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34 votes

Deviations of Ralbag from normative Jewish theology

Ralbag held of a number of views which might be considered problematic, or against normative theology. The first three listed below, are more deviant than the subsequent two. The former would be ...
Alex's user avatar
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14 votes

Praise of Mishneh Torah amongst the Rishonim

The Meiri (13th cent.) describes the unique features of the Mishneh Torah in his introduction to Beit HaBehira: That it is omits the Talmudic dialectics, and presents just ruling. That it is written ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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13 votes

Which sins are beyond punishment?

I found a case attributed to the Semag (one of the last ba'alei Tosfos) where a sin is so heinous that not only is forgiveness not an option, but we don't administer capital punishment since putting ...
alicht's user avatar
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13 votes

Instances in Shas where Tosfos quotes the Rambam?

According to a quote from Rav Chaim Kanievsky, there are only 3 places in Shas where Rambam is mentioned in Tosfos (brought down in the stories at the end of the 29th chapter of the Artscroll English ...
Salmononius2's user avatar
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12 votes

Problem with Likkutei Maharil

Prof. Yedidya Alter Dinri records in his Hakhmei Ashkenaz B'Shilhi Y'mei HaBeynayim (pp. 278-9) as cited by R. Yisrael Peles in Yeshurun (20 p. 890) that many Aharonim held that Likkutei Maharil (aka ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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12 votes

Who wrote/compiled Rashi on the Rif

The consensus of the majority of traditional and modern authorities is that the "Rashi on the Rif" is not written by Rashi, but rather by a different scholar around the 13th and 14th centuries. The ...
termsofservice's user avatar
11 votes

Where can the Tosafot of Rabbi Samson of Sens be found?

Tosafot Shants are printed in the margins of Eduyot in the standard Vilna edition of the Talmud (counterintuitively, it isn't usually printed in editions of the Mishna). You can read it online here. ...
b a's user avatar
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10 votes

Who was רבינו יואל מבונ"א?

Your suspicions are correct and confirmed by Aptowitzer (Intro. to 'Ravia', pg. 39), Urbach (Ba'alei HaTosafos, Jer. 1969, pg. 179) and Ginzberg (JE, Eliezer b. Joel). His full name was Yoel b. ...
Oliver's user avatar
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9 votes

Deviations of Ralbag from normative Jewish theology

The Rivash in his Tshuvos #45 mentioned that some of the Ralbag's beliefs that he felt were influenced by nontraditional wisdom. Rivash does mention that Ralbag wrote otherwise nice works. Rivash ...
user6591's user avatar
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9 votes

Instances in Shas where Tosfos quotes the Rambam?

Tosefos to Berachos 44a, s.v. על העץ, cites the ספר המיימוני. ובס' המיימוני מצריך להזכיר בה מעין המאורע בשבת ובי"ט
Y     e     z's user avatar
9 votes

Was the Ritva's teacher the Ba'al Hamaor's grandson?

One of the Ritva's teachers was Rav Aharon Ha-Levi, often known by the acronym רא"ה. He was indeed a direct descendant of the Ba'al Ha-Maor.
Double AA's user avatar
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7 votes

List of which Rishonim wrote on each Masechta?

R. Menachem M. Kasher compiled such a bibliographic list in his Sare HaElef (Section 4), some of which is available here for free (though not the section you’re looking for).
Oliver's user avatar
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7 votes

In what order were the works of the Rashba written?

The Sdei Chemed (vol. 9, Klalei HaPoskim 10:2) delineates the order of authority and reverse chronology as follows: Shu"t HaRashba Torat HaBayit / Avodat HaKodesh / Piskei Challah / Shaar HaMayim ...
MDjava's user avatar
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7 votes

Source for Cremation Specifically Not Jewish

I’d suggest the quote, albeit not exact, is from Tosafot (Chulin 125b s.v. Yachol): בהא דאמרינן בביצה (י.)... דהתם במת שלם דאין דרך לשורפו ולנתחו פחות מכזית
Oliver's user avatar
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7 votes

Are there any Rishonim buried in England and France

R' Jacob of London (AKA "R"i of Orleans") a student of Rabeinu Tam, was killed in the riots during the coronation of King Richard ("the lionheart"). He is cited on numerous ...
Chani's user avatar
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7 votes

Looking for a sefer with a collection of interesting/fundamental Rishonim on the Parsha

What you're looking for is Yesodei HaTorah, which is a compilation by Rav Ahron Lopiansky of the words of the Rishonim which he feels are fundamental to our faith, organized by the parsha. You can see ...
robev's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I answer a Rishon's question

"Rabbi Yehoshua ben Zeruz, son of the father-in-law of Rabbi Meir, testified before Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi about Rabbi Meir that he ate the leaf of a vegetable in Beit She’an without tithing or ...
David Kenner's user avatar
7 votes

Parshanut Theory/Intro Books

If you read Hebrew, check out this book. It's an amazing resource.
Bs234570's user avatar
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6 votes

"Secular" studies in the Rhineland academies of the 11th-13th centuries

It seems Ashkenazi Jews of the time - including the Tosafists - lacked formal secular knowledge. Rabbi Prof. Ephraim Kanarfogel wrote in his essay "The Tosafist Oeuvre and Torah u-Madda": &...
Harel13's user avatar
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6 votes

Did Rambam have Rashi's works?

The Mishnah in Pesachim 4:10 states that Hezekiah hid the Book of Remedies. Rambam in his commentary quotes an explanation of this. ששמעתי וגם פירשו לי ששלמה חבר ספר רפואות שאם חלה אדם באיזו מחלה ...
Alex's user avatar
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6 votes

Maharam Discussing the Rosh

The Mechon Yerushalayim edition of Maharam's responsa includes an index of people mentioned. For R. Asher ben Yechiel, it includes the following:
wfb's user avatar
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6 votes

Looking for a Shiltei ha-Gibborim citation

In the standard edition of Mordechai (in the back of many volumes of Shas) there are paragraph marks in bold, which are continuous throughout each seder, as in this example: So paragraph 475 (תעה) is ...
Meir's user avatar
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6 votes

Who is Rabenu Yonah Baal Tosfot

According to R' Issar Kliger in the introduction to his book Rabbi Yehudah bar Ilai, pp. 32-33 it is indeed Rabbeinu Yonah of Girondi. He brings a list of other places in Tosfot where he's mentioned. ...
Harel13's user avatar
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5 votes

Why are we not fluent in Greek philosophy anymore?

Aside from all the other answers, it's worth mentioning that no one studies Greek philosophy today. The thinkers that were so respected by (some of) the Rishonim are mostly irrelevant even to ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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5 votes

Do any Geonim or Rishonim adopt/incorporate teachings from Philo?

Indeed, Philo and his works were studied only by the Church and classicists until Azariah del Rossi. His works weren't translated to Arabic as other philosophical works were, perhaps because they were ...
Shaul Goldman's user avatar
5 votes

Tefillah Commentaries - Rishonim

'Tefilah LeMoshe' is a collection of commentaries by Rishonim on the siddur's text. Some of the commentaries are: Judah b. Yakar Solomon of Worms Eliezer b. Nathan School of Ashkenazi Hasidim
Oliver's user avatar
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5 votes

Who is called by Tosfot "Harav Porat"

R. Porat (or: don Bendit, הר"י פורת) was named Yosef b. Moshe [of Troyes]. "Porat" or "Bechor Shor" were recognized sobriquets for those named Yosef (taken from Birchot Yaakov, Gen. 49:22 & ...
Oliver's user avatar
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5 votes

Rashi Biographical Details

Rashi in his commentary to the Talmud quotes his teachers dozens of times, but mostly without telling us their names. There are several instances, though, where he names people as his teachers, ...
Alex's user avatar
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5 votes

Source that Amorayim are not required to know Beraitot/Toseftot

Source Gittin 6b אמר רב יוסף מאן לימא לן דר' אביתר בר סמכא הוא ועוד הא איהו דשלח ליה לרב יהודה בני אדם העולין משם לכאן הן קיימו בעצמן (יואל ד, ג) ויתנו (את) הילד בזונה והילדה מכרו ביין וישתו וכתב ...
user15464's user avatar
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5 votes

Origin of mesora for halachos covered in Seder Zeraim

Rambam, the most prolific rishonic author of laws of Zeraim, writes as follows in his introduction to Mishneh Torah: ומשני הגמרות ומן התוספתות ומספרא וספרי (ומן התוספות) מכולם יתבאר האסור והמותר הטמא ...
Alex's user avatar
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