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A minor (?) issue with spelling in Nusach Ari

The Israeli Chabad site explains the difference in the following way: בסידור אדמו"ר הזקן מופיע בחול "המרחם" ובשבת "והמרחם". וביאר בס' שער הכולל (סי' ט ס"ק לב), שדקדקו ...
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How does the Siddur Torah Ohr differ from the Siddur Tehilas Hashem?

As is common with most older siddurim, in Torah Or, things aren't duplicated, just printed once, e.g., the weekday Amidah. There's no separate Minhah provided, you would use the Amidah printed in ...
paquda's user avatar
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"HaRachaman hu yevarech es avi mori..." - Questions

In Sefer HaMinhagim for Chabad, it states: The words, avi mori baal habayis hazeh v'es imi morasi ba'alas habayis hazeh, are said by everyone, even by a guest or by one whose parents are no longer ...
Menachem Eliyahu's user avatar
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Specific Breslov Nusach

The only specific detail in nusach that I can think of for which the Rebbe made a particular point, was to say "melech yachid chei ha'olamim" in Yishtabach in order to mirror the text of "Baruch ...
user15288's user avatar
5 votes

Why does the Chabad nusach omit "Tzur Yisroel" before Shemoneh Esrei?

The following is a condensation of the explanation in the book שער הכולל (page 25, paragraph 19): The brakhah Emet ve-Yatziv is known to have the nature of being a blessing of hoda'ah (thankful ...
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How does the Siddur Torah Ohr differ from the Siddur Tehilas Hashem?

the siddur TH you refer to (Rostov 1918) is not the same TH used by Chabad today, the TH used today was first published in 1945, it was a copy of an older siddur called Seder Hoavoda (סדר העבודה) ...
Zjamkeh's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Nusach al-pi Arizal davened by anyone besides Chabad?

I do believe that those followers of Rabbi Chaim Avraham Dov Ber Levine HaCohen (the Malachim) also daven the Chabad nusach. This is anecdotal, as I went to yeshiva with someone whose family ...
Shmuel Brown's user avatar
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Where to find a Nusach Maharitz siddur?

The publisher is Miller Publishing. Here is a link to their website. Here is their contact information Rehov HaOman 26 9342180 Yerushalayim Israel To call from the USA Tel: 011 972 2 678 3806 ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
2 votes

Siddur Ha'Arizal (R' Asher Margaliot)

Only on the technical basis that it is according to the nusach of the Ari z'l. The actual expert sofer of the Ba'al Shem Tov was Rabbi Shabbtai of Rashkov. The siddur which the Ba'al Shem Tov used ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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Specific Breslov Nusach

Mohorosh z"l (the Tzadik of yavnial) printed a siddur called "Sidur eis rotzon", and in a letter in his popular sefer (response) "Asher banachal" he states that this is exactly the nusach that Reb ...
mendy's user avatar
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1 vote

Chabad Chazzanus Recordings

This is a recording of the nusach for Rosh hashanna and yom kipur from someone who was a chazan (cantor) during the Lubavotcher Rebbe's lifetime. Here is an article about it.... https://www.collive....
Dude's user avatar
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Noam Elimelech davened nusach Ashkanaz

In the book Noam Elimelech, three letters address the nusach sfard usef by chasidim. I assume that the letter you are remembering is a letter in which the NE explains that when he did become older he ...
kouty's user avatar
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Chabad Houses singing Yedid Nefesh before Kabalash Shabbos

not everyone in a chabad house is or was always a Lubavitcher and some customs are done in a way to accommodate the congregation as apposed to for example 770 in crown heights or other smaller ...
Dude's user avatar
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Answering 'Amen' to Birkas Kohanim during regular Shemonei Esrei (Chabad Nusach)

According to a more detailed chart found on the back of a Chabad siddur, one does not answer the "birkat kohanim" of the chazan during Pesukei Dezimra, but as you can see below, one does answer a real ...
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