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Is there a halakhic basis for the position of Chief Rabbi of a country whose authority must be acknowledged by all Jewish citizens?

Wikipedia lists 39 countries which have one or more Chief Rabbis, counting the United Kingdom and Commonwealth as one rabbinate. Israel is the only country in which the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Chief ...
keshava das's user avatar
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Is it permissible for a rabbi to publicly criticize and insult other rabbis who he finds to be misguiding the community and misrepresenting Judaism?

I've seen certain rabbis do this to other rabbis and even encourage their students and followers to do the same. Is this allowed in Judaism?
ddas91600's user avatar
  • 493
1 vote
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When did Negiah become part of Halakha [duplicate]

שלום I am trying to find out around what time Negiah was implemented into Halakha. In no way I am not trying to disrespect Halakha, I am only trying to understand it in a deeper way.
Renzo Cantin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What are the laws of workers

BH Hi I know that there are certain laws of avadim (slaves) for example how a Jew should be merciful, etc, when having avadim, although now that slavery is highly not accepted around most areas of the ...
David 's user avatar
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Is it true there was a sage on his death bed and said I wish I used up all my money?

BH Is it true that there was a sage on his death bed who said I wish I used up all my money?
David 's user avatar
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Is there any cautions against a person in Torah when someone lies [duplicate]

BH Are there cautions against a person in Torah if someone lies like if a potential shiduch or even close acquaintance lies?
David 's user avatar
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Does it say anywhere in Halacha that a person shouldn’t eat where others Arnt eating?

BH Does it say anywhere that a person shouldn’t eat where others are eating so they won’t feel hungry while the person is eating?
David 's user avatar
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Is there a Halacha that says that you shouldn’t stretch in public?

BH Is there a consept in Halacha that says that a person shouldn't stretch in public(ie. to keep it together in public)
David 's user avatar
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Lashon harah about someone who leads people astray

Is it lashon harah to publicly criticize or attack those who you perceive as misleading people/leading people astray? For example, Rabbi Natan Slifkin has a blog in which he’s publicly criticized ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Why do we follow matrilineal descent of Judaism when there's evidence to suggest that it used to be patrilineal? How to resolve the contradiction?

According to the contemporary scholarship, even though modern Orthodox Judaism follows matrilineal descent, there is evidence to suggest that this was a shift that occurred during the second century, ...
setszu's user avatar
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Why are mezuzot always mounted on the right side of the doorway?

I have read plenty regarding the debate on what direction and angle the mezuzah should be mounted. That said, I have never heard a clear explanation as to why we always mount them on the right side of ...
Michael's user avatar
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LOR Questions family planning

One of the most common questions Rabbis tend to get is about contraception. Specifically a discussion about family planning, and how long one can use contraception for. Before the man has fulfilled ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
1 vote
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Shimush in Hilchos Niddah

Which Rabbanim or Bottei Horaah offer shimush in Hilchos Niddah? I’m looking for a more formal program where you can sign up and there’s a schedule, testing certification etc. Or, a private Rav who ...
MeWhoZeh's user avatar
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How do Jewish sects view the role of the legal law of the Halacha in today's society?

The legal laws of the books of Moses included rulings on stoning adulterers, homosexuals, disobedient children, etc. Christians view these laws as no longer binding on Christians today through the ...
Bob's user avatar
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6 votes
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Imitating Rabbanim

Is it Lashon Hara (or any other aveirah) to imitate a rav. It’s a common thing in yeshivos (at least the ones I’ve been involved in) that some bachrim imitate the rebbes mannerisms and way of speaking ...
user25895's user avatar
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Who is הרב הנאמ"ן?

I was learning the sefer אור ההלכה on hilchos Shabbos and he quotes someone as הרב הנאמ"ן. Does anyone know who that is?
N.T.'s user avatar
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Where do Israeli nationalist Orthodox movements derive their Halacha?

This isn't a question regarding Israeli politics or issues like that. This question is purely about where these groups (Groups which followed Meir Kahane or similar voices) developed or derived their ...
Michael's user avatar
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Who is "your teacher"?

There is an injunction that you may not give a halakhic opinion in the presence of "your teacher". The Talmud says: The sons of Aaron died only because they issued a halakhic ruling before ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Did Ezra abrogate the Mosaic Law in Num. xviii. 21,(according to Yeb. 86b, Ḥul. 131b)?

According to The ancient rabbis claimed authority, not only to make new provisions and to establish institutions as a "hedge&...
capri reds's user avatar
3 votes
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Is one obligated to listen to a Rav? [duplicate]

If I ask my rav for halachic advice, must I follow it or can I ask a different posek? Seperately, if I ask my rav for personal advice, must I listen?
shrel's user avatar
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What Torah verses (and Talmudic chapters) provide the basis for banning women rabbis? [duplicate]

I am trying to find the logical basis for why women cannot be Rabbis in most Orthodox communities. Some people seem to pin it on "Tziut" but there doesn't seem to be a clear biblical basis for that ...
user2543822's user avatar
5 votes
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Are we obligated to aspire to be Talmidei Chachamim?

The talmud in general seems to distinguish between different kinds of people in certain kinds of halacha. For example, Bava Metzia 23b tells us that a rabbi is allowed to lie for three things, ...
SophArch's user avatar
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Talmid Chacham Standing for Talmid Chacham

The Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh De'ah 244:1) discusses standing up out of respect for a talmid chacham- מצות עשה לקום מפני כל חכם אפי' אינו זקן אלא יניק וחכים ואפי' אינו רבו Must a talmid chacham stand ...
NJM's user avatar
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Is there anything wrong with correcting your Rabbi in front of other people?

If your Rabbi tells you something about Torah and you know that he is incorrect, and this has happened in the past and the Rabbi admitted his mistake, are you then allowed to correct the Rabbi if a ...
Nosson's user avatar
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"A time to act for Hashem" and doing whatever you want

Who under what circumstances has the right to declare that a violation of halacha is in order because "it is a time to act for Hashem"? I have by now a few times seen this posuk from Tehillim used as ...
SAH's user avatar
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Honoring female Rabbis - sources [duplicate]

Sorry I'm stuck with this topic... I am looking for sources on various Halakhot of honoring female Rabbis (knowledgeable women that tech Judaism). My basic assumption is that as many rule that כיבוד ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Did the Tannaim act correctly on “Bo BaYom”?

Berachos 27b-28a records the story of “Bo BaYom,” in which Rabban Gamliel was kicked out from being the Nasi as a result of two separate incidents with Rebbi Yehoshua (Ibid. and RH 24b-25a) and one ...
DonielF's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is Harav Shteinman's tzava'ah (last will) halachically binding?

The Rav Hakadosh Harav Shteinman zatzal wrote in his tzava'ah (last instructions) to the public, not to call him a Tzaddik or Yereh Shamayim, and not to write articles about him in the newspaper. Is ...
Ari's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is one allowed to learn a book written by a rabbi who was accused and convicted of impropriety? [duplicate]

What is the status of books from rabbis who were accused of impropriety? The question would also likely also apply to online shiurim. For example, here is is a very good book from a rav who admitted ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Are there any living mainstream orthodox Rabbonim today that permit abortion for Tay Sachs etc

Are there any orthodox rabbis alive today that allow one to abort a fetus that has been diagnosed with a life threatening illness such as Tay Sachs? I have read the related posts that discuss the For ...
Avrohom's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is a female Torah scholar accorded the same honors as a male?

Would a woman who is as learned in Torah as a male Rosh Yeshiva or talmud scholar be accorded the same honors such as standing up for them or, in the case of an outstanding scholar reciting the ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Speaking negatively about Rabbis

I vaguely recall hearing in a shi`ur once about a grave prohibition against speaking negatively about Rabbis. Unfortunately, I don't recall the shi`ur (I think it may have been by R' Eli Mansour) nor ...
Lee's user avatar
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People with defects and their role in serving

Parashat Emor teaches (Vayikra/Leviticus 21:17) something about a kohen with a 'מום' (blemish, defect, deformity, disability, handicap) isn't allowed to serve in the Holy Temple. But without the ...
Levi's user avatar
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Are there high level poskim who are easily accessible?

I often have Halachic questions that upon approaching local Orthodox rabbonim, I don't feel comfortable with their psak. I know enough to know that they don't have a complete grasp of halacha but I ...
Mark A.'s user avatar
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"Kosher"switch, is it really kosher? [duplicate]

So I am wondering if it is acceptable or not, breaking shabbes or not, and I want to see what the Big rabbonim have to say about the "Kosher"switch.
Ploni ben Almoni tzedek's user avatar
9 votes
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Rabbi "shopping"

Is there any explicit halachah against going to different rabbanim to find the most lenient one for a specific shaylah? I know it says in pirkei avos "asei l'cho rav", but what if you don't have a ...
user613's user avatar
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If two rabbis tell you opposite things which do you listen to?

If you ask two rabbis the same question and they give you opposite answers (one says mutar the other says assur). Which do you listen to?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Standing up for rabbeim

Regarding the halachos of standing up for rabbeim, should you stand for any rabbi that passes by you or maybe only your rabbeim / Rebbi Muvhak?
sye81397's user avatar
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Can the Rav enforce his own made-up rule as a "penalty"?

Several years ago, while making a trip to the Catskill area, I stopped near the large shul in Woodbridge, NY (I forgot its name). The rabbi has a reserved parking spot across the street from the shul. ...
DanF's user avatar
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Can one cite divrei torah in the name of a rabbi who has gone astray?

In the most recent issue of Jewish Action, there is a brief interview with R. Herschel Schachter about "Halacha and the Fallen Rabbi". The final question is: JA: Can we/should we continue ...
wfb's user avatar
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Picking and choosing Hashkafa

Can one decide to follow for example the Rambam's more rational Hashkafic approach and than the Ramban for other Hashkafic ideas even though they clearly disagree? I've heard that by practical Halacha ...
El Shteiger's user avatar
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Do you know of a Rabbi who rejects modern technology?

A little bit like the Amish... I just want to know if such an ideology exists in Judaism. I know that the Hatam Sofer and Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein opposed modern philosophy, maybe one Rabbi opposed ...
far22's user avatar
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Gedolim and Sever Panim Yafos

I have seen many video's of gedolei Torah and very often when they greet someone they don't smile or look very excited. This is even when the person comes to the gadol's house. I wondered how to ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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May a person with a nature of getting angry be a dayan?

I sit in a beis din with a dayan who gets angry very easily. He can't seem to control his anger, causing great anguish to the litigants, and a big chilul Hashem at times. I have been asked to approach ...
rabbi's user avatar
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Napoléon's Sanhedrin

In 1806, Napoléon Bonaparte convened a synod of French rabbinim (mainly Alsatiens and Bordelais) to ascertain halachic opinions on a set of questions. What is the halachic standing of this synod's ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Disagreeing with one's rebbe

We all have Rabbeim that we ask questions to. Is one allowed to disagree with his rebbe if he feels that his rebbe's viewpoint is incorrect?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Why is a kohen allowed to be a rabbi?

Rabbis often need to attend funerals, give eulogies, arrange for the proper care of the deceased's body in the time between death and burial, and other related matters. A kohen can't come into ...
Jake's user avatar
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Pictures of rabbis in the living room

Are there any poskim prohibiting hanging Pictures of Rabbis in ones house? Lots of people do it but I never understood why this is not prohibited due to too much kavod for human being, which is close ...
shimon's user avatar
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Is there a halacha for writing a biography of a gadol? If so, what is it?

I was thinking of writing a magazine article on a rabbi I knew well before his death some years back. I wrote to his son to see if he could help me with stories, history, photographs, etc. He ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Rabbis who don't wear neck ties?

I have noticed many Haredi Rabbonim who do not wear ties through out the year (Shabbos, Yom Tov, Simchas) even though they aren't chasidish. Does anyone know the reason? I was thinking along the ...
Yishaq's user avatar
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