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Jewish law. Specifically, the legal process beginning with the written Torah and continuing through the Mishna, Talmud, and the legal codes (e.g., Rambam, Tur, Shulchan Aruch). // NOTE: Like Wikipedia, this site makes no guarantee of validity, and does not offer professional (particularly rabbinic) advice. Treat information from this site like it came from a crowd of your friends.

1 vote
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What's the difference between a Minhag and a takkanah [duplicate]

What is the difference between a Minhag and Takkanah? I know for example Rav Gershoms takkanah that a man is not allowed to divorce a woman against her own will is a Takkanah what's the difference bet …
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Caution against a person belittling himself

BH I heard someone say that a person should never say "I am this [negative character trait]" or "I am that [negative character trait]" because Chas ve Shalom Hashem can bring that negative character t …
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What defines something that requires a mezuzah?

BH I know it says ve Al mezuzot beitecha uvesharecha it should be on your mezuzot and on your gates. Are "a house and gates" all that is required for mezuzot? What about things like pillars inside an …
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2 votes
2 answers

What’s the source of not asking a question to a person that might not know the answer, so th...

BH Someone told me that you shouldn’t ask a question to someone who won't know the answer to what you're asking. What’s the source of this?
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Having a Chassidishe Gaiva

BH One of my teachers said once that a student of the Alter Rebbe was in a city filled with so much materialism and sin that he was later asked how he was able to overcome the tests and so he said "I …
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Is there a certain size where bugs are not required to be checked?

BH Is there a certain size that bugs don’t have to be checked anymore because they’re too small and if yes what is the size? And what is the source of this size?
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How is Sugar kosher?

BH How is sugar kosher? Someone told me that when they make sugar they use different ingredients to separate the sugar from everything so how is the whole process kosher after getting past all the ing …
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What is the source from the Gemara that you should kill a roidef before he comes to try to k... [closed]

Where does it talk about this first in the Gemara and Halacha? How does Halacha define a roidef? And what if the Roidef is a Jew like if he went on the army of the opposing side? …
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Does a Pyramid Temple need to be destroyed in Chutz LaAretz or can it be made into a Synagogue

BH Correct me if I'm wrong; I heard that it is forbidden for Avoda Zara temples to exist in Israel. What about in Chutz LaAretz? Must they be destroyed or may one make a synagogue out of it?
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Does it say anywhere in Halacha that a person shouldn’t eat where others Arnt eating?

BH Does it say anywhere that a person shouldn’t eat where others are eating so they won’t feel hungry while the person is eating?
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Making a mistake in Brachot

BH If you say a Bracha and make a mistake on the words Baruch or Ata or Elokeinu or Melech or HaOlam do you have to say the bracha over and if you do is it considered Levatalah because you say the nam …
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Assuming the status of a Beit Knesset or Beit Medrash

I heard Beit HaKnessiot and Medrashot have certain laws like you can't eat or sleep inside a Beit Knesset, for example, and others for Beit Medrash. Now I heard our synagogue is like a Beit HaMedrash …
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Copy of Rambam's Mishna commentary in Arabic online

Does anyone know where I can find Rambam's full commentary on the Mishna in the Arabic original or if it's Judeo Arabic online whether it's digital or manuscript form as long as it's not missing any l …
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Can someone translate this Targum Jonathan on Ezekiel?

Can someone translate this Targum Jonathan on Ezekiel 40:5? וְהָא שׁוּרָא מִבָּרָא לְבֵיתָא סְחוֹר סְחוֹר וּבְיַד גַבְרָא קְנֵי מְשַׁחְתָּא דְחַד מִנְהוֹן שִׁית אַמִין בְּאַמְתָא דְהִיא אַמָה וּפְשַׁך …
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Methods of avoiding unintentionally wasting seed at night

Hi I heard there are methods of avoiding unintentionally wasting seed at night like sleeping on your side specifically that it has to be uncomfortable so your body doesn't sin in the night and then tu …
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