Starting with Abraham and continuing till modern halacha. how has the halacha regarding who is part of the Jewish people changed? What were the causes of the change, and the reasoning, and the change itself?
I know that today the 'tribe' goes based off the father and the 'Jewishness' is based on the mother. However, that clearly was not the system with tanach, or in the chumash. And the system also changed pre-matan torah and after-matan torah.
I'm looking for 'who' 'when' and 'how' the rules changed over the milenium.
edit: Please don't try to argue that the rule never changed. There are too many stories of non-Jewish women marrying Jewish men with no indication of conversion or statements saying that the children will not be Jewish in tanach. (Like samson and delilah) Clearly the halacha changed, and there is a good reason for it, but I want to know the details of how and when. I am not interested in explanations of 'really, it was always this way'