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Purchasing a replacement Tallis

I am replacing a custom made tallis. What should I look for? What are the dimensions that I need? I do not wear mine covering my head.
Elijah8237's user avatar
2 votes
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What size was the Mizrak to catch blood in the Beis Ha'Mikdash?

The Gemorah .זבחים כה says that the Cohen receiving the blood of a korbon must catch all the blood. That is the Dam HaNefesh - the blood flowing out of the neck. Assuming the average cow has around ...
פרי זהב's user avatar
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Red heifer ashes

People in biblical times frequently came in the presence of dead bodies. So they must have needed a lot of the spring water mixed with red heifer ashes. But the Mishna says only 9 heifers were ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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When does a keli not require immersion?

So I have been told on a few occasions that a keli that can hold a certain large amount of water does not require immersion before use. What is the minimal amount in gallons that would make t'vila ...
Dude's user avatar
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Is there a prohibition against long hair for an Orthodox Jewish man?

Is there a prohibition against long hair for an Orthodox Jewish man? If there is, at what length? Past ears? Shoulder? At what point is it considered long hair?
DHSF's user avatar
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Large Print Siddurim

I am looking for a large print siddur in both Hebrew and English, preferably in Nusach Sefard. Does anyone know where I can find one or who prints such a siddur?
ezra's user avatar
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How tall was Moshe Rabbeinu?

The Gemara in the last Perek of Berochos (referenced by the last Rashi of Parshas Chukas)tells about the encounter of Moshe with the giant Og... Moshe was ten Amos tall - (between 15-20 feet, based ...
Moshe 's user avatar
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Apartment buildings higher than the shul

Shabbat 11a states that a city in which houses (but not towers or castles/fortresses [unsure about the translation]) are built higher than the synagogue will eventually be destroyed. ואמר רבא בר ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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How big can a mezuzah be?

I read in the news about an Israeli designer, Yaakov Merdinger, who created the world's largest mezuzah case. As you can see in the photo, the mezuzah case is bigger than the door. Is this kosher?
Scimonster's user avatar
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Is there a book that explains the large and small letters in the Torah? [duplicate]

I am seeking a book, in English, that lists and explains the reasons for the large and small letters in the Torah. (A similar question on this topic did not specify English and did not elicit any ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Dimensions of the Copper/Outer/Olah Mizbeach in the Mishkan

There is a machlokes as to the dimensions of the Copper mizbeach of the Mishkan (Zevachim 59b). One of the disputes is the dimensions of the upper part of the mizbeach where the cohanim would be ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Why are mincha gedola and ketana named that?

What is big about the earlier mincha time and what is small about the later mincha time? Also, why does the term plag mincha make sense? It would seem to be a term that refers to the point midway ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Would halachic units be shrunk if a person was (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids-style)?

In the classic move Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and its sequels, people get shrunk down to 1/264th of their normal size. So, a person is around 1/4 of an inch tall. If such a thing were even possible, ...
Scimonster's user avatar
  • 23.2k
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Tallit Katan Length Question [duplicate]

I have a size 22 and I want to order one that tucks better into my pants. Right now the tzizit are tucked in but the garment itself doesn't reach my pants. Do I buy a bigger sized tallit katan (like a ...
Baruch's user avatar
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Why did God make such a vast, expansive universe? [duplicate]

The title pretty much says it all — but it certainly seems unnecessary and plays very well into the theories of people such as Richard Dawkins. How are we best to respond to this challenge of theirs?
WhoKnows's user avatar
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How big can a chanukia get?

I recently saw this story about students at YU who lit up their dorm windows to turn the entire building into a giant chanukia (just the form, not a real one). That inspired a question: Exactly how ...
Scimonster's user avatar
  • 23.2k
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Kippah (yarmulke) size

Warning: this question relies on anecdotal evidence. I have noticed that often Chareidi and heterodox Jews will wear much larger kippot than Modern Orthodox and Dati-Leumi (and heterodox rabbanim). ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Does a tiny white spot on tefillin batim need to be repainted?

If one's tefillin have tiny white spots on the corners or edges of the batim, do these need to be painted black? Or must the spots be a certain size before anything must be done about them?
Kordovero's user avatar
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Height of havdalah candle = height of spouse?

I have seen havdalah ceremonies where a unmarried person is charged with holding the havdalah candle and is told to hold it at the height that s/he would want their spouse to be. What is the source ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Is a Torah that does NOT have the (rabbati) large and small letters (keti'ah) still kosher?

I have a Torah in my shul that does not have any large or small letters where required (e.g. - the 1st letter in the Torah, "Breishit", is written larger than the rest.) Is this Torah still considered ...
DanF's user avatar
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Does a man with long-hair need to become a nazir [closed]

Is there any issue with a man having long hair if he isn't a nazir, or its necessitating him to become one? Long hair is here defined as shoulder-length or longer.
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Where does the contemporary measurement of a Kezayit come from?

According to the Nodeh B'Yehuda and the Chazon Ish, in order to calculate the size of a kezayis (which apparently is based on the size of an egg), we must double the size of our contemporary eggs. (...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Chometz less than the size of a Kezayis

ב"ה I've heard when cleaning for Pesach that chometz that is less than the size of a kezayis isn't significant enough to be considered chometz. I am talking only concerning chometz which one isn't ...
TreeKing's user avatar
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Batel b'shisim on a large scale

Suppose someone is making a huge 50-gallon vat of cholent. Accidentally, an entire bag of milk breaks and spills into the cholent. There is more than 60x as much meat cholent as there is milk, so the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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5 answers

Peyot behind ears?

Someone told me that it is better to not have long peyot if you are going to place them behind your ears. Has anyone heard a respectable posek say that? I think he said it in the name of Rav Ben Tzion ...
Yishaq's user avatar
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Source for long payos

Where is there a source for having long payos ,and if there are sources what is the oldest source.? I am talking about the extra length besides for the halachic necessity. Like behind the ears or ...
sam's user avatar
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Origin of Reform/Conservative "scarf" talleisim

I've noticed that Reform and Conservative often use small "scarf" talleisim (here's an image). Where did this practice originate? (Is there any connection to the scarves that some Christian priests ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Why is the beracha acharona for bread the longest?

On grains, wine and fruits we say a short paragraph, Al Hamichya. On Shechakol we say Borey Nefashot. But for bread we say a whole prayer, 5 minutes worth--even though meals lacking bread can be ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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How long is this week's parasha as compared to others?

We read parashas Ekev today. My kid noted that it's listed as having 111 verses, and asked me whether that's a long parasha. I didn't know where it lies among the parashiyos, so I ask: Where do ...
msh210's user avatar
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Is there a concept of giving a fatter sacrifice?

Is there a concept of giving a fatter sacrifice as opposed to a smaller one? I believe the Torah says there are different levels of sacrifices depending on your wealth (e.g. a cow vs. a bird vs. flour,...
AEML's user avatar
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Replacing a lost cover for a tefillin shel yad

My tefillin shel yad had a cover that could slip on and off but the cover is lost and needs replacement. Is there a way I can determine the size so I can ask for a replacement? Are there standard ...
Bruce James's user avatar
  • 16.1k
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A shorter person with a normal sized tallis katan

A theoretical question: If a young person (a boy for example that is 13 yrs old) that happens to be very short (not because of any physical disability) wears a normal size tallis katan it will be very ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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How high was migdal Bavel?

How high was Migdal (the tower of) Bavel? From the Chumash we know that the tower was built in a valley which suggests that its purpose was more symbolic than pragmatic. To that effect I am wondering ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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What is the most difficult page of Talmud? [closed]

Which blat Gemara (Bavli, Vilna edition) has the largest quantity of Talmudic text or the most complex and difficult to understand concepts?
yoel's user avatar
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How tall was Adam?

I once read a post on Answering-Islam about the Height of Adam, and it said that the Islamic view of Adam was simple Muhammad copying the Jewish stories/belief's about Adam. As I don't know what ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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Og's bed made of iron

Devarim 3:11 desribes Og's bed as being made from iron. What does the the Torah add by describing Og's bed as being made from iron? The Ramban comments that it demonstrates how tall he was, that wood ...
Raffy Van der Vaart's user avatar
18 votes
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How did the moon shrink?

The Bavli, Chulin 60:2, says (in my own loose translation): Rabbi Shim'on ben Pazi noted a contradiction: [B'reshis 1:16] says, "God made the two big luminaries" and "the big luminary… ...
msh210's user avatar
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Pocket-size Talmud/Gemara

Is there is a pocket-size Gemara? Soft cover preferred. This would be a great invention if it doesn't already exist.
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
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Why do the Philistines have many Giants?

II Samuel describes giants among the Philistines (below). Were giants common among the Israelites' neighbors? Were the Israelites generally smaller in stature than their neighbors? Were there ...
user4951's user avatar
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Are there standard sizes for tefilin batim (leather cases/housings) today?

I just looked down at the little plastic cover on my arm-tefilin and it had the number 4 on it. I assume that's a size ... while tefilin must be square, there are definitely a variety of sizes out ...
Shalom's user avatar
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