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Is it against halacha for a woman to play a musical instrument in front of a man?

The Aruch Hashulchan (75:8) discusses the prohibition of a man hearing a woman singing, which is based on the statement of Shmuel in the Talmud (Berachot 24a)1: קול באשה ערוה שנא' (שיר השירים ב, יד) ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Torah songs, and earworms, in the bathroom

R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach quoted in הליכות שלמה (הלכות תפילה פרק עשרים סימן יא אות כא) ruled that there is a distinction between recital of pesukim in praise and song (דרך שבח וזמרה) and studying (דרך ...
Shoel U'Meishiv's user avatar
9 votes

Missing Traditional Half-Kaddish Melodies

I'm going to assume you know most of the traditional half kaddish tunes, like those on Shabbat and weekdays, Arvit on the High Holidays, as well as those after Yishtabach and before Musaf (including ...
Double AA's user avatar
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8 votes

Need help finding a song

It is 'Yizkrem'. Here is a link to one performance of this song, but there are probably many others online: The part of the song that you recorded can be first heard at ...
Jay's user avatar
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6 votes

Source for tune sung when prayer leader pauses

Are you sure about this? It sounds like the (Ashkenazic) tune used between paragraphs in the third blessing, and it's quite common. Even Virtual Cantor does it, and I've heard it in recordings that ...
Mauro Braunstein's user avatar
6 votes

Basis for not doing a full sof-aliya trop on Hashem's name

You asked: Is there any basis in halacha or firmly established minhag for this, or is it merely a personal quirk of a few people? According to Rav שמואל פנחס גלברד it's a Minhag originating in ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
6 votes

Where does the tune for birkat hamazon come from?

Most of the tunes still used were written by Moshe Nathanson in 1938 (some say 1939) for Camp Ramah, a Conservative Jewish overnight camp. He published the sheet music in "Shirei Manginoth", and here ...
Micha Berger's user avatar
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Guitar during public weekday prayers

In describing the synagogues of Bavel in the Twelfth Century, R. Petachia of Ratisbon wrote as follows: בחולו של מועד אומרים המזמורים בכלי שיר On the half-holidays they recite the psalms to the ...
Alex's user avatar
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6 votes

Does Moshiach bear our sins, in any sense?

The source may be Sanhedrin 98a. ר' יהושע בן לוי אשכח לאליהו דהוי קיימי אפיתחא דמערתא דרבי שמעון בן יוחאי אמר ליה אתינא לעלמא דאתי אמר ליה אם ירצה אדון הזה אמר רבי יהושע בן לוי שנים ראיתי וקול ג' ...
Y K's user avatar
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Is listening to Music on the fast of Asarah BeTevet permitted?

In the Shulchan Aruch it does not say that music is prohibited on the 10th of Tevet, however the Mishnah Berurah (550:6) writes that a person who can (and is a ba’al nefesh) should preferably accept ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
5 votes

Source of a common tune to "Adon olam"

This tune for Adon Olam appears as early as 1897 when published by Eliezer Gerovitch (Eliezer ben Yitzchok Gerowitsch 1844-1913) in his שירי תפילה. It is not certain whether he composed it or ...
EraserX's user avatar
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are you allowed get music lessons during sefirah?

Rav Heinemann told us: If you are practicing for your parnasa or are practicing because you want to have the choice to enter such a field, then that would be the equivalent of practicing ...
NJM's user avatar
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ashkenazi style melodies to mizrachi birkat hamazon?

I realize the question is old, but I found Sephardic Birkat HaMazon to an Ashkenazi tune on Youtube, from Rabbi David Kadoch.
Meir L's user avatar
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Daagah - Minayin?

As noted by @JoelK there was an entire Seforimblog post devoted the the provenance of this aphorism. To summarise the post and list the pre-19th century sources for it, the Yossif Omets (printed in ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Humming or whistling being Kol Isha

This is from Oz V'hadar L'vusha (I am sure there are dissenting opinions elsewhere): Here is "Mekoros 73:3" mentioned above, where he writes that he found no sources discussing the matter but reasons ...
sam's user avatar
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Source for Vilna Gaon saying that music can revive the dead?

The source (AFAIK) for this quote is from the famed [short-timed] disciple of the Vilna Gaon, R. Yisroel of Shklov in his intro to Pe’at HaShulchan (pg. 5, last third of left column). Since the ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Composing religious songs and melodies on Shabbos

As you correctly write, nolad applies to physical elements and is connected to the laws of mukze, which also only applies to physical objects. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch writes (88:4) Nolad is ...
mbloch's user avatar
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What religious music would have been sung in Israel after the time of David and Solomon?

The question of music in Ancient Israel is complicated. First, since no transcriptions exist from that time, no one actually knows what it sounded like. Musical historians also debate the identity of ...
Aryeh's user avatar
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Why the rarest musical notes (Teamim) are located at the same verse in the Torah?

As Joel mentioned, there is no mercha chefulah in the verse. The "reason" for the other two, is that one of the yerach ben yomo and karnei farah necessitates the other, since the yerach ben ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Kol Isha during mixed gender singing

This is a classical question as it applies to singing zemirot (Shabbat songs) together between men and women. There is a famous teshuva from the Sridei Eish on the topic (see here on MY), showing ...
mbloch's user avatar
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4 votes

Song sung in Hebrew, English, and Russian with words "life is a narrow bridge."

It's probably "Kol ha'olam kulo gesher tzar me'od, veha'ikar lo le'fached klal". It is composed by Rabbi Boruch Chait, and the lyrics are from Rav Nachman of Breslov. The English version is: "The ...
Jay's user avatar
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Mizmor L'Toda with Melody

Historically, there were rabbinic authorities who cited the custom of singing this mizmor. Among Polish Jewry, the Matteh Moshe [R. Moshe Mat of Galicia, c. 1591] (see #48) and the Levush [R. Mordecai ...
Aryeh's user avatar
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Where does the tune for birkat hamazon come from?

The common melody for הזן את העולם was indeed written by Moshe Nathanson. There exists a pamphlet containing all his melodies for Bentching, many of which are not in use. It is worth noting, however, ...
Mendel S.'s user avatar
4 votes

Does Moshiach bear our sins, in any sense?

This is mentioned explicitly in the Sefer Hassidim (ed. Margolis: 528): משיח סובל עונות ישראל וגם הצדיקים גמורים סובלים יסורים עבור ישראל The messiah bears the sins of Isreal and also ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Is one allowed to listen to music for therapeutic purposes during sefira and the three weeks?

R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shlomo, Sefiras Haomer 11:n14) writes that one who will become overly upset without music may listen to recordings. (source)
user5303's user avatar
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Chayav Inish - Source of Tune?

According to Jewish Music Toronto's video (here), it comes from the Hungarian Folk song Szép Asszonynak Kurizálok. As an aside, it is also the source of a popular Romanian song (youtube search link, ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
4 votes

Why not use the Yamim Nora’im tune when reading the Torah at Yom Kippur mincha?

I've heard two answers from a respectable rabbi, zt"l. Even after death, I'd rather keep his name and location anonymous. One answer I heard is that the High Holiday tune has a "mode" of "royalty" ...
DanF's user avatar
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Music and Judaism

Hi @JewliusCeasar and welcome to Mi Yodeya. I think it is worth stating by way of introduction that if you are on your own personal spiritual journey it does make sense to find a mentor to help you ...
Dov's user avatar
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Can't find this song

Don't really know if this question is on-topic, but I've also been looking for this song for a few years. Tried a different route when I saw the question and happily, I found it. It's called Niggun ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Source for a Pesach niggun

I believe this is the melody you are looking for. The composer is unknown, and it is likely a folk tune.
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