I was wished this blessing today by a Spanish/Portuguese-descended friend.

What is the last word and, by extension, what does the entire phrase mean?

My friend did not know, but he said it was a standard Rosh HaShanah blessing among the Spanish/Portuguese, Turkish, Italian Sepharadim, and a few other communities.


2 Answers 2


I think it's a corruption of "tovot v'neimot" -- may you (plural) merit to many good, pleasant years.

If you check with Rabbi Google, searching on תזכו לשנים רבות טובות, you'll see the concluding word is generally "ne'imot."

This website (of which I know nothing else) records a Sephardic practice where you say "may you merit to many years", and the other fellow replies -- "good and pleasant!"

  • 1
    Good find! תזכו לשנים רבות טובות ונעימות!
    – Isaac Moses
    Commented Sep 4, 2013 at 17:38

It's Tizkey (Singular) or Tizku (Plurial) le Shanim Rabot ve Nehimot Tovot - May you be granted many pleasant and good years.

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