Does Judaism acknowledge and accept the principle of absolute, personal bodily autonomy as a foundation behind a right to abortion?
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein addresses this issue directly in his article "To Cultivate and to Guard: The Universal Duties of Mankind":
I mentioned earlier the prevalent ...
Does Judaism acknowledge and accept the principle of absolute, personal bodily autonomy as a foundation behind a right to abortion?
Absolutely not. As @RabbiKaii says, there is almost no principle of bodily autonomy in Judaism. Tattoos are forbidden. Even shaving with a razor is prohibited for men. So is removing the payos. Men ...
Does Judaism acknowledge and accept the principle of absolute, personal bodily autonomy as a foundation behind a right to abortion?
Take your pick:
Rambam Rotzeach uShemirat haNefesh 1:4
The rationale is that the soul of the victim is not the property of the blood redeemer, but the property of the Holy One, blessed be He.
Rambam ...
Does Judaism acknowledge and accept the principle of absolute, personal bodily autonomy as a foundation behind a right to abortion?
There are many sources in the commentaries to demonstrate that a person does not have absolute autonomy over one's body. I have cited a few:
Shulchan Aruch Harav (Nizkei Guf v'Nefesh) explicitly ...
Is it permissible to donate or sell organs that you can live without?
One is allowed to accept organs from living people, provided the recipient’s life is at risk without the donation, the donor’s life is not at risk, and no organs are harvested from the living to store ...
What are the halachic parameters of perishah min hatzibur?
In general, Poresh Min Hatzibur is a wide term that applies to a person who behaves differently than the rest of the community (in places where there's only one tradition). It is based vaguely on the ...
Does Judaism acknowledge and accept the principle of absolute, personal bodily autonomy as a foundation behind a right to abortion?
I've upvoted several answers here. I feel nobody has answered what your question is really getting at, which is how to actually, successfully, convince our beloved sisters about these points, so I ...
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