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Are self described Reform and Conservative Jews assumed to be halachically Jewish according to Orthodox Judaism?

I’m curious about what the Orthodox understanding of Halacha says about whether Reform and Conservative people are still assumed to be halachically Jewish. Obviously the overwhelming majority of them ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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How do you prove you are Jewish? [duplicate]

I have never been asked to prove I am Jewish, but I often wondered how I could do it. My mother was born in Cairo and her mother in Damascus, and good luck in retrieving archives from hostile regimes ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Proselytizing the covenant? in this, rabbi Asher Meza of “Torah Judaism international” seems to claim that proselytization is not only allowed, but even a good thing to ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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King David vs King Shaul - did King Shaul do anything wrong?

When Shaul would scold his enemies e.g. the Plishtim, he would shout at them for “defying Israel” (as his men did in Shmuel 1:17:25), but David would shout at them for "defying God" (ibid 26)...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Were there rabbis who supported the patrilineal descent?

Many are accustomed to the fact that in rabbinic Judaism a Jew is one who is born of a Jewish woman. But were there opposite opinions? Poskim of post-Talmudic time are of also interest.
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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Does a Jew who doesn't care about other Jews' problems become a gentile [duplicate]

Under Jewish law, does a Jew who turns his back on other Jews change in his status in any way? Is he, under any law or any religious context, treated like a non-Jew for any practical intents?
Henda Brahem's user avatar
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What halachos flow from there being a Jewish nation and not just a religion?

Rabbi Mordechai Becher at says that we are a nation united by our common heritage. So two Jews could see themselves as members of a nation. A more limited definition of the relationship ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Is it forbidden to count Jewish people without uttering any words?

Related: Am I allowed to count people? We are not allowed to count Jewish people. But one can count other objects to represent the people and one can also speak the words of a possuk where the ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Does Reform Judaism recognize children of Jewish father as Jews?

Does Reform Judaism recognize children of Jewish father as Jews (under conditions that father is Jewish both from mothers and fathers side). If so, that person does not have to go through conversion ...
Ana's user avatar
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How could laws related to "private life" be enforceable in Ancient Israel?

Obviously, mitzvot that are broken publicly, or that are found out carried with them enforceable punishments -- such as execution for murder or adultery, or retribution for theft or usury. However, my ...
Kovesh's user avatar
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What if someone accidentally gave an Aliya to a non-Jew?

A gabbai called someone up for an Aliya. Yaamod, Reuven ben Shimon Shlishi. Then, it turns out that Reuven isn't Jewish (he thought he was, his mother had a reform conversion and he thought that was ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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How are we kings' children and why does it matter?

The mishna, Shabas 14:4 (daf 111 amud 1), cites R. Shim'on as stating that "all Jews are children of kings" (and therefore can use a certain oil on their skin on Shabas). In what sense is it the case ...
msh210's user avatar
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How did the Sanhedrin count votes

The Great Sanhedrin was too large (71 judges) to simply know how everyone voted. There must gave been a way to count votes, in a legal fashion. (Just counting people is prohibited.) So, by what ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Why was King David Punished for Sending Others to Conduct a Census?

If there is no agency for sin, why was King David punished for sending people out to conduct a (forbidden) census? (Explanation of agency: The Talmud says "ein sheliach l'dvar averia," which means, ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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"Am I Jewish​?"

How can one tell if one needs to convert in order to be Jewish or if one is already Jewish? Would one's or one's ancestors' conversion to another religion or their lack of knowledge about Judaism ...
Double AA's user avatar
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May a halachically 'Jewish' Atheist work as a 'Shabbat goy'?

I am aware that in Judaism, adherents are forbidden from performing many types of work on the Sabbath/Shabbat/Shabbos. Although it has come to my attention that some consider the employment of a '...
A.Concerned.Lurker's user avatar
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The situation of a lost Jew

Someone who is adopted to a Christian family, but has some indication of a Jewish ancestry - such as a mezuzah, and who is interested in studying and practicing Judaism, what would it take to ...
Mordekhai's user avatar
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Can a yefas toar be Jewish?

I realize that when the torah discusses אשת יפת תואר it specifies כִּי-תֵצֵא לַמִּלְחָמָה, עַל-אֹיְבֶיךָ (Devarim 21:10). When you go out (of the land of Israel) to wage war on your enemies (...
user avatar
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Counting Jews with non-Jews

There is a prohibition of counting Jews (see here) for a number of reasons: 1) Out of love for His people, G‑d counted us at important junctures of our history. The completion of the Tabernacle was ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Voting for Jews in elections

In a civil election, does Judaism teach that one should vote for Jewish candidates over non-Jews? What if the voter supports the other candidate's positions on every other issue much more?
Daniel's user avatar
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Who is a Jew according the Tanach?

Does the Tanach give guidelines to Identify who is a Jew and who is not?
knowit's user avatar
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Does a dish received as a gift from another Jew need to be toveled? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Tevilat Keilim on a gift If I buy Ploni a new coffee mug, does he need to tovel it? Did I need to tovel it?
yoel's user avatar
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Extent of matrilineal descent [duplicate]

Am I a Jew if my mother's mother's mother's mother's mother was a Jew? Even if along the line one of my foremothers converted to another faith? I'd just like a better understanding of matrilineal ...
Malka S's user avatar
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Should you show preference to a Jew/ Jewish establishment? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Purchasing from a Jew If you have the opportunity to do business or make purchases with either a non-Jew or a Jew equally is there any reason to prefer the Jew over the non-...
alltheinterwebs's user avatar
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Permissibility of speaking foreign languages?

(Inspired by this comment). Does halacha permit Jews to speak languages other than Hebrew? Bedieved? Lechatchilah?
Adam Mosheh's user avatar
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Are Conservative, Reform and those "off the derech" part of 'amcha'?

There are several commandments that contain the phrase "b'amecha" (or a variation thereof). The gemarah darshans "b'oseh ma'aseh amcha" that those commandments only apply to a Jew ...
Identitytheft-Dave's user avatar
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Are children adopted by Jews Jewish?

I was adopted around the time I was three months old by my parents who are both Jewish. I do not know what religion my biological mother was, in fact I have very little detail about her at all. I was ...
Josh's user avatar
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Halachic significance of the plurality of Jews living in Israel

I once heard that if Israel has the largest Jewish population, it has a significant effect on certain Halachot. What are the criteria for this, and what halachot are affected? (Shmita is the one most ...
avi's user avatar
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What was the 'evolution' of determining who is part of the Jewish people?

Starting with Abraham and continuing till modern halacha. how has the halacha regarding who is part of the Jewish people changed? What were the causes of the change, and the reasoning, and the change ...
avi's user avatar
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Can a Jew lose their Jewish Status?

Can a Jew lose their status as being a Jew by performing any action (example: performing idolatry, disavowing core beliefs, converting to another religion, etc)? Or once a person is a Jew then they ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
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Is it possible for a Gentile to convert to Judaism? [closed]

Is it possible for someone who is Gentile to convert to Judaism? What is the prevailing belief of Jewish people on this subject? What scripture backs up this belief? What do prominent Jewish ...
going's user avatar
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Purchasing from a Jew

רמבם, הלכות מתנות עניים י:ז שמנה מעלות יש בצדקה זו למעלה מזו, מעלה גדולה שאין למעלה ממנה זה המחזיק ביד ישראל שמך ונותן לו מתנה או הלואה או עושה עמו שותפות או ממציא לו מלאכה כדי לחזק את ידו עד שלא ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar