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After-blessing for water that was covered by wine that was covered by bread

If one drank wine, and then drank water or juice, and forgot to bentch for what he drank, or if he did not need to bentch for the wine because it was from Kiddush, and then he had a meal right ...
שלום's user avatar
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After-blessing upon drinking during a meal, when no longer feeling satiated but thirst is still quenched

If one is no longer feeling satiated from the meal he had, for which he can no longer recite Birkas Hamazon, would he still need to recite Al Hagefen or Borei Nefashos for what he drank during his ...
שלום's user avatar
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Why don't we make a bracha on bentching?

Bircas Hamazon is a mitzva from the Torah, so why don't we make a bracha on this mitzva?
user6781's user avatar
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Why say bircat hamazon instead of plainly thanking HaShem for the food?

A niece asked me why do we need to say bircat hamazon which is lengthy and with words we don’t understand instead of just saying in English something along the long the lines of “thank you HaShem for ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Why do we recite Zimmun after Al Naharos Bavel; Shir Hamaalos?

Zimmun is the introduction to Birkas Hamazon. We invite those present to join in the bentching (ex. “Rabosai mir velen bentchen”). Why do we do this after we have already begun the recitation of ...
ezra's user avatar
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Sit for blessings after food?

Someone told me to sit for grace after meals (the series of benedictions recited after eating a bread meal). Is that true? I mean, is there such an halachic obligation? or is it, at least, a nice ...
msh210's user avatar
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Bracha Acharona after Hesech HaDaas

When eating a bread meal one makes the decision to end the meal, clears the table but then decides to continue eating. Question: Does this constitute Hesech HaDaas? And if so, when saying a bracha ...
Yohanan's user avatar
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Can a husband and wife recite the Grace After Meals?

I was taught that Jews do Grace After Meals (birchas/birkat hamazon) and that it is only done if there are three or more men. But what if it’s just the husband and wife, in public or at home? Are we ...
Ben's user avatar
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After-bracha on <kezayis of motzi, plus other food

If someone ate some motzi with other food as a snack (let's say half a filled pita pocket), what, if any, after-bracha should he make? Assume he ate a kezayis of the other food in 4 minutes, but not ...
SAH's user avatar
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Why the double language of "all his creations that he created"

The first blessing of birkat hamazon concludes with the statement that God prepares sustenance for "all of his creations that he created". What is the explanation for this double, redundant sounding ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Making an after bracha before leaving your place

Where does it say that if one (who is eating alone) wishes to leave in the middle of a seudah (even if they will return after some time -- however before the time that is allowed for them to make an ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Hatov vehametiv on a kos shel bracha?

Someone intends to bentsh on a kos, and a new wine is brought to the table at that time. For a person who generally recites HaTov v'HaMetiv, could they do so on the kos shel bracha, or does Birkas ...
Premundane's user avatar
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Birkat Hamazon: Chaverai vs Rabotai

When chanting Birkat Hamazon, I always thought it started Chaverai n'varech, but I have recently attended a Conservadox Bar Mitzvah, where they used Rabotai n'varech. Here are some images; I found the ...
AAM111's user avatar
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Does birkat hamazon cover dessert (and other items requiring a separate bracha rishona during the meal)?

During a bread-based meal, but before bentching (i.e. reciting birkat hamazon), I eat something (e.g. fruit, dessert, etc.) that traditionally requires a separate bracha rishona. Must I say a ...
SAH's user avatar
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Halachic definition of "full" (sated)

I was reading this: After the fact (if one ate between 8 Kezayitim and a definite meal), if one is not full make Al HaMichya and if one is full make Birkat HaMazon, yet, in such a case it’s ...
SAH's user avatar
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Excluding water from blessing after food

One common scenario is for someone to make a berakha on water at some point in the morning and to drink the water throughout the day. Suppose during the day, the person decides to have a snack whose ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Correct voweling of Birkat Hamazon

Most of my Hebrew knowledge comes from Biblical Hebrew, and when i read most Ashkenazi siddurim i'm usually on board with how they decide to vowelize things. However, being Sephardic, and wanting an ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Blessing on Grace After Meals

Why is a birkat mitsvah not recited upon performing the mitsvah of the recitation of birkat hamazon? This would perhaps be akin to the blessing upon Bitkat Kohanim as noted by @danno.
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Does Birkas Hamazon eliminate the need for bracha acharona on foods eaten before?

Someone ate something which, in and of itself, requires a bracha achrona (e.g. Al Hamichya or Borei Nefashos) and carelessly moved on to eating bread before reciting said bracha achrona. Should one ...
SAH's user avatar
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What to do if you made hamotze on something requiring mezonot?

If you accidentally made a hamotze on a food item only requiring mezonot, do you say al hamichya or birkat hamazon for the beracha acharona?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Can a woman lead bentching/birchat hamazon?

Can a woman lead birchat hamazon if there are men that partook in the meal? Can they lead it if the men leave?
crazy598's user avatar
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Why is the beracha acharona for bread the longest?

On grains, wine and fruits we say a short paragraph, Al Hamichya. On Shechakol we say Borey Nefashot. But for bread we say a whole prayer, 5 minutes worth--even though meals lacking bread can be ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Sofek in Bircas HaTorah -- why not say all of the brachas?

The M"B brings in the beginning of Siman 47 from the Shagas Aryeh (Siman 24-25) that if one is in sofek (doubt) if they said Bircas HaTorah then they should go back and say the bracha however only the ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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How can we say "I have not seen a righteous man foresaken . . ."? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “I never saw a tzaddik be abandoned…” - how do we understand this? Rabbi Emanuel Feldman, shlita, in the January 23, 2013, issue of Mishpacha gave his list of the ten most ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Can you do benching for 3 people when one person does not know what to say in response?

When you have at least 3 men who ate a meal together, you can bench using the formula "Rabbosai Nivorech", at which point the other men at the table respond "Yehi Shem..." and so on. However, what ...
Barry Hammer's user avatar
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Bentching after vomiting

If someone gets sick during a meal, assuming they are not incapacitated as a result, should they still Bentch, or do we say that they did not gain any nourishment and it's like they didn't eat (or at ...
Seth J's user avatar
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What to do if I want to Bentch, but I also want to keep drinking? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Continuing to drink a Beverage after Birchas HaMazon? What should I do if I want to Bentch - for any number of reasons - but I want to continue drinking? Should I: wait to ...
Seth J's user avatar
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What to do if you realize while Bentching that you want more to eat or drink?

What do you do if you realize while you are Bentching that you want more to eat or drink? Let's say you realize you are thirsty, or you are Bentching early, and the host brings out the next course and ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Continuing to drink a Beverage after Birchas HaMazon?

Perhaps this is a simple matter that I should be embarrassed not to know (which I am even if it isn't because I need to learn hilchos b'rachos better and always forget to look this question up) but.......
Yirmeyahu's user avatar
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What do you do if your Shabbos host serves chocolate chip challah? [closed]

Based on this shiur from R. Sobolofsky, chocolate chip challah is no different from chocolate babka or other cake and thus has the bracha of mezonos If that is the case, one would only be able to ...
Curiouser's user avatar
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Does "Brich Rachamana Malka D'Alma Ma'rei D'Hai Pita' really fullfil the obligation of Birkas Hamazon?

I heard from a friend that, as per the Gemara, saying the following phrase in Aramaic discharges the obligation to recite Bircas Hamazon in its entirety: Brich rachamana malka d'alma ma'rei d'hai ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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תהלת ה' ידבר פי - what's the origin?

In between the 'Shir HaMaalot' that precedes birchat hamazon and the the blessings themselves, there are a few psukim beginning תהלת ה' ידבר פי . Some people add these, and some don't. What's the ...
Laizer's user avatar
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What is mazonot?

Could someone kindly explain to me what Mazonot means? I recenlty attended a charity do where the bread rolls were described as mazonot. Another person at the table explained to me that this meant ...
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Order of הרחמןs in ברכת המזון

We say: הָרַחֲמָן, הוּא יִשְׁלַח לָנוּ בְּרָכָה מְרֻבָּה בַּבַּיִת הַזֶּה וְעַל שֻׁלְחָן זֶה שֶׁאָכַלְנוּ עָלָיו: May the Merciful One send abundant blessing upon this dwelling and the table at ...
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