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Ariel K's user avatar
Ariel K
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
45 votes

Does "reputation scoring" make "the Torah a crown to magnify yourself with"?

21 votes

Why are angelic icons not prominent in Judaism?

16 votes

Where can I find responses to biblical criticism?

15 votes

A source for the claim that the Satmar Ruv (R' Yoel Teitelbaum) said to VP Hubert Humphrey "Sell weapons to Israel!"

15 votes

How and when does a prophet know that it's God who's speaking to him?

14 votes

Am I allowed to answer my friend's Halacha question?

14 votes

Can a Sukkah have all-glass walls?

14 votes

Eating outside of a Sukkah - Negative or Positive commandment?

12 votes

Peer-to-Peer Lending Websites

12 votes

"Silk-Screened" Sifrei Torah

11 votes

Why has the Mishnah Berurah become the Authoritative Halachik Work instead of the Aruch haShulchan?

11 votes

Is it permissible to erase the name of G-d from an E-reader?

11 votes

Reconciling the evidence for the Uncertainty Principle with belief in an omniscient G-d

10 votes

Reliable Ask-a-Rabbi Websites

10 votes

According to Halacha, may we endanger many Jewish lives in order to definitely save one Jew?

10 votes

The Trolley Problem: Is it better to kill 1 person or let 5 die?

10 votes

Where are the magic cucumbers discussed in the Talmud?

9 votes

Understanding of Ps. 137 before the exile

9 votes

Women saying kadish

9 votes

Why the vast difference of opinion about the age of the Universe?

9 votes

Does the end justify the means

9 votes

bicycle on Shabbat?

9 votes

Does one have to take a Midrash/Aggadah literally?

9 votes

Why was Torah SheBe'Al Peh not allowed to be written?

9 votes

Why is Shavuos all alone?

8 votes

Can we visit the Temple Mount?

8 votes

Jewish Android Apps

8 votes

When do rabbinic enactments apply if the given reason no longer does?

8 votes

Talis Gadol for Unmarried Individuals

8 votes

Navi will be annulled when Moshiach comes?

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