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25 votes

Discrepancy between Sefer HaMitzvos and Sefer Hachinuch

This discrepancy was noticed by the Mishneh LaMelech in his Parshas Derachim Derech Mitzvosecha 4:487, and the Minchas Chinuch § 487, among others. As mentioned, the Chinuch leaves out the mitzvah ...
robev's user avatar
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18 votes

How did the Kohanim eat in the Azara?

Tosafot to Yoma 25a discuss whether the kohanim sat down to eat korbanot in the 'azarah. They suggest three approaches: They would eat standing up in the 'azarah, due to the prohibition on sitting ...
Joel K's user avatar
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11 votes

Heter Bamos - When?

Mishnah Zevachim 14:4-8 describe the times that bamot were permitted and forbidden: Before the mishkan was set up - bamot permitted Once the mishkan was set up in the desert - bamot forbidden While ...
Joel K's user avatar
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10 votes

Was the Paschal Offering roasted with or without the sciatic nerve and chelev?

This is a Korban, so the Chelev was burned on the Mizbeach. Regarding the Gid haNasheh, there is a famous disagreement between the Rambam and the Raavad (Korban Pesach 10:11): כשאדם אוכל את הפסח ...
Double AA's user avatar
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10 votes

How to determine who offered the second Korban Tamid of the day?

The gemara on Yoma 26a explains that there was just one lottery that covered both services: א"ר יוחנן אין מפייסין על תמיד של בין הערבים אלא כהן שזכה בו בשחרית זוכה בו ערבית Rabbi Yoḥanan said: ...
Jay's user avatar
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9 votes

Was Baal worshiped via child sacrifice?

The prophet Jeremiah (19:5) clearly identifies the baal as one of the gods to which the Caananites offered their children: וּבָנוּ אֶת בָּמוֹת הַבַּעַל לִשְׂרֹף אֶת בְּנֵיהֶם בָּאֵשׁ עֹלוֹת ...
Bach's user avatar
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Becoming a nazir nowadays

Rambam Nazir 2:20 נזירות נוהגת בפני הבית, ושלא בפני הבית; לפיכך מי שנדר בנזיר בזמן הזה--הרי זה נזיר לעולם, שאין לנו בית כדי שיביא קרבנותיו במלאות ימי נזרו.‏ ... one who vowed to be a Nazir nowadays --...
Double AA's user avatar
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9 votes

Why does the guardian who admits guilt pay more than when his guilt is established by witnesses?

The reason why the guardian whose claim was disproven by witnesses doesn't bring a sacrifice is because the sacrifice requires the the person to confess his sins (Bamidbar 5:7), and someone who denies ...
b a's user avatar
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8 votes

When did the daily sacrifices cease being offered in temple?

The Mishnah in Taanit 4:6 reports that the Jews had five calamities on the 17th of Tammuz, the second was that the tamid offering was not brought anymore, and the Temple was eventually destroyed on ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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7 votes

Why is it our responsibility to bring a Chatas for the Moon's sin?

Why both ideas? We can address your final question - why did Rashi cite both of these explanations - on a simple, structural level by looking at the Talmud passage Rashi got them from. In Shevu'ot 9a, ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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7 votes

Is is possible to use Chayos as Korbanos

Rambam Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Ma'aseh HaKorbanot 1:1: כָּל הַקָּרְבָּנוֹת שֶׁל מִינֵי נֶפֶשׁ חַיָּה בָּאִין מֵחֲמִשָּׁה מִינִין בִּלְבַד. מִן הַבָּקָר וּמִן הַכְּבָשִׂים וּמִן הָעִזִּים וּמִן ...
Joel K's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there a korbon needed for conversion?

Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Forbidden Relationships 13:4-5 וכן לדורות, כשירצה הגוי להיכנס לברית, ולהסתופף תחת כנפי השכינה, ויקבל עליו עול תורה--צריך מילה, וטבילה, והרצאת קרבן; ואם נקבה היא, ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Why do the “Shtei HaLechem” not play a prominent part in the davenning for Shavuos?

This question is discussed in Chevel Nachalato 8:13, where a number of contemporary Rabbis' approaches are presented. R. Avigdor Nebenzahl writes that he knows of no good answer to the question, but ...
Joel K's user avatar
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6 votes

Did Hevel slaughter his sacrifice?

Radak says that Hevel left his Korban tied up, and was awaiting for a fire to come down from heaven to devour it. כמדומה לי שלא שחט הקרבן אלא הניחו חי קשור באותו מקום הקבוע לו כדי שירד עליו אש מן ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
6 votes

Will we be obligated to bring many chatats when the temple is rebuilt?

As Scimonster mentioned the Gemara in Shabbos appears to address this. "קרא והטה וכתב על פנקסו אני ישמעאל בן אלישע קריתי והטיתי נר בשבת לכשיבנה בהמ"ק אביא חטאת שמנה" (Shabbat 12b) Rabbi Yishmael ...
andrewmh20's user avatar
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Is there a bracha on burning nossar?

In Sefer Abudarham, in Shaar Hashlishi which addresses Birkat Hamitsvot, a Teshuva of Rabbi Yosef Ben Pelat. The issue is to find a criterion for blessing on a mitsva. In the Teshuva RYBP wrote ...
kouty's user avatar
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6 votes

How Could Adam Harishon Have "Stolen" from Anyone?

Beautiful question! In fact, Rav Schwab asks it in his sefer in Chumash! As Yisroel Reisman writes, "Rav Schwab (in Mayan Beis Hashoeva page # 242) explains, when we say not to bring a Korban that is ...
NJM's user avatar
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why do we skip mizmor l'toda on pesach but still bring the sacrifice with our lips in eyzeh mekoman?

We say the mishna of Eizehu Mekomon so that everyone should learn some mishnayos every day (Shulchan Aruch siman 50). This reasoning applies even when we can't bring some of the korbanos (such as on ...
ayal's user avatar
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How should I understand Rabbeinu Bachya on Numbers 25:13?

There are certain cases in which it is appropriate to kill someone, and certain cased in which killing is inappropriate. Typically appropriate killing would be legal executions. For discussion of when ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Can you say the Birkas Hagomel on Shabbos or Pesach?

The answer to your question is clearly yes, as you have noted, all of Kelal Yisrael says it on Shabbos. Sources can be found here as to whether it can be said at night, based on the same potential ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
6 votes

How did the Cohanim walk around the Mizbeach?

You are probably referring to the "Sovev" - ledge half way up the Mizbeach, which was six Amos above the floor. The Tiferes Yisroel (צורת המזבח אות יד) writes that there was probably a Ma'akoh - ...
פרי זהב's user avatar
6 votes

How Melchizedek/Shem was a Cohen if he wasn't firstborn?

Bamidar Rabbah 4: וַיַּעַשׂ ה' אֱלֹהִים לְאָדָם וּלְאִשְׁתּוֹ כָּתְנוֹת עוֹר וַיַּלְבִּשֵׁם, בִּגְדֵי שֶׁבַח הָיוּ, וְהָיוּ הַבְּכוֹרוֹת מִשְׁתַּמְּשִׁין בָּהֶם...מֵת נֹחַ וּמְסָרָן לְשֵׁם, וְכִי ...
Joel K's user avatar
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What time of day was the afternoon korban mincha offered in the beit hamikdash, according to hazal?

What is called the time of mincha is actually the time of the afternoon tamid (for explanations of the name, see Tosafot Pesachim 107a). The afternoon tamid was generally slaughtered at eight and a ...
b a's user avatar
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Dog that was exchanged for a lamb

It is a sheep who was traded against a dog that is forbidden to be brought as an offering. See the gemara in Temura 30a and following. Such a sheep is forbidden as the verse continues: as it is "...
mbloch's user avatar
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Why would a non-Jew offer a sacrifice?

You are correct that they are not commanded to bring sacrifices. Your question is mentioned by Rambam in Mishnah Torah, Hilchot Melachim, chapter 10, halacha 10 which says: בֶּן נֹחַ שֶׁרָצָה ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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Why is the Transgression of Temurah mentioned twice?

The summary of Temurah 13a-b at reads in part as follows: There are two separate passages that teach the law of temura – that it is forbidden to try and exchange ...
Edward B's user avatar
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Can a Ben Pakuah be brought as a Korban?

Chullin 74b takes it as a given that a ben pakuah is unfit to be a korban. Rashi (s.v. degamar) explains that this is because it is was born via caesarean section (yotzei dofen), which renders it ...
Joel K's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a bracha on burning nossar?

In Igros Moshe, Kadashim, vol. 1, #15, toward the end, he says Yes on the basis of being unconvinced of a reason not to. The questioner apparently thought that one would not, and while the t'shuva ...
WAF's user avatar
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Uses of the word Etzem

The intuitive etymological connection is made by Radak. I'm sure that there are others who make the same point as well... I did manage to find a source for this connection here, although it still ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
5 votes

How could Samuel sacrifice not in the central place with the Levites?

This episode took place after the destruction of Shiloh (as you mentioned in your question) but before the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem by King Solomon. During this period, there was a ...
Joel K's user avatar
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