Humming or whistling being Kol Isha
This is from Oz V'hadar L'vusha (I am sure there are dissenting opinions elsewhere):
Here is "Mekoros 73:3" mentioned above, where he writes that he found no sources discussing the matter but reasons ...
Kol Isha during mixed gender singing
This is a classical question as it applies to singing zemirot (Shabbat songs) together between men and women. There is a famous teshuva from the Sridei Eish on the topic (see here on MY), showing ...
Kol Isha and transgender people
Following our discussion in comments, I discussed your question with R Binyamin Tabady, a posek halacha in Israel, who confirmed my initial thoughts.
The obligation of kol isha is on the listener. ...
Kol Ishah With Multiple Women
A related post reports the “famous Teshuva of the Sridei Aish, Rabbi Yaakov Yechiel Weinberg, that permits one to hear kol isha (a women's singing voice) when there are other people singing.” It can ...
Male photographers/videographers on the women's side at a simcha
Rav Yitzchak Abadi in his Ohr Yitzchak Chelek 2:Inyanim Shonim Siman 10 forbids a man to video the womens side and would hold that two photographers are necessary, one male and one female for their ...
Why isn't there a prohibition of "Kol Ish" (man's voice) just like "Kol Ishah" (woman's voice)?
Sefer Chasidim 614
מכל מה שכתוב בשיר השירים צריך להזהר שלא ישמע קול אשה והוא הדין לאשה שלא תשמע קול איש. שמכל שהאיש מוזהר האשה מוזהרת.
One must be careful from anything in Shir Hashirim, to ...
Nedarim 51a bar kappara permitted to listen to rebbe’s wife’s singing
The Einayim Lamishpat gives 2 reasons for it
the Rambam Semag and Shulchan Aruch, listening to a woman singing is only prohibited when one wants to enjoy it. Bar Kapara didn't have in mind to enjoy ...
Problems with Women Making Kiddush in Public?
Yalkut Yosef siman 271 doesn't mention Kol Isha, just that it would be immodest if it's not her immediate family. He says furthermore that it is immodest if she is reciting it for a man. How this ...
Why should the voice of a woman be viewed as being different than that of a man, for the sake of "singing in public"?
You ask why a woman's voiceshould be treated differently to a man's voice. The referenced question “What is the source for a woman's voice as ervah?” provides you with the material for an answer. ...
Is it forbidden for a woman to mouth the words to a song in front of men?
Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 75,3
יש ליזהר משמיעת קול זמר אשה.
One should be careful not to listen to the voice of a woman singing
Magen Avraham
אבל קול דבור' שרי
Speaking is permitted to ...
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