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Making a pikuach nefesh phone call on Yom Kippur - mitzva or something to be avoided?

מְפַקְּחִין פִּקּוּחַ נֶפֶשׁ בְּשַׁבָּת וְאֵין צָרִיךְ לִטּל רְשׁוּת מִבֵּית דִּין. וְהַמַּקְדִּים לְהַצִּיל הַנֶּפֶשׁ הֲרֵי זֶה מְשֻׁבָּח. [All] activities necessary to save a life should be ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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16 votes

Do the Jews still send a scapegoat once a year to the wilderness?

Sefer HaChinukh 185: The commandment of the service of Yom Kippur: That the high priest do all the procedure of Yom Kippur, with the order of the sacrifices, the confessions, the sending away of the ...
Joel K's user avatar
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11 votes

Germaphobes washing on Tisha B'Av and Yom Kippur

Regarding washing on Yom Kippur, the Tur (OH 613) writes: ביה"כ...ואם היו ידיו מלוכלכות בטיט וצואה מותר לרוחצן שלא אסרו אלא רחיצה של תענוג ...וכן בכל היום אחר שעשה צרכיו וקנח או הטיל מים ושפשף ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Nocturnal emission on Yom Kippur

Yoma 88a: תני תנא קמיה דרב נחמן הרואה קרי ביוה"כ עונותיו מחולין לו ... תנא דבי רבי ישמעאל הרואה קרי ביוה"כ ידאג כל השנה כולה ואם עלתה לו שנה מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא אמר רב נחמן בר יצחק תדע שכל ...
Joel K's user avatar
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10 votes

Why was the calendar not arranged so that Yom Kippur never falls on Shabbat?

The fixed calendar already prevents Yom Kippur from falling on a Friday or Sunday, to avoid two consecutive days where all melachot are forbidden. (See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 428:1 with e.g. Magen ...
Joel K's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the goat for Azazel, as opposed to conventional offerings?

In Guide for the Perplexed 3:46 Rambam writes: The goat [of the Day of Atonement] that was sent [into the wilderness] (Lev. xvi. 20, seq.) served as an atonement for all serious transgressions more ...
Alex's user avatar
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9 votes

Why don't we say "Ashrei" for Mincha of Yom Kippur?

Actually there is a debate in Orach Chayim 622:1 between the Sefardi and the Ashkenazi practice (as pointed out by DoubleAA in comment): למנחה אומר אשרי ובא לציון ואין אומרים ואני תפלתי אפילו אם חל ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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8 votes

selichot on yom hakkipurim

The Arukh haShulchan (OC 620:1) writes: ומה שתמיהני: דהנה הרא"ש שלהי יומא, והטור בסימן זה הביאו בשם הגאונים לומר בשחרית חמש פעמים "ויעבור". ויש אומרים שלוש עשרה פעמים כנגד שלוש עשרה ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Do you need a minyan for Kol Nidrei?

No, not according to the answer on this site: Although it is preferable to join a minyan where this is possible, both Kol Nidrei and Yizkor can be recited in private. The reason for this is that ...
rosends's user avatar
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Who are the bene elim?

There are several opinions: Rashi - They are to be understood as "שרים" - officers Ibn Ezra - they are "כוכבים" - stars The Targum draws the same conclusion as you that they ...
Dov's user avatar
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Why is Masechta Yoma not entitled more clearly after Yom Kippur like other masechtos reflecting the relevant yom tov

According to the gemara in Rosh Hashanah 21a, Yom Kippur was known in Babylon as "Yoma Rabbah" - The Great Day: "רַב נַחְמָן יְתֵיב בְּתַעֲנִיתָא כּוּלֵּיהּ יוֹמֵי דְּכִיפּוּרֵי ...
Harel13's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the goat for Azazel, as opposed to conventional offerings?

The Sefer HaChinuch explains (§95) that the two goats of Yom Kippur are symbolic for the choice presented to a sinner – the goat for Hashem representing one who repents, and the goat for Azazel ...
DonielF's user avatar
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7 votes

Shacharit on י"א תשרי

This custom is noted in Matteh Ephraim 624:14.
Joel K's user avatar
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7 votes

What is the origin of the minhag of kapparot?

The origin is unknown outside of when it is first mentioned. The earliest mention of the practice comes from Rav Sheshna Gaon who lived in 660 C.E. One of the reasons given for why a chicken is used ...
Michael's user avatar
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Should a child wash his hands before eating on Yom Kippur?

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 613:1) stresses that only bathing/washing for pleasure is prohibited on Yom Kippur. Elsewhere (Kesef Mishneh, Laws of Prayer 7:8) he quotes the Ran (R. Nissim) who states that ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Yom Kippur more lenient than Shabbos?

The Gemara in Megila 22b inform us: נקוט האי כללא בידך כל דטפי ליה מילתא מחבריה טפי ליה גברא יתירא הלכך בר''ח ומועד דאיכא קרבן מוסף קורין ארבעה ביו''ט דאסור בעשיית מלאכה חמשה ביוה''כ דענוש כרת ששה ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
6 votes

What name did the Kohen Gadol Say?

According to the Rambam the Kohen Gadol pronounced the 4-letter name, see MT Avodat Yom haKippurim 2:6 Thus he mentions God's explicit name ten times on this day. On all occasions, he recites the ...
mbloch's user avatar
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6 votes

Are we supposed to know which transgressions are light or severe?

Bartenura in Yoma explains (based on the gemara to this mishnah) that ‘light’ commandments here means all positive mitzvot as well as negative mitzvot which are able to be subsequently ‘fixed’ (lav ...
Joel K's user avatar
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6 votes

Wine on Erev Yom Kippur

The Mishna Brura (OC 608:16) mentions not to drink fine wine. OU Kosher writes Wine and other intoxicating beverages should not be served.
mbloch's user avatar
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5 votes

Why Yom Kippur is on the 10th of the 7th month?

If you search through the Written Torah, you will see that nothing happened on this date. Well, the written Torah explicitly mandates Yom Kippur being on the 10th day of the month (Leviticus 16:29, ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Mareh Kohen Origin

Ofir Minz-Manor in this article (Hebrew) writes on page 166 that, based on the nature of the poetry and particularly its lack of rhyme, the piyyut can be classified as having been written in the pre-...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why is the final Tefillah of Yom Kippur called Neilah?

While we call it Ne’ilah, its full name is Ne’ilas She’arim (locking of the gates; Mishnah, Taanis 26a). Rashi (ad. loc., DH “Ne’ilas She’arim”) references the Yerushalmi (Berachos, 4th Perek) that ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Using baby powder on Yom Kippur

Rav Moshe Feinstien Zt'l opinion is quoted in רשומי אהרן ח"ב או"ח סי' תרי"ד אות א that it is permitted in a case of need as baby powder is not considered anointing. As usual consult a ...
Moz's user avatar
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Using Snuff on Yom Kippur

R. Moshe Chagiz in his Leket HaKemach (Orach Chayyim Hilchot Tish'ah BeAv uShear Ta'aniyot) writes explicitly that inhaling snuff on Yom Kippur is permitted, as there is no prohibition against ...
Joel K's user avatar
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How to answer someone who chooses not to ask for forgiveness on Yom Kippur

This is a difficult question, because there is no right answer, and what will touch one person will not resonate with another. Therefore a few possible avenues to explore God is looking for sincere ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Why is Masechta Yoma not entitled more clearly after Yom Kippur like other masechtos reflecting the relevant yom tov

The Maharsha (Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Eidels) (quoted here, p. 2) answers in his work Chidushei Agadot that all you have to say is "the day" and it can be understood to mean Yom Kippur as this ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Why is Masechta Yoma not entitled more clearly after Yom Kippur like other masechtos reflecting the relevant yom tov

So BS"D I just stumbled across the Bnei Yissascher, cheilek 2, maamar 8, os 2 (last paragraph) which asks this exact question! He writes there: והנה תמצא גם בתורה שבעל פה, המסכתא המדברת מענין ...
Dov's user avatar
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Teshuva knowing that I'm likely to sin again

RAv Aharon Feldman said in a shiur (I forget his sources) -that he said was inspired by a similar question someone asked him- that it would be a partial teshuvah. Especially if you are doing what you ...
N.T.'s user avatar
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Neilah Chasam Sofer

He says this in Derashos Chasam Sofer Derush L'Zayin Av, 5593 p. 334 columns 3 and 4 s.v. ונחזור. ושוב התפלל כל יום ג' תפלות כי מוספי שבתות וי"ט אינם נחשבים כי אינם רחמים ותחנונים...מעתה צא ...
robev's user avatar
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Listerine strips on Yom Kippur and Pesach

I was just recently asked this shaila, so I told the shoel to contact Rav Shachter directly. Here's what happened: "After trying a few times I finally got through. He was very nice and patient! ...
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