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1 vote
2 answers

Socialising children - what does the Torah say?

Does the Torah have anything to say on socialising children? There are many relevant points. I would like to know at what age and in what method should one do so. Included in these points: At what ...
4 votes
1 answer

Difference between positive and negative Mitzvos when it comes to Chinuch

The Mishnah Berurah (343:3) writes that when it comes to positive Mitzvos, Chinuch begins from when the child is able to understand the purpose of that specific Mitzvah, but when it comes to negative ...
1 vote
0 answers

How many hours a day should we dedicate to spending time with our children vs. learning?

As far as I can tell from experience, common wisdom, common sense and perhaps my Torah learning, it seems quality time spent talking, playing and generally interacting with one's parents is like ...
16 votes
1 answer

How does Judaism regard homeschooling?

The title quite says it. I'm specifically more interested in unschooling.... It is said in Ktubot, 50a, that: אמר רב יצחק באושא התקינו שיהא אדם מתגלגל עם בנו עד שתים עשרה שנה מכאן ואילך יורד עמו ...
1 vote
2 answers

Are there any teachings about "tough love?"

Sometimes, in order for one to learn, one must experience the failure of the ideas one believes to be true which are, in fact, not true. If the student in this process is a child or someone under the ...
1 vote
2 answers

Shul, Children and Chinuch

Someone once told me parents should not bring their children (i.e. that are below chinuch – they are not capable of being quiet on their own) to shul if they are going to disturb. It is also better ...
2 votes
0 answers

How should I start to talk to my kids about G-d? [duplicate]

How should I start to talk to my kids about G-d? How do I explain that there is a G-d in the first place, what or whom G-d is, the importance of having Him in their lives etc. The importance or ...
1 vote
2 answers

מורה vs. הורה - Implication in difference of the word

It seems that the hebrew words for Teacher and Parent are the same root which means to teach. I am looking for what the מ (מורה) and (הורה) ה do to the words that help define their roles. Update: (...
13 votes
2 answers

Should one make a bracha on food if only a child is eating?

I think it is common to make a bracha (blessing) when giving a small child food so that they learn the common brachot and learn to say "amen". Is this appropriate to do if you are not eating the food ...
4 votes
1 answer

Children's "Little Gemarah"?

My family enjoys this English language Little Midrash series. Does something like an English language 'Little Gemarah' (ie introduces reasoning logic) exist for children 6-12 years old?
3 votes
4 answers

What is the number one or the most recommended Talmud/Gemara passage for a child to begin studying?

What is the number one or the most recommended Talmud/Gemara passage for a child to begin studying? I understand that the number one or the most recommended Torah passage for a child to begin ...
2 votes
1 answer

The father has the obligation of chinuch until what age

Until what age is the obligation on the father to train his children to do Mitzvot? I see contradictory sources please clarify, or bring more accepted sources No limit.
3 votes
2 answers

Is someone required to ask forgiveness if he causes tangential discomfort to another?

My son relayed this to me a few days ago. When he was in yeshiva high school, the principal would enter each classes a few days before Yom Kippur and tell all the students that he was sorry if he may ...
7 votes
4 answers

Explaining to children why we don't celebrate Halloween

Without delving into the Pagan origins of Halloween (or even discussing it altogether - as it may not be allowed l'halocho), how would you encourage Jewish children who've celebrated Halloween in the ...
16 votes
3 answers

At what age should we start teaching the distinction between Midrash and Text?

At a very early age children learn the history of the world and the Jews through the enthralling stories found in many varied sources. They learn that the world was created in six days; that ...
4 votes
0 answers

What teshuvot address educating children on inappropriate touch? [closed]

A friend of a non-observant family shared a story which inspired this question. Two cousins were playing together. The boy was about 7 years old. The girl was about 3 years old. Early on, the mother ...
11 votes
1 answer

Religiously sensitive guidance on when to tell your child about human reproduction

A boy in cheder who has no internet at home, no tv, etc, is not exposed to human reproduction in the way that others are. It's therefore up to the parents to explain to him how children are born. ...
0 votes
2 answers

What is the parent's role in Jewish tradition on the matter of raising a child? [closed]

The Jews are known to have a culture that places great emphasis on learning and scholarship, and the children are taught to value learning and read books since young. In this regard the Jews are quite ...
6 votes
1 answer

Daddy, is this story true?

My daughter was reading a parsha book and came across a certain medrash which seemed unbelievable prompting her to ask me 'daddy, is this story real?' Being that she is only nine I took the cheap way ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to teach the Purim story to children?

As a parent raising a small child, I find it difficult explaining the story of Megillat Esther. Are there any methods (rabbinic precedence or otherwise) of explaining to a young child the violent ...
13 votes
3 answers

How do you explain tzniut to a little girl?

Some Jewish schools have attire guidelines starting in first grade. What is the best way to explain the concept of tzniut to a very young (say first grade) girl without explaining sexuality? Please ...
6 votes
1 answer

What options are there for chanukiah lighting in southern latitudes?

What options are there for lighting chanukiyot in southern latitudes where younger children will be going to bed well before sunset? Adults may stay up for lighting chanukiyot but what options are ...
4 votes
1 answer

Consistency vs. Forgiveness

Both as a responsible parent and as a Jew, I want to be consistent with my children. As a parent, in order to teach them that the rules are the rules and give them a sense of predictability to rely ...
8 votes
1 answer

How to teach tefilla to small children in a way that makes it meaningful?

Are there any schools of thought or practical methodologies for teaching tefilla to children under the age of 10 who are not native hebrew speakers in a way that is fun, engaging and makes the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Graduation ceremonies in Jewish tradition

This being graduation season in much of the northern hemisphere, I've been wondering: Is there a tradition of holding formal ceremonies for "graduation"? I know we make a Siyum when we complete a ...
12 votes
5 answers

How do you motivate a teen who has no interest in Davening?

Recently I met a 13-year-old who simply has no interest in Davening (praying). What would be a way of motivating such a kid to Daven?
6 votes
4 answers

Ditch school: stealing?

If your parents pay for you to go to school and you ditch, is that stealing?
26 votes
4 answers

How does one explain God to little kids?

As I understand it, the ability to understand abstract concepts develops gradually in kids and is certainly not all there when they first start having conversations. This comes into play when kids ...
19 votes
2 answers

Does a fathers obligation to teach his sons a parnassah extend to his daughters too?

A father has an obligation to teach his sons Torah, a parnassah and to swim. To what extent do these obligations extend to his daughters too? (edited to include my explanation from the comments) As ...