שלא היה צריך לאותה אכילה אעפ"כ אם נהנה גרונו מאותה אכילה מברך עליו לפניו ולאחריו ומוציא אחרים ואם נפשו קצה עליו ואינו נהנה גרונו אינו ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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5 votes

Hatov vehametiv on a kos shel bracha?

Magen Avraham (175 sk 0) rules that the fourth blessing of the Bentching (that of HaTov VeHaMeitiv) exempts the new wine in the cup used for Bentching from another HaTov VeHaMeitiv. Mishna Berura (...
Double AA's user avatar
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ashkenazi style melodies to mizrachi birkat hamazon?

I realize the question is old, but I found Sephardic Birkat HaMazon to an Ashkenazi tune on Youtube, from Rabbi David Kadoch.
Meir L's user avatar
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Mac or PC computer file Bencher in Hebrew and English

Sefaria provides a free Hebrew and English text of benching here, following the most common Ashkenazic custom. It's not formatted for printing, but it can be copied and pasted into a custom document. ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Why does the request for sustenance go in the third section of Birkat HaMazon, with building Jerusalem?

The Talmud (Berakhot 49a) phrases your question the other way around. Why do we mention Jerusalem in a blessing about saving the Jewish people? Answer: Because the rebuilding of Jerusalem is tied (...
Double AA's user avatar
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Why is the Mizbe'ach in Al Hamichya?

R. David HaCohen Scali suggests in Kiryat Chana David vol. I, Orach Chaim 55 that plant-based offerings on the altar included only mezonot-items and wine, but not bread. Thus, specifically after ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Dagesh in שישלם

It's without a dagesh in the Aleppo Codex: And the Leningrad Codex too: These two are the most authoritative codices of the Hebrew Bible, and most editions follow their spelling. It's actually quite ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Where does the tune for birkat hamazon come from?

The common melody for הזן את העולם was indeed written by Moshe Nathanson. There exists a pamphlet containing all his melodies for Bentching, many of which are not in use. It is worth noting, however, ...
Mendel S.'s user avatar
4 votes

On what days do we say shir hamalos before birkat hamazon?

Regarding שִׁיר הַמַּעֲלוֹת: the Mishna Brerua 267:1 connects it to Tachanun, so that even on Erev Shabbat afer Mincha-time (1/2 hour afternoon) on already replaces עַל נַהֲרוֹת בָּבֶל with שִׁיר ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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Birkat HaMazon with everyone in mind?

This is known as a Zimmun and occurs when a group (subject to various details) eats bread together. When there is a Zimmun, the leader recites the entire Birkat HaMazon aloud on the group's behalf and ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Which sources deal with someone who said “bayom Chag haSukkos Hazeh” in “Yaaleh veyovo” in Grace after Meals on Shemini Atzeres

Ma'amar Mordechai 668:1 writes regarding tefillah that if one mentions sukkot instead of shemini atzeret he has not fulfilled his obligation. Although he does not explicitly say the same regarding ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Is there anything wrong with not eating bread to avoid reciting Birkat Hamazon?

I found the following in the sedra sheet for Ki Sovo "תחת אשר לא עבדת את ה' אלקיך בשמחה ובטוב לבב" ( דברים כ"ח - מ"ז) כותב רבי מאיר מונק בספרו "דרכי נועם", ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
4 votes

Why is G-d mentioned in the feminine sometimes?

The Torah varies between the pronominal suffixes for second person masculine singular with sh'va before kamatz and the reverse, with the latter appearing more in pausal positions. Both are, as ...
WAF's user avatar
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Where is Maharshal's commentary on birkat hamazon printed?

It seems that this commentary might not exist at all, and might be a mis-cataloguing that propogated to encyclopedia articles. In particular: There's a Vienna 1603 printing of a commentary on birkat ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Birkas Hamazon if I left the place I ate in

Unless there’s great need you are obligated to return and bench even if you left unintentionally. If you already benched elsewhere bedieved it’s ok. If you don’t have bread and you can’t return (great ...
Yehoshua Levy's user avatar
4 votes

What is the history of “Poseach et Yadecha” in birkas HaMazon?

In terms of early Rabbinic sources: Rav Amram Gaon's, Rav Saadia Gaon's, and Rabbeinu Shlomo b'Rabbi Natan's texts omit Ps 145:16; Machzor Vitry includes it in only one manuscript (the London ...
magicker72's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is Birkat Hamazon said after eating just a small piece of bread?

Berachos 20b says that bentching before one is full is Rabbinic in nature. It brings this Halacha in the context of the following question: אמר ליה רבינא לרבא נשים בברכת המזון דאורייתא או דרבנן למאי ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Does birkat hamazon cover dessert (and other items requiring a separate bracha rishona during the meal)?

If they are eaten during the meal, you need only Bracha Rishona. After the meal, is also generally considered as during the meal until you say birkat Hamazon. In some special cases described in ...
kouty's user avatar
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Why don't people bentch on a kos nowadays?

Note that the Be'er Heitev in סימן קפב - דין כוס ברכת המזון brings an Arizal that without a Mezuman one should not use a kos for benching. באר היטב (א) ביחיד. והאר''י ז''ל כתב שהיחיד לא יברך על הכוס ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
3 votes

Shir Hama'alos in "Barech"?

This Hebrew article on Shir Hamaalos gives me some thoughts on this that may answer the question: Firstly, while this is a very widespread Minhag nowadays, it isn't all that old. Perhaps some of the ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar

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