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Questions tagged [temple-service-avoda]

For details of the rituals done in the Beit Hamikdash e.g slaughtering and throwing blood on the altar. For types of sacrifices see [korban].

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what is the basis that there is no olah and fire burning on the altar any more?

BH Hi so I heard that the fire had to be constantly on and was even on during the time in the desert and eventually on the 17th of Tamuz during the times of the Romans, the perpetual fire and the ...
David 's user avatar
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Korban for Purim

Being that the second Beis Hamikdash was built after (and possibly as a result of) the story of Purim, why was there not a specific (or general) korban that was brought in remembrance, or in thanks ...
The Targum's user avatar
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Why didn't ben-Qattin redesign the Kiyor to have more than 12 spigots?

In Yoma 37a and Zebhahim 20a we learn that: בן קטין עשה שנים עשר דד לכיור אף הוא עשה מוכני לכיור שלא יהיו מימיו נפסלין בלינה Ben-Qattin made twelve spouts for the laver; he also made wheels [pulleys] ...
Deuteronomy's user avatar
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Can playing sports bring us closer to God?

In what ways can sports be used as a vehicle to serve God and thus, bring us closer to Him?
Miguel's user avatar
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What is the procedure in the temple if the menorah lights burned for more than 24 hours?

One of the forms of service in the temple was preparing and lighting the candles each new day. I would like to know what a kohen was supposed to do if he found that the flame in the menorah was ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Minimum number of Kohanim and Leviim

When the Beit hamikdash (temple in Jerusalem exists), and the sacrifices etc. all happen, is there a minimum number of kohanim and leviim obligated to serve in the temple? If so what, and what is the ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Weapons in the Beis Hamikdash

Would it be permitted for one to enter the Bais Hamikdash carrying a weapon (for example, a gun)? Would it make a difference if it were open vs. concealed carry?
Yitzy 's user avatar
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Where is the Halacha about a single available Cohen committing a crime?

There is a Halacha about one unique Cohen remaining in Eretz Yisrael and the consequence were he to commit a crime. I am seeking the original source as I only have a translation: If there was only ...
Benny's user avatar
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Why specifically say the Beis HaMikdash will return "to its place"?

The HaRachaman included in many Siddurim after Sefiras HaOmer says: הָרַחֲמָן הוּא יַחֲזִיר לָנוּ עֲבוֹדַת בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ לִמְקוֹמָה בִּמְהֵרָה בְּיָמֵֽינוּ אָמֵן סֶֽלָה - The Merciful One, may ...
NJM's user avatar
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What are "tzon" in the parsha of korbanos?

Korbanos of the "tzon" variety may be brought from the "kevasim" and "izim" type. I'm wondering if there are any essays out there that identify what a "keves" ...
Minhaizim's user avatar
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firstborn status after the arrival of the moshiach

The Ohr Hachaim (Bamidbar 3,45) says a chiddush that seems to not have any obvious source, that לעתיד לבא (after the arrival of mashiach) the Avoda in the Beis Hamikdash will return to the firstborn! (...
shayachagigah's user avatar
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Permanent fire on the external altar - provisions for rain

The Torah says (Vayikra 6:6): אֵ֗שׁ תָּמִ֛יד תּוּקַ֥ד עַל־הַמִּזְבֵּ֖חַ לֹ֥א תִכְבֶּֽה׃ A perpetual fire shall be kept burning on the altar, not to go out. Rashi brings the Gemara in Yoma 45a which ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Does treating a cohen's blemish permit him to serve?

The Rambam lists 140 blemishes that invalidate a cohen from serving (Hilchot Biyat Mikdash, perek 8). There are some that appear to be genetic traits that cannot be (easily) treated without extensive ...
bondonk's user avatar
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Does the Jerusalem Talmud or Mishna speak of shepherds tending their flocks in the fields near to the second Jerusalem templeduring the winter months?

Prior to the destruction of the Temple at the hands of the Romans, I understand that sheep singled out for sacrifice in the Jerusalem temple were tended by their shepherds in the fields near Jerusalem ...
Lesley's user avatar
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What were the geographical locations associated with the names of the 24 families of Kohanim after their civil war and before the Maccabees?

We know that the Kohanim were split into 24 mishmaros. Each was a distinct family, with a distinct family name and location. What were the geographical locations associated with the names of the 24 ...
Richard Fraker's user avatar
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Mishmaros and Leap Years

So there were 24 mishmaros in the BHMK, and both kohanim, leviim went 2x a year, along with ma'amados of Yisraelim. This work for a shana peshutah, but what about for a shana meuberes? Does the ...
flips's user avatar
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What if there were no kohanim?

I don't know if this question was asked before, but: If, hypothetically, when the Mikdash will be built, somehow it was discovered that all kohanim were genealogically invalidated - chalalim in the ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Children in the Temple

I am currently evaluating a Christian writing called the "Gospel of James" which is not even considered reliable by the Christians. I would like to know whether it is possible that something ...
Jeschu's user avatar
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How did Aharon and his sons manage to handle the Mishkan service by themselves?

In later generations, there were hundreds and thousands of kohanim that could potentially assist with the very full schedule of managing the Mishkan/Mikdash on a day-to-day basis. However, in the ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Which Mishmar did the descendants of Eli Kohen Gadol belong to?

Kohenim serving in the Beit haMikdash were divided into mishmarot. Do we know which one the descendants of Eli Kohen Gadol and his sons were members of?
יהושע ק's user avatar
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Was wearing the Ephod allowed inside Kodesh Hakodashim? [closed]

Was the use of the Ephod allowed inside the temple in the Sanctum Sanctorum?
Ootsutsuki's user avatar
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Minimal number of kohanim working in the Mikdash

A couple of months ago, I heard someone say that in his opinion, when the Hellenist Kohen Gadol Jason created the Gymnasium which drew many kohanim (Maccabees 2:4:12-16), the kohanim made sure that ...
Harel13's user avatar
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What is the origin of mitzvah Aravah?

Mishna in Sukkah 4:3 describes the mitzvah of Aravah, which was performed in the temple by circling the mizbeach with willow branches. This mitzvah is not mentioned in any indexes of the 613 mitzvos. ...
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Why was the order of the incense offering so important?

The judges made the high priest swear to first go in to the holiest of holies and only then burn the incense, why was that so important?
Chagai Friedlander's user avatar
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Did the Kohen Gadol minister barefoot?

Just read an article (Wikipedia) that when the Kohen Gadol was carrying out his service in the Tabernacle he was barefoot. Tried to find some information in the Tanakh to that effect but couldn't find ...
collen ndhlovu's user avatar
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When discussing the avoida of the 'bchoros', first-born, is the correct term 'bchoros' or 'bchorim'?

I think I've seen it written as 'bchoros' but since they are male shouldn't it be 'bchorim'?
Dovid's user avatar
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At the time of the giving of the parshah of Nirtza (of avadim), was the avoda done by the Bchoros?

Or was it done by the kohanim at that time? [The din of nirtza is briefly to make a hole in the ear of a slave who wants to continue serving his master, he becomes a slave until Yovel.] The question ...
Dovid's user avatar
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Do נסכים need to be brought לשם בעלים?

Does the Kohein need to pour the nesachim l'shem the baalim of the korban?
Dovid's user avatar
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Who gathered the barley sheaves?

Every male was commanded to be at the temple for a week starting on Nisan 15. (Deuteronomy 16:16) On Nisan 16 freshly gathered sheaves of the First-fruits of the barley harvest were brought to the ...
Kris's user avatar
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What were (some of) the names of the 24 families of Kohanim?

We know that the Kohanim were split into 24 mishmaros. Each was a distinct family, with a distinct family name. What were (some of) the names of the 24 families of Kohanim?
Shalom Meisels's user avatar
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Did Levites minister within the Temple building itself or just its courts?

Although I am not Jewish, I have a keen interest in the Jewish Scriptures, and am currently looking at the building of the Temple by Solomon. In the book of Chronicles, it records how King David ...
CJB's user avatar
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Why so repetitive in davening?

Looking at a siddur, in the Korbanos, the order of the Temple service is written. In the first paragraph (אַבַּיֵּי הֲוָה מְסַדֵּר), it lists everything that is done in a strange manner, it says what ...
Dani's user avatar
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Has anyone proposed to recreate the system of 24 ma'amadot, since the Dispersal?

The Mishna, in Ta'anit 4:1-4, describes an institution called ma'amadot: Just as the Kohens and Levites were divided into 24 clans, which each handled the Temple service for two non-holiday weeks of ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Why did the Kohen Gadol have to do everything on Yom Kippur?

It's clear to me why he had to carry out the special Avodah of the day described in Parashat Acharei Mot. But why did he have to do everything else, such as the Tamid and the "ordinary" Musaf similar ...
Daniel Kagan's user avatar
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Why doesn’t mes mitzvah push aside shabbos?

If mes mitzvah is doche avoda and avoda is doche shabbos. Shouldn’t mes mitzvah be doche shabbos? Simple logic If A is greater than B and B is greater than C Logic dictates that A is greater than C....
David Feigen's user avatar
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How does Lev. 6:3 demonstrate that a kohen's tunic must rest directly on his skin?

The Mishna, in Zevachim 2:1, lists a number of circumstances that can disqualify the essential services that korbanot require, and thus the korbanot themselves. Among these: if the kohen performing ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the goat for Azazel, as opposed to conventional offerings?

I've long been confused by the two goats on Yom Kippur. The kohein gadol confesses his and his house's sins on the bull that is offered; in addition, there is a goat that is offered (without ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Where is the missing altar?

Each year a a group of individuals receive news coverage (for example here) for attempting to enter the Har Habayit to bring the Pesach Offfering. (They are stopped by the police.) Since the Korban ...
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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Precautions to avoid adulterated handful of meal offering

According to the Mishna (Menachot 1:2), when the Kohen extracts the representative kometz-handful from a mincha (meal offering), any foreign objects, such as a pebble, a chunk of salt, or a bit of ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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How and why would they grasp the Kohen Gadol's shoulder stones?

Mishnayot Tamid 7:1 says that if the Kohen Gadol entered the Heichal to prostrate himself during the daily service, an honor guard of three kohan would assist him: בִּזְמַן שֶׁכֹּהֵן גָּדוֹל ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Why does the incense offerer get a chosen buddy?

Mishnayot Tamid 6:3 says that the kohen who wins the right to offer the daily incense brings a buddy with him to hold one of the vessels and help him retrieve any dropped incense: מִי שֶׁזָּכָה ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Why does the servant register on a Pesach by himself?

Pesachim 8:2: הָאוֹמֵר לְעַבְדּוֹ, צֵא וּשְׁחֹט עָלַי אֶת הַפֶּסַח, שָׁחַט גְּדִי, יֹאכַל. שָׁחַט טָלֶה, יֹאכַל. שָׁחַט גְּדִי וְטָלֶה, יֹאכַל מִן הָרִאשׁוֹן. ‏ שָׁכַח מָה אָמַר לוֹ רַבּוֹ, כֵּיצַד ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Why specifically branches as firewood on the Altar?

In Tamid 2:3, the Mishna tells us that the kohanim would bring גִזְרִין - logs - every morning to serve as the fuel for the fire on the Altar. It goes on to report that most types of wood are eligible,...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Why does the ash-clearing kohen get a reminder of where the shovel is?

In Tamid 1:4, in describing the daily service of clearing the previous day's ash from the Altar, the Mishna tells us of a reminder the assembled kohanim would give to the one kohen selected for the ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Could a Kohen become liable for disqualifying a sacrifice?

I've been studying Masechet Zevachim, and it seems very easy for a sacrifice to become invalid. Even if it doesn't become invalid, it seems that even the slightest wrong intention can force the person ...
Daniel Kagan's user avatar
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Did people who were not priests or Levites enter the Tabernacle for ritual purposes?

(Note: I am posting this more specific follow-up to a previous question based on the recommendation of Isaac Moses here.) Aaron and his descendants were designated as cohanim (priests) to do the ...
Lee Woofenden's user avatar