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Does a Jew have to be the one doing libun hagalah

According to Halacha, does a Jew have to be the person who does hagalah or Libun, or can a gentile do it with proper instruction?
Kirk's user avatar
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Do non-glass cups/straws have to be kashered after use?

In Halacha, is there a requirement for non-glass cups or straws to be kashered after being used? For example, if a Jew is fleishig, can they drink out of a non-glass cup (or with a straw) which was ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Chanukah: The Hellenistic Jews defaming the Beis HaMikdash

The Baal HaMaor on Avodah Zahara 52b writes a somewhat radical interpretation on the Chanukah-story. He explains that the people that entered the Beis HaMikdash, and thus impurifying the Beis ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Should one kasher keilim used with Hebrew National? [closed]

Do Keilim need to be Kashered after being used for Hebrew National hotdogs?
Mosh 's user avatar
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Nullification of non-kosher utensils or dishes

If an unidentifiable non kosher utensil or vessel gets mixed up with kosher vessels, if the majority of vessels are kosher, it is nullified. [1] If someone makes this mistake a million times, are all ...
Chofetz Chaim's user avatar
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Can air-dried earthenware become tamei?

According to mishna Keilim 4:4, earthenware is not susceptible to tumah until it has been baked in an oven. ‮כלי חרס מאימתיי מקבלין טומאה? משייצרפו בכבשן, והיא גמר מלאכתן. When does earthenware ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Can a Jew use a knife that belongs to a non-Jew?

I know there's a whole thing about a Jew being allowed to use the kli of a non-Jew without tevilah, but I don't know the extent of that allowance. I was part of a conversation on facebook where ...
FrumFromBaaleiTeshuva's user avatar
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What size was the Mizrak to catch blood in the Beis Ha'Mikdash?

The Gemorah .זבחים כה says that the Cohen receiving the blood of a korbon must catch all the blood. That is the Dam HaNefesh - the blood flowing out of the neck. Assuming the average cow has around ...
פרי זהב's user avatar
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Tevila for a plastic kettle?

Does a kettle 1, whose body made of plastic, need tevila? (Do we consider the body, or the metallic resistor?) 1 A very classic electrical kettle, ie a jug with a warming resistor immersed into the ...
yO_'s user avatar
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Do I need to toivel Britta water pitcher?

Does a Britta water filtering pitcher need toiveling?
DevorahK's user avatar
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Status of porcelain plates

What is the status of porcelain dishes that have not been used for over a year? Can one change their designation from one (meat) to the other (dairy) or vice versa?
B lehman's user avatar
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If the whole vessel's volume counts in 1/60, why don't we wait?

Although this is a really basic quesiton, the topic is way beyond my education, so please excuse the lack of sources, background knowledge and proper terms, and please help me improve. I understand ...
SAH's user avatar
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Is a paper Keili susceptible to tumah?

The mishnah in Keilim 2:5 states that חביות ניירות can receive Tumah. According to the RASH it is referring to "paper barrels". Would this have any ramifications to today's "paper" cups as far as ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Koshering the celim that milchig bread was baked in

In Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Siman 97 it says that it's ossur to bake "milchig bread" -- lest you come to eat it with meat (although if it's made in a small amount or with a change in it's look from ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Ashkenazim drinking from the glass in non-kosher restaurants

Everyone I know does this, including the strictest. That is, if ordering a cold drink at a non-kosher restaurant or bar, they will have it in the glass the institution provides, not ask for it in a ...
SAH's user avatar
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Why would a disposable plastic containers need a hechsher?

Why would a disposable plastic container, such as the one depicted above, need an O-U?
DonielF's user avatar
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Is an item (i.e., scissors) not muktzeh if it's usable for a destructive purpose on Shabbos?

Many are makpid to make a hole in a re-closeable bottle before opening it for the first time on Shabbat. The purpose is to avoid makeh b'patish from making a new vessel when one opens the bottle. ...
SAH's user avatar
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Davar charifs and chometz

"Davar charif" is a term in kashrus which refers, as I understand it, to sharp or caustic foods which may absorb flavor from a knife used to cut them, rendering them, say, fleishig if the knife is ...
SAH's user avatar
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Rules about Handles on the Vessel for Netilas Yadayim

I am wondering about the vessel used in hand washing, I see the ones with two handles online and in shul etc is it ok to use 'any' vessel to wash the hands or does it have to be one with two handles? ...
Yossi's user avatar
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Using the SodaStream on Passover

Generally speaking, the contemporary practice is to be very machmir when it comes to Pesach, above and beyond the letter of any law. I'm curious to know if there have been any relevant rulings or ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Containers and wine

Is there any outer container (a frame or box, perhaps) into which an open bottle of non-mevushal wine can be placed that will shield the bottle in such a way that, if a non-Jew (or heretic) casually ...
Alix's user avatar
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Creating a crowd-sourced database of non-dairy OU-D products

Several questions/answers on this site have pointed out that the OU-D hechsher does not always mean that the product is actually dairy. (But that it is, in reality, "OU-DE" [dairy equipment]. See here ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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How do we determine whether a dish is clean?

There are situations in which the question arises in halacha (specifically, the laws of kashrus) whether a piece of flatware or a dish is clean — by which I mean whether it lacks any remnant of ...
msh210's user avatar
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Do I need to kasher the grill I used to kasher my liver?

I was looking at meat at the local butcher-shop and noticed that the packaged liver (un-kashered) mentioned that it could be cooked on a grill. However, I have always heard that liver needs its own ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Blessing on Immersing Vessels to Purify Them

A Mikvah can be used to purify humans or certain vessels which have contracted ritual impurity (Rambam Mikvaot 1 (English)). When humans use the Mikvah to purify themselves they recite a blessing (...
Double AA's user avatar
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