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Questions tagged [niddah]

Ritual impurity related to menstruation

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The Chofetz Chaim's Shocking View of Baalei Teshuva

The Chofetz Chaim in Sefer Nidchei Yisroel makes some shocking statements about those born to parents who did not keep the halachos of Nidda. See beginning of chapter 41, where he assumes that these ...
Bpsb's user avatar
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Menstruation leniencies on Shabbat

Is a menstruating woman exempt from any positive and negative aspects of Shabbat?
Fatemeh Nosanjani's user avatar
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Why are married couples not allowed to touch during niddah?

Let me start by saying that I understand the general rules of niddah. However, I was initially very confused why the niddah period is still observed at all, even among Orthodox Jews, since the other ...
Jackie KR's user avatar
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Is a Semicha required for determining the status of a Safek Niddah

According to Halacha, is it required for a Rabbi to have semicha if he’s determining the status of whether a woman is a niddah if she believes it’s a Safek? Or no, is a formal semicha not required ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can a woman stop going to mikveh if her husband doesn't care about it?

If a husband doesn't care about tahara laws, can she skip immersing? Also what about if he is not interested in being intimate with her (and for some reason doesn't want to divorce her)? To elaborate ...
Ana's user avatar
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May a husband and wife swim together while the wife is niddah

According to Halacha, is it permitted for a husband and wife to swim together while the wife is niddah, or no? Would it be considered harchakot and rabbinically forbidden or no?
Kirk's user avatar
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Can a Nidah do Kedushin?

Would a man giving a nidah a ring be an issue, since usually a husband can't hand their wife something when they are nidah? Also, would both of them being isolated for nisuin be an issue?
Eli's user avatar
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Niddah Leftovers vs. Bal Tashchis

Is one prohibited to eat his wife's leftover even if she won't finish it and will be throw away? Please bring authentic halachic sources to support your answer.
MosheMoskowitz's user avatar
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If a woman converts to Judaism, is she niddah the first time she has sex

The Halacha is that when a Jewish woman who is a virgin has sex for the first time, she becomes niddah whether or not there’s blood stains. If a woman converts to Judaism, and she had sex prior to ...
Kirk's user avatar
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To what extent does halacha dictate the relationship between a male rabbi and a female congregant?

Which, if any, halachot of "Tzniut" apply to the relationship between a rabbi and a female congregant? From what I understand, it is common for a husband to bring his wife's undergarments to ...
lgshost's user avatar
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Shimush: Mar'os on Niddah - why does it work?

In Hilchos Niddah, expertise in מראות, examining bedikos or kesamim (intentional examinations, or accidental stains on the woman's undergarments) to decide if they are tamei - which would make the ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Chanah Earned Shmuel Through Niddah, Challah, and Ner Shabbos?

Dinonline quotes the Hagahos Maimonos (Zeraim, 30) who suggests Chanah earned a son like Shmuel HaNavi because she was so careful with Niddah, Challah, and Ner Shabbos. I can't find this Hagahos ...
NJM's user avatar
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Using dammed river for Mikveh

Is it a halachic option to use a lake that was made from a dammed river for a mikveh? So the river goes from the land to the ocean but it is blocked by a dam to create a lake, would it be okay for ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Niddah customs differences

If a Sephardic/mizrahi man marries an Ashkenazi women, or vice versa, whose niddah custom is followed? From what I understand, Ashkenazim are more stringent on timing than Sephardim/mizrahim, so in ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Pulse feeling in ancient times

The Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 195:17 (Harchakos Niddah) rules: אם בעלה רופא אסור למשש לה הדפק: הגה ולפי מה שכתבתי דנוהגין היתר אם צריכה אליו דמשמש לה כ"ש דמותר למשש לה הדפק אם אין רופא אחר וצריכה אליו ...
Yitzy 's user avatar
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Going to the Mikva for fun

I am aware that a pregnant/breastfeeding/post menopausal woman who is not menstruating does not need to go to the Mikva, HOWEVER, I am wondering if theoretically it would be permissible for her to go, ...
S era's user avatar
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Menstrual flow of 12 years; any leniencies?

If a woman had a menstrual flow that had not ceased for 12 years, how strictly would the rule of Lev. 15:25-30 be enforced in terms of social separation required for such a woman? Would the law be ...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
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Niddah leftovers and "Shiirayim"

Is there any connection between the law that one may not eat a niddah's leftovers (שיריים) and the custom Chassidic custom of "Shiirayim" (שיריים)?
Yitzy 's user avatar
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Freezing sperm for later insemination - absent wife question

Many men face the nisayon of desperately needing to release, but are unable while their wife is away or is a niddah. Wasting zera is undoubtedly assur - whether MidiOraysa or by gezeiras Rabbanan or ...
for a friend...'s user avatar
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Sex with a gentile on her period [closed]

In terms of transgression and/or liability: is there a difference between a Jewish male having sex with a gentile woman who is in the midst of menstruating, and a gentile woman that is not in the ...
Nossiee's user avatar
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Rav Elyashiv Rabbanut Hilchos Niddah Kuntres

Someone who lived in Eretz Yisroel many years ago mentioned that Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt"l wrote a small kuntres under the Rabbanut of the absolute basic halachos of niddah. Is that kuntres ...
NJM's user avatar
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Is there a name for the timeframe when a wife is permissible to her husband?

Is there a name for the time when a woman can have sex with her husband? The Torah tells married couples not to have sex during the period of niddah, when she menstruates until right before the moment ...
ninamag's user avatar
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How did the Jews in Egypt have children if they couldn't go to the mikveh after giving birth?

This question is based on a few assumptions, which are based on a couple of Midrashim. First of all, Shemos Rabbah 9:10 and Tanna D'Vei Eliyahu Chapter 7 say that the Egyptians were punished with the ...
robev's user avatar
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What constitutes Halachic intercourse during Niddah? [duplicate]

Specifically when it comes to forbidden relationships during niddah and/or the following "clean" days, what constitutes an act of sexual intercourse punishable with Karet? Presumably, a ...
Shoel's user avatar
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Shimush in Hilchos Niddah

Which Rabbanim or Bottei Horaah offer shimush in Hilchos Niddah? I’m looking for a more formal program where you can sign up and there’s a schedule, testing certification etc. Or, a private Rav who ...
MeWhoZeh's user avatar
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How to determine if one is disqualified for ruling on bedika cloths

Let's say a person is minorly colorblind, as they failed one or more of the Isihara Tests. How can they determine if they are disqualified for mareh's, examining bedika cloths? If they can see red and ...
robev's user avatar
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Seforim on Hilchos Niddah

I'm starting to learn Hilchos Niddah be'iyun (in depth). [1] I understand that I need to learn the basics: Tur, Bais Yosef, Shulchan Aruch, Shach, Taz, Pischei Teshuva, and R Akiva Eiger. I wanted to ...
Efraym's user avatar
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Delaying a Bedika

If a woman who has a Veset Shelo Kavua and has a makka (cut), can she delay the bedika of the Onah Beinonis a couple of days after when the cut will heal otherwise she will make herself a Nidda with ...
Moz's user avatar
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When is it permissible for a women to go to the Mikvah during the 7th day?

M'Dioraysa a zavah gedolah can go to the mikvah on the morning of Day 7 as Miktzas Hayom K'Kulo. However, the rabanan were gozer that a women must wait until nightfall to go. The concern is: If she ...
Yitzy F's user avatar
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Pushing off a Hefsek Tahara

The Rama in Yoreh Deah 197:2 writes that in some places the practice is that a woman who can go to mikva on Thursday night (or earlier) may not choose to go on Friday night without a valid reason. ...
Moz's user avatar
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Chemical analysis of Niddah Ma'ros

Is a rabbi allowed/endorsed/obligated to conduct a laboratory chemical analysis of Niddah Ma'ros before he Paskens? Are there precedents? Are there rabbis who perform it on a regular basis?
Al Berko's user avatar
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Books about Ma'ros of Dam Nidda

I doubt that there are many but I am would be interested to know if there are any Sefarim written about the different colors of blood which render a women impure which are available to the public. I ...
Moz's user avatar
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Hargasha nowdays

There are various reasons that the Poskim nowadays give to explain that there still is a concept of Nidda Min Hatorah despite women not having a Hargasha. From what I have managed to see, there seem ...
Moz's user avatar
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Does Tumah Wear Off or Expire from an Object?

Does tumah contracted from a niddah wear off or expire? Like a seat that she sat on? According to the times when the Temple stood? *edited
Israel B.'s user avatar
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Where in the mishnah/written Torah does it explicitly say that women are supposed to go to the mikvah to complete niddah after menstruation + 7 days? [duplicate]

I realize this is a fundamental aspect of Judaism and I know that the menstruation + 7 days rule is straight from Leviticus, I'm just curious what the source is in the Oral/Written Law for the mikvah'...
EchoesOfGlory's user avatar
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Why is it that you are not allowed to be intimate with your wife during niddah, but you are allowed to eat food prepared by a niddah?

I understand the basis from Leviticus for prohibiting intimacy during the niddah period. The answers to this question say that there is no issue with eating food cooked by a Niddah because "even ...
EchoesOfGlory's user avatar
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Shiurim of Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits

Does anyone have the shiurim of Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits which he gives in his Kollel(not his daily Mishna Berura Shiur)? There are only a few on the Jerusalem Kollel website.
Moz's user avatar
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If your wife requests intimacy in a niddah state, may you refuse?

In general, my understanding is that you are not supposed to refuse your wife intimacy. However, it is also expressly forbidden to engage in intimacy while she is in a niddah state. Does the latter ...
EchoesOfGlory's user avatar
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Niddah and washing

I'm looking for the source of the mitzvah of going to the mikvah after being in niddah. There is a part in vayikra 15 which speak about niddah, but there it says a woman should bring a korban when she ...
Levi's user avatar
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Where can one purchase Kedoshim Tihyu

Where can i buy this Sefer? I can't find it anywhere.
Moshe's user avatar
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Is chatas neurim tantamount to murder?

I've heard from the Talmud in Nidah and the Rambam that male masturbation is "tantamount to killing a soul." But the question is, does it have the same legal consequences as murder, like in the times ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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Mikvah during UK COVID-19 Lockdown [closed]

The UK is currently under a strict lockdown, prohibiting the leaving of one's home for any other than the following Shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, ...
Adám's user avatar
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Nidda learning Torah

Aside from the fact that Poskim debate whether women should/shouldn't learn Torah. Can a niddah Learn torah Via (Shuir, Reading, Looking In)?
Moshe's user avatar
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What leniencies are available for women who ovulate before mikvah night?

What leniencies are available for women who ovulate before mikvah night (due to shorter than average cycles), and therefore most likely cannot get pregnant while following the laws of taharas ...
Kordovero's user avatar
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Touching on wedding day? [duplicate]

If the woman has gone to the mikva already and is not a niddah, can the groom and bride touch on the day of the wedding? For example, pictures before the chuppa or another shaas hadchak.
octothorpe_not_hashtag's user avatar
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Can an unmarried niddah go into a cemetery?

The Pitchei Teshuva YD 195:19 cites the Chamudei Daniel as saying that a niddah shouldn't go to a cemetery to daven. The Mishna Brurah 88:7 writes that a niddah shouldn't go to a cemetery. Shiurei ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Why can sterile women become nidda?

Firstly, I'm not asking for halachic guidance, I have my LOR for that. I'm asking a conceptual question. My understanding is that women become niddah because of the "death" of the "life that could've ...
Reverend Bubbles's user avatar
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Wearing special clothes in public while in niddah- isn't this a lack of tznius?

The gemara in Ketubot 72a tells us that women wore special clothes when they were in niddah, and thus all the neighbors would know when a woman was in niddah ("הוחזקה נדה בשכינותיה"). This ...
alicht's user avatar
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How does Rambam understand Arachin 8a?

Arachin 8a teaches the rules of what happens when a woman has a flow of blood and is unsure if she is in her days of niddah (days 1 - 7) or days of zivah (days 11 - 18). For simplicity, let’s focus ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why don't the Niddah days add up?

As far as I can tell, the halacha discusses three parts of a woman's cycle: The Niddah flow itself. The 7 clean days following the flow. The 11 days following that, during which a woman is assumed ...
Daniel Kagan's user avatar
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