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15 votes

Tefillin Chol HaMoed Hefsek

The Mishnah Berurah there explicitly addresses your question. In s.k. 28 he writes: ואפילו לאותן המניחין תפילין בחוה"מ בלי ברכה או המניחין תפלין דר"ת אחר שחלץ תפלין דרש"י או שחלץ תפלין ...
robev's user avatar
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13 votes

Why do we don a tallit before laying tefillin?

This is a good question, and really it's probably a better question than the answers out there. For context, we have to realize that this question (order of operations for donning Tzitzit and ...
Double AA's user avatar
  • 100k
13 votes

Why are Tefilin never mentioned anywhere in Nach?

There are two assertions that were made here that need to be assessed: Tefillin, for being a quite fundamental part of Judaism, and which were [1] apparently worn all day long in Ancient Israel, are ...
Dovmo's user avatar
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11 votes

Rav Galinsky grabbing his tefillin on Shabbos

Under the circumstances he was in even if tefillin are muktzah he was allowed to touch them. According to many (not all) Poskim, Tefillin are muktza. The reason is because one may not wear Tefillin ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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10 votes

Tefillin shel rosh first?

The premises of your question appear to be incorrect. The Rambam (Hil. T'fillin 4:5) says to first put on the shel yad (phylacteries of the arm) and to then put on the shel rosh (phylacteries of the ...
Fred's user avatar
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10 votes

Cylindrical Tefillin

The Talmud (Menachot 35a) says: תנא: תפילין מרובעות - הלכה למשה מסיני. אמר רב פפא: בתפרן ובאלכסונן. לימא מסייע ליה: העושה תפילתו עגולה - סכנה ואין בה מצוה; אמר רב פפא: מתני' דעבידא כי אמגוזא.‏ ...
Double AA's user avatar
  • 100k
10 votes

I bought a pair of tefillin -- help me understand the accompanying certificate?

The first line with a checked options has: [x] New Tefillin [] Used Tefillin The next horizontal line indictes writing Style: [] Sepharadi / Yemenite [] Ashkenaz - Ar"i [x] Ashkenaz - Beis ...
simyou's user avatar
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9 votes

Wearing tefillin during mincha, would someone get a mitzvah for it?

The Shulchan Arukh (OC 37:2, echoing the Tur ibid.) writes: מצותן להיות עליו כל היום אבל מפני שצריכים גוף נקי שלא יפיח בהם ושלא יסיח דעתו מהם ואין כל אדם יכול ליזהר בהם נהגו שלא להניחם כל היום ומכל ...
Double AA's user avatar
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9 votes

Are Tallis and Tefillin considered beged ish?

The Targum Yonasan to the verse prohibiting a woman to wear men's gear says specifically it includes Tallis and Tefilin. However, that doesn't seem to be the prevailing opinion. The Aruch HaShulchan ...
Shalom's user avatar
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9 votes

Answering Amen on Tefilin

R Jack Abramowitz at OU answers your question this way After adjusting the head strap, the person continues with “Baruch sheim k'vod malchuso l’olam vo’ed” (Blessed be the Name of He Whose glorious ...
mbloch's user avatar
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9 votes

Thickening letters for tefillin and mezuzos

This is a known technique. It's generally considered invalid and called פנים חדשות. See Lishkat HaSofer 9:6: ונ"ל פשוט דאם לאחר שהעבה איזה אות מצד זה גרדו מצד השני ולא נשאר רק הכתב החדש הוי שלא ...
Double AA's user avatar
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9 votes

Source for removing tefillin straps from your hands for hagbah

In 1967, R. Efraim Greenblatt published an extensive article on the laws of Gelilah in the journal Noam (vol 10). He writes there as follows: נוהגין בעת שגוללין מוריד הגולל את רצועות התפילין ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
8 votes

Tephilin during krias hatorah on the third day of Pesach

This seems to start with an idea brought by the Chok Ya'akov, although he doesn't quite describe the current practice which you mention. He writes (in 490:2) that the prevalent custom (in his day and ...
Joel K's user avatar
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8 votes

Why are tefillin worn on the head and not between the eyes?

This is a classic question. I'm quite surprised we didn't have a question like this already on this site. I will do my best to explain. First of all, let's examine the actual passuk: :...
ezra's user avatar
  • 19k
8 votes

borrowed my Teffilin, fell asleep, nocturnal emission

Not a problem in the slightest. Pleae ignore it and continue to serve God by wearing your Tefilin. If this hangup is preventing you from doing mitzvos in a positive manner, please consult a competent ...
Shalom's user avatar
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8 votes

At Shacharit at exactly which point does one have to put Teffilin on and off?

See The minhag is to put on Tefillin in the Synagogue after having said Birchot HaShachar and Birchot HaTorah but preferably ...
user15464's user avatar
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8 votes

Can tefillin be "switched"?

This is discussed in the Talmud (Menachot 34b). Turns out the issue isn't the number of pieces of Klaf at all. Even one piece for the head and 4 pieces for the arm is valid. The issue is the number of ...
Double AA's user avatar
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8 votes

Which Tefillin should one wear if only one is available?

Rav Chaim Kanievsky was asked this question in Daas Noteh Hilchos Teffilin page 117. He answers that shel Rosh is preferable, but adds a tzorech iyun kitzas since the Mishna Brurah does not choose ...
sam's user avatar
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8 votes

Do tefillin straps have to be animal skin

The straps must be made of skins of a kosher animal (OC 33:3, cf. Shabbat 28b). Pri Megadim is unsure if this requirement is biblical (like by the other components of tefillin) or only rabbinic.
Double AA's user avatar
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8 votes

Can someone else put tefillin on a Jew

The Mishnah Berura in 27:6 when discussing one who doesn’t have a right hand, and therefore can’t physically put on his tefillin on his left hand, says that someone else can put it on for him: אבל אם ...
Chatzkel's user avatar
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7 votes

What is a "fishtran" fish?

According to Uriel Weinreich, ‎Yivo Institute for Jewish Research - 1968 Yiddish English dictionary פִישְׁטְרָאן is cod liver oil. Per Wikipedia cod liver oil is derived from liver of cod fish ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
7 votes

Where is the midrash of "300 days of Tefillin?"

The Beis Yosef attributes this to the Orchos Chayim in Orach Chayim 32 (2/3 down here) without mentioning a midrash. כתב בארחות חיים: לפיכך עושין שי"ן יותר משאר אותיות, כדי לרמוז הימים שאדם מניחם ...
WAF's user avatar
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7 votes

Forgot to say the brocho on teffilin can I say it now?

Rambam rules (Blessings 11:5) if one forgot to recite a brocho upon doing a mitzvah then if its performance is not yet completed a blessing is then recited. For an example he offers a case when one ...
Oliver's user avatar
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7 votes

Why not recite a beracha when taking off tefillin

Since the Shulchan Aruch 29:1 writes that we do not make such a bracha. The Mishna Berura (1) explains that in Eretz Yisrael(Yerushalmi) they held that one must remove their teffilin before nightfall ...
sam's user avatar
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6 votes

Why are there 64 permutations of the arrangements of tefillin scrolls?

A source for this is in הלכות הגר"א ומנהגיו. מצאתי כתוב פעם אחת שאל הגאון רבי חיים מוולזין זצ"ל לרבינו למה אינו מניח תפילין דרבינו תם, והשיב למה מניח הוא, שהבין משאלתו שמניחם, א"ל כדי לצאת ספק ב' ...
Nic's user avatar
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Wearing tefillin all day

Rav Eliyashiv was asked this and was qouted in Sefer Vayishma Moshe 2: Teffilin. He was asked if there is an inyan to wear talis and teffilin all day. He answered that a talis it isnt necessary ...
sam's user avatar
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6 votes

Why do some people split the third and fourth wrap on their arm when wrapping tefillin?

I didn't mean to post a question and then answer it myself, but in my searches on I found this question and answer page which discusses why there is a custom to leave space between the ...
ezra's user avatar
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6 votes

What is this tefillin minhag?

These are the images from the N'ta-ay Govriel showing every mihag of wrapping the Tefila Shel Yad. It actually helped my cousin find the origin of his obscure wrapping. As pointed out there are ...
Binyamin Adler-Berke's user avatar
6 votes

Why would there be a piece of retzuah in the compartment of the tefillin shel yad?

It is filler material to prevent the parchment from turning or slipping down and it is not a good idea. R Yerachmiel Askotzky in his book Tefillin and Mezuzos writes (p. 89) According to some poskim, ...
mbloch's user avatar
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