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Questions tagged [transliteration]

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Is there a rule for Rashi's French transliterations (Laaz)?

Rashi frequently uses French words in his explanation to Chumash or the Gemara. However, he doesn't write it in the original language, but he writes it in a "transliteration" of French in Hebrew ...
Am Haaretz Gamur Mideoraysa's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Hard Yeshivish phrases to translate [closed]

Does anyone ever have trouble finding good English translations of certain yeshivish phrases, especially when in conversation with someone who would not understand the original? Post your favorite ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Why do some transliterate "Balaam" when the Hebrew is "Bilaam"?

I've noticed that most translations render the gentile prophet's name Balaam, while the Hebrew is Bilaam (difference in first vowel). JPS does this in its translation, and people even do it here on ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Is there a difference between "p" and "f" when transliterating from English to Hebrew?

When transliterating an English name to Hebrew (e.g. for a Ketubah or Get), is there a way to distinguish between a "p" and "f" sound? E.g. Fine, NY vs Pine, CO. Would both just be spelled (assuming ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Pronunciation of Ketuba text

Can anyone recommend a source for the text of the Ketuba including nekudot, a transliteration, or a recording that could be used as a guide for pronunciation?
sdaberle's user avatar
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Transliterated Shemot

Do transliterated names of G-d (tetragrammata, adoshem, et c.) cause a book to be shemos? I have never noticed a traditional Jewish sefer which contains such an example, although most are already ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Is there a standard for writing Hebrew words in English letters [closed]

Is there a standard for writing Hebrew words in English letters in the context of religious texts? I see a different way to write the same word or distinction between "כ" and "ק" or "כ" and "ח" and ...
Binyamin Regev's user avatar
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May one recite the Haftarah from a transliterated copy?

I know that public Torah reading needs to be read from a parchment. I saw some source stating that, ideally haftarah should also be read from parchment. However, I see numerous congregations allow ...
DanF's user avatar
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LXX transliteration of יהושע

I've been comparing the Masoretic text and the LXX and was hoping someone on here can answer the question I've been trying to find the answer to. Can someone please break down how the translators got ...
diego b's user avatar
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What is "הער״ט איר ניט"?

נטעי גבריאל, in הלכות נשואין, volume 2, chapter 118, section 8, footnote 11, cites the מהרי״ל‬ (biographical information): שכשהיה קורא לאשתו אמר בלשון‬ ‫אשכנז הער״ט איר ניט כדרך העולם שהזיווגים ...
msh210's user avatar
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Where can I find a transliterated; translated Tanakh?

I'm looking for a Tanakh that has the following specifications: The original Hebrew text Transliteration of that text into the Latin alphabet English translation Does anyone know where I could find ...
Lisa Rose McPherson's user avatar
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Is there a transliterated version of what you need to say at the end of the complete Mishna?

My Hebrew is not very strong and I have to say everything at the end of Uktzin for a group of people that completed the entire Mishna in honour of a friend that passed away. Does anyone have this ...
Michael 's user avatar
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What is a standard way to transliterate Jewish prayers?

When it comes to pronouncing hebrew in Judaism there are various customs involved. E.g. Chassidim pronounce words one way, Litfish another way, and Sefardim yet another way. Is there a standard way ...
yydl's user avatar
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Transliteración de la Amidá en Español - Transliteration of the Amidah into Spanish

Estoy buscando una transliteración del rezo Shemoné-Esré en la lengua español. ¿Puede usted, por favor, ayudarme? Yo también quiero los rezos y cánticos para el Shabat. I'm looking for a ...
Adam Mosheh's user avatar
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Why is "Merkos L'inyonei Chinuch" spelled that way? [closed]

In the title Merkos L'inyonei Chinuch, why is the word מרכז transliterated with an 's' in place of a 'ז' rather than a 'z'?
WAF's user avatar
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Hebrew names of G-d written in English letters [duplicate]

I am referring to any of the seven Hebrew names of Hashem that are forbidden to be erased. Suppose I have a sheet of paper that has one of them written, but in English letters ("Ad-noy"). 1) Can the ...
SAH's user avatar
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What is the reason it is common to find English writings by religious Jews permeated by transliterated Hebrew, instead of pure English? [closed]

What I mean is that religious Jews often use words like shabbos, mitzvot, teshuvah, siddur. Why not use the English words, Sabbath, laws, repentance/penance, and liturgal order (for example)? After ...
SolaGratia's user avatar
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Is the English "YHWH" a valid equivalent to the Tetragrammaton?

What is the halachic stance on the Tetragrammaton transliterated into English as YHWH or Yawheh or Jehovah? Is it accurate to use the English letters YHWH as the Hebrew equivalent? We see this ...
Ephraim77's user avatar
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What is this intro to this rendition of Kah Echsof?

My inability to hear lyrics, and my inabilities in Yiddish require me to ask the fine folk here what exactly is being said in the first words that precede Kah Echsof in this rendition. Could someone ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Transliteration and text help for the nisim b'chol yom

My son is becoming a bar mitzvah, and he specified that he wanted to use a translation of the nisim b'chol yom (for daily miracles) prayer not from the siddur, but from a hand out in Hebrew school. I ...
Lisa's user avatar
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0 answers

Why transliterate house as beth rather than beit or beis/bais? [duplicate]

In various places we see the word house transliterated as beth rather than the ashkenaz or sefardic: beit or bais. What is the logic of the beth transliteration?
Yehuda W's user avatar
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What is the most effective way to translate non-Hebrew translations found in Rabbinic literature?

Non-Hebrew translations are often included by our Sages when attempting to clarify words or concepts. There are myriad examples in RaSh"I (Shemot 5:7) and Hizquni (Wayiqra 11:16). For relatively ...
Lee's user avatar
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I need a free PDF transliterated orthodox siddur

Shalom everyone, I am a jew who is really really bad when reading Hebrew and also I don't have a lot of wealth. I would like to have a PDF Orthodox (chassidic) siddur, with English transliteration. I ...
Bonastruc's user avatar
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Where can I find a tehillim that is transliterated? (meaning the hebrew is translated on top or on bottom of the page)

I'm searching for something with a big font and that is easy on the eyes.
acefromspace's user avatar
0 votes
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Help to translate a Prayer into Hebrew [closed]

I am learning Hebrew and I have this prayer which I want to pray: Yehi ratzon milfanecha, shetimaleh retzon'cha, v'lo retzoni, v'she'ehye merkava lirtzonecha. Bifratus, avakesh mimcha emunah ...
user avatar
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Leviticus 4:20 in most English bible translations use "atonement" which is poor translation of Hebrew's kaphar (cover)

This is a follow-up question to the previous: Similarity between atonement in Leviticus 4:20 & cover in Genesis 6:14 in terms of semantics, wording/phrasing, lettering/grammer, pronunciation? ...
crazyTech's user avatar
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Sefardic transliteration schemes?

I am looking for standards for transliteration of Hebrew for Sefardim, for the various nekudot and letters. For example, how does one transliterate a כ with no dagesh? Is it kh of ch? How about ח? How ...
josh waxman's user avatar
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Where can I find a transliteration of the ketubah text? [duplicate]

Is there a transliteration of the ketubah text anywhere? My Aramaic is a little rusty. Thanks so much!
M. Chudow's user avatar