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Unanswered Questions

181 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Must maariv be said before the seder?

One who says maariv at shul surely says maariv before the seder. If one davens at home, must maariv be said before the seder? (This question came up in a comment to Why is counting the omer not in ...
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0 answers

Why is it forbidden to eat after the Qorban Pesah?

The Mishnah (Pesahim 10:8) states (Hebrew, English): אין מפטירין אחר הפסח אפיקומן They may not add an afikoman after the Pesach offering. The commentators (e.g. Bartenura) explain that this is to ...
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1 answer

May one order food from Amazon Prime after Pesach?

May one order chametz from a publically-traded company (Amazon) which may have had food pass through any number of distributers on the way? The service in question is Amazon Prime Pantry.
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May a nutrition scientist perform research on chametz as part of his job on Hol Hamo'ed Pesach?

For this question, I am interested only in the aspect of handling the chametz and "benefitting" from it on Hol Hamo'ed, not any problems, possibly of going to work. (Let's assume that if the worker ...
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Badikas Chamatz in courtyards of cities today

Shulchan Aruch HaRav says: קרקעית החצר אין צריך בדיקה לפי שעורבין ושאר עופות מצויין שם והם אוכלים כל חמץ שנופל ואפילו אם ידוע לו שיש שם בחצר ודאי חמץ אין צריך ליטלו משם בשעת בדיקת ליל י"ד ואפילו ...
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List of oppressors of the Jewish people

We say in the V'hi She'amda passage of the Pesach Hagaddah that in each and every generation there have been those who rose up against us to destroy us, but Hashem saves us from their designs. Is this ...
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1 answer

No Hallel in the seder?

I used a reprint of an old haggada this year (I think it was this one) on the second night. Through the meal everything was as I expected, other than a few differences because the haggada is Egyptian ...
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0 answers

Can you eat foods during Passover, if you already opened and ate from the package before Passover?

Let's say that a person opens a jar of pickles that is kosher for Passover, and eats from it during the week before Passover starts. Can the jar still be used during Passover?
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0 answers

Can you buy chametz during Pesach that will be delivered after Pesach?

As an example, during Hol Hamo'ed Pesach, could you buy chametz online knowing that it will arrive after Pesach? My assumption is that it would be OK, as the buyer doesn't actually own the product ...
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0 answers

Eating matzah on the second day of erev Pesach

I don't have all the sources and grounding for the various suppositions I am going to present so I apologize -- I fear I can't put this question into proper words: We refrain from eating matzah (at ...
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0 answers

KfP-for-Ashk'nazim rice cakes… now what if they're soaked?

A rabbi visited a ricecake factory, found that the rice never became wet in the process of manufacture (and was sifted well to be sure it's only rice), and decided that the ricecakes, which are anyway ...
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0 answers

Why does Echad mi Yodeia switch languages in middle?

Why does echad mi yodeia switch from hebrew (eg. אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ? אֶחָד אֲנִי יוֹדֵעַ: אֶחָד אֱלֹהֵינוּ שֶׁבַּשָּׁמַיִם וּבָאָרֶץ.) to arameic (eg. שִׁבְעָה יְמֵי שַׁבָּתָא), back to hebrew (eg. ...
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0 answers

forgiving people on the first night of Pesach

According to the Ezras Torah Luach, we only say the bracha of המפיל and the Shema itself for Kriat Shema al Hamita, skipping the rest, because Pesach is leil shimurim, when we don't need extra prayers ...
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Why are we so concerned about mistaking meat on Pesach?

The Shulchan Aruch in siman 469 and 476 lays out the concerns we have that someone might mistake you main course for a real Korban Pesach. This includes not saying 'this meat is for Peasach' and not ...
5 votes
1 answer

Maror versus only peeled vegetables

The ideal vegetable for maror is some kind of leaf and/or stalk; roots are distinctly inferior and may not count at all (Shulchan Aruch and commentaries, 473:5). Being extra-strict about, and adding ...

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