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How did the Kohanim eat in the Azara?

As far as I know, it was forbidden to sit in the Azara unless you were a king descended from David. So it seems the Kohanim must have been forced to stand while eating their portions of the Kodshei ...
Daniel Kagan's user avatar
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Can one bring a Korban nowadays?

Assuming we don't have a problem with the Dome of the rock. Has anyone discussed sacrifices nowadays regarding: Can (and should) one bring sacrifices nowadays as we don't know the exact location for ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Where did the Levitical priesthood go?

Has the sacrificial system of the Torah been abandoned? Do those in the Tribe of Levi still act as priest? I have just never seen or heard of anyone making sacrifices of animals or going to a ...
Todd Moses's user avatar
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Should Cohanim and Levi'im prioritize their knowledge and study of sacrificial laws, today?

My understanding of Mashi'ach related to this question: According to one of Maimonides's principles, we are to expect it to come at any time The Temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices will be offered, ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why is melika - not shechita - done on the bird korban?

The gemara Chullin (42a) lists a severed spine as one of the conditions rendering the animal a treifa. Therefore, what is special about the dove/turtle-dove korban (Vayikra 1:15) which features the ...
NJM's user avatar
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When a sacrifice calls for "two turtledoves or two common doves", can it be one of each?

There are places in the Torah that call for an offering of "two turtledoves, or two common doves" (as translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan), e.g. Leviticus 12:8. Could s/he bring one of each kind, ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Does anyone attempt to make sense out of the claim that korbanos won't resume?

I've occasionally seen people claim that korbanos won't resume in the time of Mashiach. The people I usually see mentioned in association with this claim are Rambam and Rav Kook. The obvious ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Where were sacrifices offered if not in the Temple?

When a woman has to offer sacrifices after being impure (due, for example, to childbirth), where does she bring that offering? In Masechet K'ritut, the discussion on 8a centers on a woman who has to ...
rosends's user avatar
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Stairs to Ascend to Menorah but not Altar

In Shemot 20:23, Hashem commands us not to ascend to the mizbe'ach (sacrificial altar) with stairs for reasons of modesty. However, we learn in Tamid (3, 9) that the Menorah had stairs before it in ...
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4 votes
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How did the priests deal with excess blood during the Temple dedication?

What did the priests do with all the excess blood when Solomon dedicated the Temple? They sacrificed 22,000 head of cattle and 120,000 sheep and goats. That would be about 360,000 (US) gallons or 1.36 ...
John Runk's user avatar
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Will we be obligated to bring many chatats when the temple is rebuilt?

When the Temple is rebuilt will we each have to bring chatats ("sin" offerings) as necessary based on different sins we have done (which would likely amount to quite a lot of korbanot for a lot of ...
andrewmh20's user avatar
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Prior to placing the meat on the altar in the Temple, was it "kashered"?

Perhaps, I may be overlooking something trivial, here. Store-bought meat is salted and soaked to drain the blood, prior to it being packaged and sold to the consumer. Was something like this done in ...
DanF's user avatar
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Extraterrestrial Sacrifices

I have heard that it is forbidden to bring a sacrifice to HaShem anywhere on Earth other than the Bait HaMikdash. But what about space? Other planets, say Mars?
הראל's user avatar
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Permanent fire on the external altar - provisions for rain

The Torah says (Vayikra 6:6): אֵ֗שׁ תָּמִ֛יד תּוּקַ֥ד עַל־הַמִּזְבֵּ֖חַ לֹ֥א תִכְבֶּֽה׃ A perpetual fire shall be kept burning on the altar, not to go out. Rashi brings the Gemara in Yoma 45a which ...
bondonk's user avatar
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How did the Cohanim walk around the Mizbeach?

I'm finding it very difficult indeed to understand how the Cohanim walked around the Mizbeach on a ledge which was only one Amoh wide but was also six Amos above the floor... Seems to me that they'd ...
Jeremy Rose's user avatar
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Golden Altar Name

Seemingly, the root (שרש) of מזבח is "זבח". The word זבח means sacrifices composed of animals. Therefore, how some the מזבח הזהב was called מזבח if there were no animal sacrifices offered ...
Moishe's user avatar
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Why does the atonement for impurity in the Temple take so many different forms?

Background The Torah forbids entering the mikdash or eating the meat of a korban in a state of impurity (so-called טומאת מקדש וקדשיו) . Someone who transgresses in error (beshogeg) gets forgiveness ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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How do we know that R' Yehuda does not think writing is a good way to remember something?

The gemara Yoma on page 55a quotes a mishna which has R' Yehuda saying that there were no boxes of money for people to donate for kinei chova offerings because the kohanim could confuse that box with ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Does it matter where the flames came from in the Beit ha Mikdash?

In the Greek book commonly known as Second Maccabees (not generally recognized among Jews as being authoritative), there is a detail given about the rededication of the Second Temple where the relit ...
Mike's user avatar
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What does Genesis 8:21 promise and why?

JPS Bereshith/Genesis 8:21 And the Lord smelled the pleasant aroma, and the Lord said to Himself, "I will no longer curse the earth because of man, for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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Which part of the Temple did they recite prayers?

It is forbidden to pray in the presence of excrement. (See here for one source.) Numerous animals were brought for sacrifices in the Temple (Bet Hamikdash.) Prior to slaughter, some animal probably ...
DanF's user avatar
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Purpose of Beis Hamikdash

Rambam writes that the purpose of the beis hamikdash is specifically for offering sacrifices and for pilgrimages (Sefer Hamitzvos: Shoresh 12): שיהיה לנו בית מוכן יבאו אליו ויחוגי בו ובו תהיה ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Why do the Samaritans perform the Passover sacrifice while Jews do not? [closed]

Most of the sacrifices which are commanded in the Torah are connected with the Temple, which no longer exists. Based on the Talmud, we therefore do not make sacrifices. Instead, we recite prayers ...
Tim Biegeleisen's user avatar
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Should religious Jews look forward to the resumption of animal sacrifices?

I am trying to integrate all the facts and thoughts listed below to answer the following question: Should I hope for the resumption of animal sacrifices? 1-Prayers for rebuilding the Temple and ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
2 votes
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Is a reason given for why the sacrifice of the Red Heifer was made at the Mt. of Olives rather than at the Beit Hamikdash?

As stated, the Red Heifer sacrificial process involved taking the animal to the Mt. of Olives opposite the temple. Was a reason for this ever given? Is it purely to emphasize the separation of this ...
Michael's user avatar
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What was the cost of the communal and individual korbanot?

The korbanot include cattle, lambs, goats, birds, and meal-offerings of various types. How much would each one cost (in Talmudic money or in today's?), and what was the total cost of the communal ...
Daniel Kagan's user avatar
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What size was the Mizrak to catch blood in the Beis Ha'Mikdash?

The Gemorah .זבחים כה says that the Cohen receiving the blood of a korbon must catch all the blood. That is the Dam HaNefesh - the blood flowing out of the neck. Assuming the average cow has around ...
פרי זהב's user avatar
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Can we get the Beis Hamikdash up and running by Yom Kippur?

The rebuilding of the 3rd בית המקדש seems to be rather ambiguous. Especially, often with phrases like ‘Moshiach will come today (or tomorrow!)!’ And then that being equated with the immediate building ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
2 votes
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Purity of Kohanim

If (theoretically) the great Temple was built again, would there be Kohanim pure enough (physically, etc.) to perform the worship and sacrifices?
Digityogi's user avatar
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Bringing korbanos for prior obligations when bais hamikdash is rebuilt [duplicate]

I remember learning that there were very prominent Rabbaniom (Chafetz Chaim) who would write down which korbanos he would be obligated to bring when the Bais hamikdash would be built . Why do we ...
sam's user avatar
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Why did they not bring all the korbanot they owed in the time of Ezra?

As discussed here the gemara seems to suggest that when the temple is rebuilt we will to bring all the chatat offerings that we owe. According to those that hold that to be the case, how do they ...
andrewmh20's user avatar
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What was the order of "Shacharit" in the Bet Hamikdash?

I'm assuming that the majority of the format of the Siddur that we currently have and use did not exist during the time of the 1st Bet Hamikdash. Perhaps, by the 2nd Bet Hamikdash, some items were ...
DanF's user avatar
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If it has been established that sacrifices are not needed for atonement, then why do we need to reinstate the Temple?

If it has been established that sacrifices are not needed for atonement, then why do we need to reinstate the Temple? Jeremiah 7:22-23 "For neither did I speak with your forefathers nor did I command ...
RandomUser's user avatar
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Are minors allowed to offer korbanot or meal offerings

According to Halacha, when the temple in Jerusalem is standing, can minor Jews (under bar mitzvah age) offer meal offerings or korbanot? Or can they only come from Jews over bar mitzvah age?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Moshe taught Aharon the services of the Mishkan

I heard that Moshe Rabeinu taught Aharon Hacohen and his sons how to perform the services of the Mishkan during the first seven days after it's inauguration. Is this correct? If so, where is it ...
Renan Suchmacher's user avatar
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Why would the Temple turn to a House of Prayer?

"וַהֲבִיאוֹתִים אֶל־הַר קָדְשִׁי וְשִׂמַּחְתִּים בְּבֵית תְּפִלָּתִי עוֹלֹתֵיהֶם וְזִבְחֵיהֶם לְרָצוֹן עַל־מִזְבְּחִי, כִּי בֵיתִי בֵּית־תְּפִלָּה יִקָּרֵא לְכָל־הָעַמִּים׃" "I will ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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How Did We Afford All The Sacrificial Cattle In the Temple Era

How did the average Jews during the temple era afford all these sacrifices? Reading the Talmud it seems like with all the possible ways to mess up we would be buying up premium(unblemished) cattle and ...
Israel B.'s user avatar
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Relating to the Mishkan and Kodshim

Despite being the topic of almost 40 percent of the written Torah, roughly 30 percent of Mishnah, and a major theme in daily liturgy, the Mishkan/Mikdash, and related laws of Kodshim and Taharos are ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Animal offerings as philanthropic gifts when the Holy Temple (Beit HaMikdash) returns?

When the Beit HaMikdash returns, and animal offerings are reinstituted, will one be able to, in accordance w/ halakha, brand his sacrifice with his (or his family's) name on it, similar to the way ...
DragonOfDojima's user avatar
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Do the works on sacrifices require Blessings to validate the intent?

Disclaimer: this is not a Halachic question and I didn't research much yet. There's a whole subject of having wrong thoughts when bringing a sacrifice and performing numerous actions by the owner or ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why will sacrifices resume if prayer and repentence suffice?

When the Beis Hamikdash is restored, sacrifices are supposed to resume. But why? For centuries now we have been taught that the offerings of our lips replace bullocks. For what reason does korbonot ...
Ephraim77's user avatar
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What Brachot were made over the temple services?

I am currently working on a project devising a list of all Brachot ever made in the history of yiddishkeit. So far I have 198, based on prevalent practice today as well as various poskim and, gemara, ...
Sammy Nassimi's user avatar
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In Meseches Tamid 31b why are the karbonos interupted for shema? There is a very detailed description of how the animal is cut up, exactly how the kohanim are to hold it, and then all of the ...
Dude's user avatar
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Korban for Purim

Being that the second Beis Hamikdash was built after (and possibly as a result of) the story of Purim, why was there not a specific (or general) korban that was brought in remembrance, or in thanks ...
The Targum's user avatar
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Why did the Mizbeach grow 40 times? [duplicate]

The main, Bronze Altar in the Mishkan was 5 Amos wide. It was also portable. In the Temple(s), it grew to 32 Amot wide - 6.4 time in width and 41 times in footage1. EDIT: according to JoelK's answer,...
Al Berko's user avatar
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