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Is it a sin to eat your own blood? [duplicate]

Leviticus 17:12 KJV Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood. Various passages prohibit consuming ...
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Why isn't the lamb blood on the lintel and the doorposts an eternal commandment?

Exodus Chapter 12, Verses 21-24 read as follows (King James Translation) 21 Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them: ‘Draw out, and take you lambs according to your ...
Davies's user avatar
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Is there an obligation to check blood spots in non-chicken eggs

According to Halacha, is there any obligation to check for blood spots in eggs from birds other than chickens? Is there a different din that is applicable or not?
Kirk's user avatar
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Blood on Right Earlobe, Right Thumb, and Right Big Toe

There is a ritual in the Bible in which blood from a sacrifice is applied to the right earlobe, right thumb, and right big toe of people. The ritual is done for Aaron and his sons during their ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Kashrut of unsalted meat put into freezers

In Halacha, as a general rule, when you have meat which is unsalted, you have to soak it into water every 3 days to prevent the blood from making the meat un kosher. My question is, according to ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Akeidas Yitzchok: why did Avrohom not prepare to throw Yitzchak's blood on the altar?

Beraishis 22 (9). They arrived at the place of which God had told him. Abraham built an altar there; he laid out the wood; he bound his son Isaac; he laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why does the mohel fill his mouth with a small amount of wine during the Metzitzah B’peh of a bris?

While not all Jews practice this aspect of circumcision, some include a ritual known as Metzitzah B’peh (the oral suction of blood from the boy's wound) I'm aware that the Gemara indicates this was ...
Michael's user avatar
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Covering the blood of the Metzora’s bird

Does the bird slaughtered for the Metzora’s purification require covering its blood?
שלום's user avatar
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Circumcision once then blood drawn

When a gentile is already circumcised and wants to convert to Judaism, blood has to be drawn from his penis. Why is this? What's the point?
Thomas McCord's user avatar
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If you wash blood off your hands (literally), can you eat with your hands immediately thereafter? [closed]

I heard before that if someone washes blood off a service, forensics experts can still determine if blood was there (I think using luminol?). This got me thinking: If the experts' ability to detect ...
The Editor's user avatar
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Is the consumption of bone marrow forbidden?

Is eating bone marrow the same as eating blood? Do any sources address this issue? Though not the only source I'm interested in, I'd prefer references to the Tanakh, if possible.
The Editor's user avatar
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Are you Jewish if adopted immediately after birth by a Jewish mother raised and having lived Catholic? [duplicate]

This is a hypothetical with a fact pattern that has not been answered by any previous questions. Generally, a non-Jew adoptee in a Jewish family will be Jewish by halachic upbringing. If a child of a ...
Andras Emet's user avatar
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Can the Goel Ha'dam (blood avenger) kill the accidental murderer in any way s/he sees fit?

The goel ha'dam has either the right or obligation to kill someone who accidentally killed his/her(?) kinsman (Makkot 2:7) whom I will refer to as the refugee. I would like to understand what ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Why is red wine prescribed for Seder, and what does it represent?

I have not seen specific references describing what the red wine represent in the Seder, and why the red wine is preferred. I know Moses did not write about it, but the tradition of the cup developed ...
Michael16's user avatar
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Is donating blood a mitzvah?

Is donating blood a mitzvah? Are there contemporary sources? I am looking for an answer from a posek, rav, etc.
yisrael's user avatar
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What was the spiritual significance of the blood being used as a means of atonement, dedication, and purification?

Blood played a significant role within Israelite Culture ceremoniously and ritualistically. For example (including but not limited to) for confirmation of a covenant, as part of the dedication of the ...
יהודה's user avatar
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Why are we allowed to eat flour?

The Torah explicitly says that we may not eat blood because the blood is an essential element in effecting Kaparah (as explained in Vayikra 17:11 among other places): כִּי נֶפֶשׁ הַבָּשָׂר בַּדָּם ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why the lack of hesitance to wear pads on the sabbath?

Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 301:13, and commentaries state that if a woman wears something only in order that her clothes don't get dirty from her menstrual blood, then that thing is not considered ...
msh210's user avatar
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Is it allowed to suck blood from a wound?

A natural reaction when cutting oneself (e.g., on a finger) is to suck out the blood. However the Torah writes (Vayikra 17:12-14 and other places) "עַל־כֵּן אָמַרְתִּי לִבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל כָּל־...
mbloch's user avatar
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Prohibition to eat blood [closed]

Leviticus 7:26-27 teach us about the prohibition to eat blood, whether it be of fowl or of beast, in any of the dwellings. So is one allowed to eat the blood of the fish? Is one allowed to eat blood ...
Y.Talmid's user avatar
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What happened to the Nile in the week following the first plague?

According to the tosafist R' Yosef Bechor Shor, as cited in answers here and here, the Nile turned to blood only long enough to kill all the fish and then it turned back to water (which was now fouled ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Would Noahides be required to eat kosher meat?

Would Noahides be required to eat kosher meat because one of the Noahide laws is not to eat blood? Since non-kosher meat isn't soaked and salted to get the blood out, wouldn't that by default ...
Ramban's user avatar
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Niddah and wound

If someone is bleeding from their "region" and it is 100% for sure from a wound and NOT from menstruation, does it render them niddah and thus require them to restart their counting?
Demifiend's user avatar
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Nosebleed during fast

What does Halacha bring down about nosebleed during a fast? Can one flush out their nose with water? On fasts in which washing the hands and/or body is prohibited, would one be permitted to wash ...
Sam Miller's user avatar
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Drinking human blood case permissibility

In Kesubos (I believe 60a) it says that you may not drink human blood because of Maris ayin (it can be misconstrued by a observer that you're drinking animal blood). So what if I have a sign on my ...
Orion's user avatar
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The Gemara says (mesechet shabbat) that one can survive with a rivi'it of blood

The Gemara says (mesechet shabbat 31b) that one can survive with a rivi'it of blood. How is it possible when we know one can't even survive with a 40% blood loss?
yosef lavi's user avatar
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Kashering non-Kosher meat + "minimizing a transgression"

Halacha has a strong tradition of "minimizing a transgression" when doing something forbidden, for example taking the shortest route possible when driving on the Sabbath. Applying the same logic, ...
יהושע ק's user avatar
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What's the meaning of not eating animals with blood? [closed]

You can't eat blood, or stuff with blood in it. (Cooked pig blood is a popular cuisine choice in Jakarta.) Actually what is the meaning of not eating stuff with blood in it? Is it because you can't ...
user4951's user avatar
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What kind of blood did the Nile turn into?

One of the ten plagues that Moses unleashes on Egypt in the Book of Exodus is to make the Nile river run red with blood (Exodus 7:20). My question is, is there any information, either in the Torah ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Donating Blood on Chol Hamo'ed

I was asked to donate platelets this week because the local blood center is looking specifically for my blood type. The only practical time for me is over chol hamo'ed (as I am off from work). I have ...
rosends's user avatar
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Does the proclamation of the New Moon by Beis Din have an effect on nature?

I found in this celebratory volume, p 172 ( והנה הרא"ה בספר בדק הבית שלו הובא בש"ך יור"ד סי' קפ"ט סקי"ג הסכים עם קושיית הרמב"ן, ולפיכך כתב שיש ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Are gentiles forbidden from consuming blood?

The seven noachide laws prohibit eating the limb of a live animal and spilling the blood of another human being. My impression was that kashrut dietary restrictions, i.e. consuming non-kosher animals, ...
mttpgn's user avatar
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Are converts to Judaism considered inferior in any way to Jews who are ethnically Jewish?

I use the word "inferior" for want of a better word as it has negative connotations, try to disregard those connotations when reading the question. I'm wondering if someone converts to Judaism, are ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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Hemorrhoids on Shabbos

What are the Halachos about one with Hemorroids on Shabbos? Is he allowed to use the bathroom/wipe, as this might cause him to bleed?
M. Broder's user avatar
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There is Always Blood in Meat [duplicate]

All meat has at least some blood in it, no matter the form of kashering , salting or cooking. How much is too much? Why don't the red/pink blood-containing "juices" make meat eating forbidden?
Fredso's user avatar
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Was the Ark of the Covenant ever cleaned [duplicate]

Was the blood that was sprinkled on the Ark on Yom Kippur allowed to dry and accumulate through the centuries, or was there a provision for cleaning the Holy of Holies and the Ark in particular?
Ken's user avatar
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Cleaning blood from the temple

According to the Mosaic Law, blood was to be sprinkled on the alters, before the curtains and other places in the temple. This would result in many places, especially the curtains, being blood ...
למה זה תשאל לשמי's user avatar
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Is tearing the hymen something that should be avoided

I have always heard that tearing the hymen by beilas mitzva (first intercourse with a virgin after marriage) is a good thing and it should not be avoided (maybe to tear it is the mitzvah as it seems ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Drinking blood during Milah

According to what I have read, there are problems with ingesting human blood. Questions like this indicate that mar'is ayin applies. During metzitzah in a circumcision, the mohel takes some blood ...
rosends's user avatar
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What is the significance of a Blood Moon in Judaism?

Is it true that the appearance of a Blood Moon is an omen in Judaism? And why it happens to be coinciding every time with a Jewish holiday since quite a while? I would like to know about the facts and ...
Maxood's user avatar
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Can I donate blood on yom tov?

The next blood donation clinic at my university is on Rosh Hashana and not for particular recipients. Would donating blood be halachically sound? I don't think I could anyway because of all the ...
gabiwab's user avatar
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Why is hatafas dam bris necessary for conversion for someone who already has a bris milah?

In a case when a non-Jew wishes to convert to Judaism but already has a bris milah, a procedure or process known as "hatafas dam bris" is made. That's where a small needle is put in the place of the ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Does an open wound make one unfit to lay Tefillin?

In order to be fit to wear Tefillin one must have a guf naki, a clean body (Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayyim 37:2) . Suppose one has an open wound or sore on one's skin and it is actively bleeding or ...
Ze'ev's user avatar
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Brushing teeth in Shabbes

As far as I´m concerned there could be an issue regarding making oneself bleed, by using a toothbrush. Are there any other problems that may arise by brushing teeth with a toothbrush in Shabbes? ...
helloworld's user avatar
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Honor a first-time blood donor during shacharit?

I'm a student at a 6-12 Jewish day school in which mandatory shacharit services (but students are given a choice between several denominational options) are held on Mondays and Thursdays. I help run ...
user24601's user avatar
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Kashering frozen meat

Because of the prohibition against eating blood (Vayikra 7:26, ועוד), the blood that is in meat has to be removed, before it can be eaten. This is usually accomplished by salting the meat, though ...
MTL's user avatar
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If the majority of organic and/or free range eggs contain blood spots, why are they certified kosher? [closed]

Variables that are known of the organic and/or free range: I don't believe the eggs with blood are just protein spots even though brown eggs through observation usually do contain more protein spots ...
code613's user avatar
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Does eating non-kosher meat incur the punishment of Kareth?

This question is not about standards of kashrut -- which are of course a serious topic -- but rather the question of "grave sins" for which the death penalty is prescribed, or the consequence of "...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
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Examining a old bedikah cloth

AFAIK the psak on a bedikah cloth depends on the colour of the stain. Any shade of red indicates nidda, other colours, including brown, are okay. Doesn't blood turn from red to brown when it dries? ...
Michael Sandler's user avatar
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Are We Not Supposed To Eat Fat?

In Leviticus 3-17 it states: All fat is the lord's. It is a law for you for all time throughout the ages, in all your settlements: you must not eat any fat or any blood. כָּל-חֵלֶב לַיהוָה חֻקַּת ...
Zach Leighton's user avatar