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Priestly blessing in feminine

In the standard Friday night blessing for children, the girls are blessed using the original passuk in the masculine, same as the boys. A long time ago, I was criticised by a secular person for ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why the change in phrase with the morning blessings?

In the morning blessings, there is a small but seemingly important variation in word usage across three blessings. In the blessing about the distinction between day and night, G-d is described by the ...
Yaacov Deane's user avatar
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Why do we change the order?

In the brochos before the Shema we have the in הַמֵּאִיר לָאָרֶץ the phrase וּבְטוּבו מְחַדֵּשׁ בְּכָל יום תָּמִיד מַעֲשֵׂה בְרֵאשִׁית with the word וּבְטוּבו the first word in that phrase. We then ...
Russell's user avatar
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Difference between רבון and אדון

In the Beracha of Elohai, we refer to God using a number of different descriptives. Towards the end, we give thanks to God as: רִבּוֹן כָּל הַמַּעֲשִׂים, אֲדוֹן כָּל הַנְּשָׁמוֹת. What are some ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Translate the beginning of the blessing "Asher Yatzar"

The blessing said after leaving the rest room begins: אשר יצר את האדם בחכמה Who created man with wisdom Does "with wisdom" mean: 1 - G-d used His wisdom when creating man? or 2 - G-d ...
DanF's user avatar
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Meaning of Zekher Livracha (ז"ל - Of blessed memory)

The literal translation of ז"ל is "of blessed memory" What does it mean to bless memory? How does it help the soul?
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Wishing someone Mazel Tov may turn out to be problematic

I am a member of a Chabad-Lubavitch shul with its wonderfully diverse community here in Southeast Asia though I am not a Chasid. I may have caused some discomfort to our much loved Rabbi & ...
Peter Point's user avatar
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Why is washing one's hands called "netilas yadayim"?

The brachah made on washing one's hands is "al netilas yadayim." Why do we call it "taking the hands" instead of "washing the hands" (rechitzas yadayim)? Notice that at the Seder we call the washing "...
DonielF's user avatar
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Birkat Hamazon: Chaverai vs Rabotai

When chanting Birkat Hamazon, I always thought it started Chaverai n'varech, but I have recently attended a Conservadox Bar Mitzvah, where they used Rabotai n'varech. Here are some images; I found the ...
AAM111's user avatar
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Source for not saying Mazel Tov when pregnant

There seems to be a custom of not saying Mazel Tov on hearing news or observing that someone is pregnant (there are even those that correct others that say Mazel Tov). Instead they say Beshaah Tovah, ...
robev's user avatar
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Be a blessing; what does it mean

In Bereshit (Genesis) 12:2 HaShem tells Avraham that he should be a blessing: V'heyeh Bracha: וֶהְיֵה, בְּרָכָה But what does it mean that someone is a blessing? Isn't all blessing from HaShem, the ...
Levi's user avatar
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What is the function of "Eloheinu" in blessings?

Many blessings open with the familiar formula: ברוך אתה יהוה אלהינו מלך העולם In additions, many blessings close with the familiar shorter formula: ברוך אתה יהוה Now, we know (Berakhot 40b, ...
Double AA's user avatar
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כשם in the blessing at the end of the bris כשם שנכנס לברית כן יכנס לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים

At the end of the bris (circumcision) ceremony, the congregation wishes כשם שנכנס לברית כן יכנס לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים In the manner that he entered the bris, so shall he enter for Torah, the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why use language of לברוא in brachot?

The bracha over wine and grape juice says "בורא פרי העץ". The word בורא is also used in many of the other brachot over food and smells. My understanding is that the meaning of the verb-root ב.ר.א.&...
Daniel's user avatar
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What makes something a chag or not?

I have a friend who does not like it when people say 'chag sameach' on hanukah, claiming that hanukah is not a chag. What makes something a chag vs. not a chag?
Longdaysjourneyintocode's user avatar
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Why is the wording of the beracha upon shaking the arba minim only on lulav?

The beracha upon shaking the arba minim is 'על נטילת לולב'? Why is the focus on the lulav specifically rather than a more general blessing like 'על נטילת ארבעה מינים'?
bondonk's user avatar
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Is עליו השלום inappropriate to say about a living person?

The phrase "olov hashalom" is often appended to names of the deceased. I don't know very much about it's history or any deeper implications, but at face value it just means "peace be upon him." I ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
8 votes
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what does baruch atah Hashem mean?

most times, the beginning of a beracha is Baruch Atah Adonai, etc. which is usually translated as Blessed are You God, etc. what does it mean to say that God is blessed? (on the surface it implies ...
ray's user avatar
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What is a Literal Translation of Asher Yatzar?

I have two similar English translations of Asher Yatzar. They both have something to the effect of "many orifices and cavities." However, the Hebrew for these two is ,נקבים נקבים חלולים חלולים. What ...
Yochanan Michael's user avatar
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Why do we say hamotzi lechem min haaretz instead of min haadama?

The blessing for bread is hamotzi lechem min haaretz. The blessing for vegetables is boreh pri haadama. As far as I know aretz (land) and adama (soil or earth) are basically synonymous. I would like ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Jewish responses to a sneeze

I have heard la'briut and gezuntheit, and a Sephardic (Lebanese) Jew recently taught me 'tai-shi'. What are other words or phrases which are used to respond when someone sneezes?
please remove my account's user avatar
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Tizku L'Shanim Rabot tovot v'umot?

I was wished this blessing today by a Spanish/Portuguese-descended friend. What is the last word and, by extension, what does the entire phrase mean? My friend did not know, but he said it was a ...
Seth J's user avatar
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"שליט״א" only for certain people

Living people sometimes have "שליט״א" added after their respective names. This means, roughly, "may he live a good, long life". That seems like a nice blessing for anyone; yet, in my experience, only ...
msh210's user avatar
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What is the difference between the blessing of Ga'al Yisrael preceding Shemoneh Esrei and the blessing of Go'el Yisrael?

Before we begin the Shemoneh Esreh each morning, we say the blessing, "Blessed are You, Hashem, Who redeemed Israel (Ga'al Yisrael)." Then within the Shemoneh Esrei itself, in the "Re'eh va'ahneynu" ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Meaning and Difference between baruch and bar'chu

I'm sorry, I don't know a word of Hebrew, and I really want to know what these sentences mean: Bar'chu et Adonai ham'vorach l'olam vaed Baruch atah Adonai If I didn't write them correctly, ...
GianT971's user avatar
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Al Hamichyah - Wide land?

In the Brocho after eating grains which are not bread we say: על ארץ חמדה טובה ורחבה Translated very loosely as: On the Land (ISRAEL) that is desirable good and WIDE. Now, anyone with a knowledge ...
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