In Shmot 12:41, we are told that the people left Egypt on that very day
בְּעֶצֶם הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה
with Etzem referring to the specific and exact day.
Later, 12:46, in the laws of Pesach, we are commanded not to break any bones (the meforshim seem to indicate that doing so would indicate a level of hunger not appropriate for the Paschal sacrifice -- Chizkuni, that this is not the way free people eat -- Shadal, or a slowing down not appropriate when one is hurrying out of Egypt -- Bechor Shor).
וְעֶצֶם לֹא תִשְׁבְּרוּ בוֹ
Are there any commentaries or discussions which connect the word Etzem used in the two contexts? I can intuit that etymologically, they both relate to the essence of something, but is their use here purely a coincidence or is there any (even homiletic) connection made?